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This topic contains 144 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by mage 6 years, 7 months ago.
August 5, 2018 at 4:36 pm #1246900
Hope everybody is having a great day. Quite hot here today, so hot in fact I had to strip down to my underpants and stand in front of the freezer with the door open… well until somebody informed the manager who has now banned me from Asda.
@torros I really enjoyed the Bat rep (well i did when i eventually managed to get past the picture of the buns). Poor Ramses.
@a27cromwell excellent work on the tank riders. The knocked out taank idea sounds interesting.
@mage yes, you have a lot to answer for sir 😀 I haven’t had this much fun painting for years, which is strange really as there are a few ranges I really like, but the Knight Mini’s are something else entirely. Matty thinks i’m ill.
@evilstu Well I think the Castle looks awesome, as does the sections of Chapel you have done so far. I like the green primer you have used on the plague marines, its a great colour to work from.
I did look up the Killing Joke story arc, i’m going to try and see if I can get hold of the graphic novel.
August 5, 2018 at 4:42 pm #1246904@tuffyears you picked up some cool stuff there. Gaslands looks pretty cool, i’ve been watching the Battlehammer videos on YouTube.
August 5, 2018 at 5:20 pm #1246952Why have I never happened across these threads before? Shame on me! On to the questions.
(1) Favourite historical genre for wargaming, and if you don’t, and I pushed you for an answer, what would it be? I’m a sucker for Rome and Waterloo so if I had to, it would be them.
(2) Science fiction or Fantasy, and why? This could be movie, RPG, board game, computer game or tabletop related. You decide. Tough call. So many great choices to rule out. Can’t I have one of each? Fantasy would be The Shannara stuff. Sci Fi is probably inquisitor based Grimdark. Eisenhorn, I’m looking at you. I’d sooner face Ravenor in a dinner party than Gregor Eisenhorn.
(3) What mainstream, acclaimed thing have you never gotten into or liked? There is something that I can’t remember but it’s really popular and seems right up my street. That. Fine, I’ll do it properly. I suppose Yu Gi Oh then.
(4) What brand and colour of paint are you fond of using lately? I’m unlikely in that I like Games Workshop paints. I’m not saying I use Retributor Armour Gold a lot but I’d probably eat it (with reikland flesh shade sauce) if I could.
(5) Name something random and obscure related to gaming you like and feel is under appreciated. It could be a computer game, little known company, or anything that takes your fancy. It started as a computer game I guess but Defiance springs to mind. Such a great little nugget of a show.
Hobby wise I lost my title of Champion of the Erf to my colleague in 40k on Saturday. Spent Sunday in the baking heat base coat and shading my entire Stormcast army. Pictures when I actually get some real work done on them.
August 5, 2018 at 9:13 pm #1247122Joker Crew done, so going to build Batman Crew in the week ready to paint next weekend.
August 5, 2018 at 11:19 pm #1247350Hey, everyone … just a 2-second shameless plug at the moment – in case anyone is still online at this hour over there, we are running something of a “live blog” for our latest battle of Darkstar – Colonial Naval Starship Combat in the 26th Century
A Panasian / Russian / British cruiser task force is taking on a task force of the Imperial Prussian Navy built around one of their new Scharnhorst class pocket-battleships!
What carnage and devastation!
August 5, 2018 at 11:20 pm #1247351August 5, 2018 at 11:31 pm #1247368@oriskany thanks. Yep thats Matty’s Joker crew for Batman Miniatures game. He’s missing Harley quinn, were waiting for the mini to arrive. Chris has got the Bane Crew, which I did last week (bit worried as to why my lads have both gone with villains), and i’m playing Batman, which i’m prepping for next week.
Good to see you pop in mate, how are you?
August 5, 2018 at 11:34 pm #1247369Just plugging for my live blog, @biggabum – the game is finally wrapping up. 😀
August 6, 2018 at 4:54 am #1247604Joker’s crew looks really good biggabum , just the right amount of cartoon humor and yet they have a menacing air about them . Nice looking castle there evilstu , that’s going to be lots of fun to paint up . Is it going to get more sections added to it ? Nice photos from the hobby show , tuffyears . I see they had some of the Meng egg tanks on display , nice . And a great looking red , white & blue Cromwell tank in mid flight , now tha’ts cool . I got a little bit done on my hobby stuff this weekend , finished up a Rubicon SU-85 ( just needs some stowage and a wash ) , the Germans are a couple of figures cut off the Warlord 5 figure plastic seated sprue , with a Russian Molatov cocktail hand used as a wine bottle . Still have t
o figure out a photographer figure . Maybe one of those war time Signal Magazine guys with a tripod mounted movie camera ?
Hmm , probably be better to place these guys on a KO’d French tank with the wine bottle . In Russian it should be a clear glass Vodka bottle , like this tank riders holding . I know I have some more of these around somewhere ( cut down Tamiya 1/35 from Cromwell tank kit )
August 6, 2018 at 6:33 am #1247680@oriskany great Battle report. Would I be right in thinking this is the game you’ve been developing yourself? Must have been a fair challenge live blogging a Bat Rep.
@a27cromwell thanks. The tank riders are looking great, much better when you see them in context with the tank. Love the fact that you pick up small details such as the wine bottle. The image I have in my mind there is that they looted it of a German tank and by the looks on their faces they arn’t impressed. 😀
August 6, 2018 at 9:04 am #1247823Posted a project on the IPMS show .
August 6, 2018 at 9:19 am #1247844@woldenspoons welcome! Thanks for joining us 🙂 Hope the priming and base coat application went OK in the heat. I know from experience you can often have the paint go dry before it get’s on the mini (even with a wet palette…). Looking forward to the pics 🙂
August 6, 2018 at 10:20 am #1247913@a27cromwell <90 points, I really enjoyed reading your responses and answering them>
That’s an impressive amount of tanks and infantry. 30 points. As for not playing, who cares? It is your hobby. If you are happy with the building and modelling, as well as the kitbashing, then more power to you my friend. I may pick your brain about WW2 a little when constructing and expanding my collection of K47 when I get my big AoS project finished.
Social media is kind of dumb on a fundamental level, but it is more practical and useful if you are a nerd: groups on painting, hobby, hobby companies, games, collectors, local communities, conventions. All have facebook pages. I find instagram far less practical and don’t go near twitter. However you do make a few valid points. The other thing with facebook is it has helped out the love life with me quite a lot. Not to mention messaging groups of friends on messenger without it costing me money. And organising events, locations and events with the event function. So, it does have functionality. As well as keeping in touch with family stateside.
With the humbrol it sounds like they do that on purpose to make you buy more.
Get back to me on question 5 sure, lol.
I like the space marine mice. As for the bad luck and frustrating side of stuff, surely it can only go better? I feel your pain though. I didn’t quite get the mix of inks right on the banshees I just painted. And after a morning of my son acting up and a crappy afternoon yesterday, I am more than ready for things to get better.
@tuffyears <40 points>
Enjoy the show! 10 for going, 30 for pics.
Scrolled down through your posts. That’s a lot of slow travel dude, I sympathise.
@torros <15 points>
Thanks for validating my claims with the paint, lol.
The Lotr game is something I want for some reason.
@limburger Another monster of a post! I will reply to that later. Trying to multi task. The effort is there, but its going badly, haha.
@evilstu <100 points>
Damn that is a lot of hobby you did. Long posts too I will get back to once I sit down at a kid club with my boy and have a coffee. A lot of basing, priming something massive and starting on Death Guard? 100 points.
@sundancer @woldenspoons – Welcome to the thread, and apologies for my absense yesterday from replying. I will get back to you shortly. My date plans and evening plans fell through, so cancelled the babysitting and spend it all with my boy.
@oriskany good to see you, and plug away with your stuff hombre 🙂 Which reminds me, I need to start posting on other parts of the forums later. But I will need to take photos of my stuff first to have something to post.
Okay, half the replies done. Half are left, as well as a general post about my own hobby and stuff. Then pictures in the evening.
Since this thread has a nice bit of momentum going I will keep it up until Thursday at 23:59. Also please post C&C about my hosting and I will keep refining this ‘craft’. Ok, laters peoples!
August 6, 2018 at 10:22 am #1247914Also thanks to everyone who welcomed newer members while I was out and about.
Oddly enough, I did some hobby yesterday on behalf of my 4 year old. I shall post this in more detail later, possibly in a seperate thread and the WAYPN thread too. For those of you who can’t wait, here is a teaser; it was technically historical. T..oddler does WW2 may make a good title.
August 6, 2018 at 10:38 am #1247925@limburger hot as far north where you are too? 🙁 markov chains look really interesting and might have a lot of gaming applications – going to have to set some time aside to read up on that. Agree with the reality TV comment – I’ve always read it as ‘we are too lazy to pay scriptwriters anymore…’.
@sundancer love the idea of naval battles but unfortunately the issue with scale kicks in when you start to move beyond the age of sail. Then again, I suppose if you apply enough levels of abstraction it wouldn’t be too much of an issue.
@tuffyears nice photos! Yeah the tanks rules set should work OK with whatever tanks you can get your hands on – battlefront or scale models etc. Gaslands seems to be what all the cool kids are playing so there must be something seriously fun/addictive about the rules set. Or at least the childhood nostalgia hit of driving tiny little model cars around once more… Keen to see what you do with them both 🙂 Show project looks great 🙂
@biggabum you good sir are undisputed master of the suddenly unexpected one liner ;-P Gratz on the compliments. yeah the Killing Joke is fairly intense, but I guess you would have gathered that from reading up on it. Joker crew really coming along nicely! The jot weather is doing wonders for your painting schedule 😉
@oriskany thanks for the head’s up – sorry I missed it (was at work) – have reading up on Darkstar on my to do list so will check it out when I can.
@a27cromwell cheers. castle wall will probably stay as is for now size-wise as it will cover the length of a 4 foot gaming table, but as it is modular I can add to it in the future without too much issue. Thinking of branching out and mucking about with pigments when painting it. Never used them so keen to give it a go. Tank riders look amazing. Nice rework of the molotov cocktail.
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