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Hobby Weekender 03/08 – Everycowboy sings a sad, sad song.

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This topic contains 144 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    ohh … big thread already, must be the summer heat 😉

    The atrociously short namegenerators in Killteam manual got me thinking … perhaps design my own ?
    I’m having an idea, might as code something of my own (coder gotta code).
    If this idea gets any better I may have to add it as a project. It is hobby related after all.

    Meanwhile ol’ Google pointed me towards this website with a ton of namegenerators, including a few 40k variants :

    Will think of answers for questions later. Must get grub first.

    @biggabum : if you like both vikings and WW2 then why not combine them ?

    Imagine WW2 as a viking conflict. I think there is a company out there that sort of does this for fantasy. IIRC it had trolls as British and dwarves as German troops.
    I’m sure it has been mentioned here.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu off to a nice start for the weekend there Sir. The castle looks fantastic mate. Is it bought or one you’ve printed yourself?

    To be honest mate, I have no idea whether it’s a “Killing Joke” version or not. It doesn’t say anything like that on the packaging and on the ref card it says Arkham Asylum. I don’t know too much about DC either, or didn’t before I started learning the rules and reading up about the characters we were going to play. I was more into Marvel when I were but a nipper (physically…still am mentally… apparently). Had over 1000 Marvel comics in my collection and only 3 DC (and they were all Batman).

    @tuffyears Nice looking Kill Team, looking forward to see how they turn out.

    @limburger Mmmm Vikings Vs Germans, interesting idea. Now youve put that in my head I will have to come up with some rules for Vikings in Bolt Action and get a game sorted (Obviously stemming from German experimentation with time travel).



    Afternoon folks, bit late to the game this week  but loving what everyones been working on already 🙂

    @mage some interesting questions:

    1. don’t really do historical, but I’ve got some stuff for Black Scorpions Tombstone for some high-noon antics, but as a lapsed student of archaeology and folklore I utterly dig Mierce Miniatures Darklands setting. How can you not love Vikings who bring with them trolls and raven-men, shapeshifting Anglo-Saxons who were-out, Welsh  who have access  to dragons & dragon-kin bound by ancient oaths, Fomoriic hordes, an insane pleasure cult, Necromantic Jutes, Byazntine legions seeking to reclaim the ruins of the Western Empire with the aid of demonic pacts and Antlanteans who bring with them an army of bronze automata (including Talos of Jason & the Argonauts fame). I have been tempted by Bolt action and Konflict ’47 though….
    2. I love both, but SF normally takes the top spot in my heart. Mainly because I enjoy seeing how writers can extrapolate where humanity can go – authors like Alistair Reynolds, Peter F Hamilton, Richard Morgan, Ann Leckie and Justina Robson, amongst others, and when I was younger I just devoured Arthur C Clarkes works. Which is all quite ironic given how much of my hobbytime at the moment is spent amongst the Grim Darkness of the yaddayaddayadda 😉 .
    3. Harry Potter. Now bear in mind during the peak of Potter-mania and the films coming out I worked for the now-defunct book retailer Borders, and I just found it so ****ing hard to show an interest in this franchise. and I don’t knock the fans as so  many people have gotten into genre fiction by way of this series, but man did I bounce off it hard.
    4. At the moment it’s a split between Citadel and Army Painter, but I’m enjoying trying out the brands that come in from Asset Drop
    5. One PC game i still adore to this day and wish was more well known – Hostile Waters: Anteus Rising. it’s an early 2000’s riff on Carrier Command with a hefty dash of Rogue Trooper with bio-chips containing your old crews personalities that can take control of the various vehicles you can build, and oh do  they like to talk ,  complaining if you put them in a vehicle they don’t like, complimenting and berating each other, offering witty bon mots as they engage the enemy. All this with a superb script by comics ace Warren Ellis and narration by  Tom Baker. here, check out the intro:


    oh yeah, and I got my Knights built! I’ve left off most of the armour plates as for my colour scheme these are going to be reds & yellows with gold trim so I want them primed in a brown to give a warm base.  The torso armour is going to be black anyway so gluing the main shell into place saves a bit of hassle later….

    2018-08-04 12.04.372018-08-04 12.04.48



    Cult of Games Member

    British Para red beret or Royal marine green beret for my scions ?

    red berets-l640


    Cult of Games Member

    Para red . A much more bad ass color than that puke green , no disrespect  to the RMs .  ( lots of other troops use that color too , it’s them I’m disrespecting , lol ) .  You got to have balls of steel to walk around in a combat zone wearing a red hat on your head , nothing like giving a sniper an easy target . I guess depending on the color of their power armor  , you also might go UN light blue , which looks pretty cool in pictures I’ve seen of troops in modern conflicts . . Maybe see if you can find some Para decals to add to their shoulder pads   if your not building a ” real ” GW unit ( I think Warlord has some ,)


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell bonanza deal


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd Imperial Knights look badass. I’m liking the sound of your colour scheme too, sounds interesting.

    @tuffyears yep i’m with @a27cromwell I think the Red is the way to go. If you think about it, they would probably be dropped by Thunderhawk, which would make them Airborne.


    Well after a fairly quiet morning due to everybody going out shopping I managed to get the Joker’s Titan Clown finished.




    Ok, so I may have made a slight miscalculation with how much I wanted to get primed today as trekking it downstairs to the garden and back up again,  I think it’s safe to say between my shoulder and leg I’m “buggered” >_<

    In  the meantime though whilst I let the painkillers take hold and prepare to settle down with this weeks episode of My Hero Academia, here’s what I’ve gotten primed up:

    5 more Fenrisian Wolves to pad out the FA slot for my Blackmanes brigade detachment, and for Infinity the Andromeda I received from Asset Drop in this months Heroines box, and a clutch of Nomads – Krieza Borak, Gecko, Intruder with Sniper Rifle, Hellcat with Spitfire, Bandit with Boarding Shotgun and Spektr with Boarding Shotgun….. ok, that’s more camo than I was expecting….

    2018-08-04 15.03.05

    And then there’s  this lot. Ever wondered how much a can of Chaos Black  spray will cover? Well my new can ran out halfway through the Leviathan Dreadnaught on the left there, so that wasn’t too bad 😀
    Anyhoo, here we’ve got Kill-team Cassius, Captain Artemis, a few dozen Deathwatch  Veterans, Vanguard & Terminators, a squad of Fallen Angels, oh, and two Imperial Knights (with several armour sections primed using Leather Brown).

    2018-08-04 15.01.47


    Cult of Games Member

    To red ?




    Nah @tuffyears

    And thanks @biggabum , I’m going with house Mortan for my Knights so this is the scheme I’m  going for:




    Cult of Games Member

    More work done




    Cult of Games Member

    Here is the battle report of our adlg game. I don’t have access to the photos so if your interested please follow the link



    Cult of Games Member

    Progress after day 1




    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd wow, thats a fine number of Mini’s there to paint. I get daunted looking at half a dozen 😀 Good on you Sir.

    Yep I really like that scheme, I can see why you chose it. I’m really looking forward to seeing the Knights finished… well everything really, but the Knights in particular. How long do you reckon it will take you to paint all that?

    Sorry to hear the shoulder and leg are still giving you grief. 🙁


    @tuffyears Yeah the kill team look awesome. The red was definately the way to go, and you have hit the right shade too. Spot on Sir.


    @torros The game looks fantastic. I haven’t read it properly yet to be honest, just had a look at the pics, but will definatley have a read through tomorrow. Thanks for sharing it.



    Slept after work, took my boy to the pool and did some socialising after a babysitter was sorted. Time to go back through the thread!

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