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Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

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This topic contains 95 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu it’s basically slamming cards on top. It works. No communication needed 😉





    If  only the paradox had something to do with lottery winnings…


    Me? I would have got deep heat for my hands lol. That’s a muscle ointment to relieve pain. Maybe taken a few Panadol. Nah, had fun doing it all to be honest. I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Next time I will theme it differently with Sci-fi models. That’s about it. And not bee too picky about doing them from primer, say, include half-done minis in the pledge. Maybe change it up and not have it be ‘to basecoats’. I dunno. Im rambling now.


    I saw them. I have them on my wishlist. Well, my No2. Plasitc model wishlist which is different from my GW one. It would be fun to do a Claymore anime themed band with them.


    I’d use those Landsknechts for Mordheim and oldhammer style games. Im still going to pick up GW Greatswords as they are in scale with the rest of my Age of Sigmar armies and I have conversions to do and make them look more High Fantasy.


    Pikemen could work for Dogs of War if you got Spannish Conquistadore heads on them.


    Thanks! I find the photos GW have on their site of the painted minis are too pinkish and didn’t suit the lighting of the environs in the movie, if that makes any sense.



    Good evening @sundancer I’ll not murder anyone… in my sleep!

    Looks like you’ve had a fun weekend ?

    @mage yeah that weird banner glitch… it’s not the first time I’ve seen it. Now I know it’s not just my phone if you’re seeing it. I’d better report it to the techies…

    Gotta go and catch up with how you did, Iron Man ?

    @evilstu can you imaging what it would take for this guy to “Hulk Out?” Look how calm he is… he’s goin with the flow…

    Your school project plan works IF you don’t get greedy: just enough for your own personal use, not mass produced, world-wide market quantity.

    Colour shift paints and chaos you say? Tzeentch? Slaanesh?

    The Warp really is the biggest lazy writer excuse ever. Anything you want to do in 40k you can pretty much get away with… because Warp. Ancient Traitor Legions? Warp. Didn’t make it in time to save the planet? Warp. Attacked by Purple Space Monkeys from Hell? Yep.

    Your experience with the new light, I remember having a similar epiphany. Painting by the 60w bulb hanging from the ceiling and behind you really doesn’t help produce the best work ?

    Quick work for me today… sort of.

    Just added these few semi-complete Elves to the completed list. Just basic, nothing fancy. 9600AB29-8EB9-4F7F-854C-7F8CCD28BDCF0DDB2B01-BC92-42FD-AC26-3D3F3D9E2E57


    Time to unload on the thread…

    @oriskany I love the fact that there are more realistic aspects to the world of wargaming using hexes and chits but it doesn’t lend well to the social standing of a greybeard if he’s the only one in the group going “pew pew pew” every time his LMG squads let loose or “Boomshakalaka” when artie fire is sent whizzing into the fray.

    @dawfydd I’m glad to help out with the ideas. I’ll also toss out PLASMO as a resource for scale model stuff

    @rayzryr Did someone speak The Word … “Beer”? Now about this FRED… it looks like a bad time waiting to happen from that classic ration opening portion. The stepping out of one’s comfort zone is definitely a thrill once things come out and it goes well. Now about that child labor that evilstu mentioned…. I salute you. Now about that color shift for Slaanesh… Heresy!


    I stand corrected with special pants

    @evilstu Korilla I think is koala/gorilla mixing which makes me think of the horrible things shown from the Pokemon world when you mix Butterfree and Primape. The world of lighted models is an interesting one. It is a realm that has made me more aware of what kind of photo backdrops I should get in order to better present my work to all of you fine people. Thankfully I remembered a pair of painters from a now defunct club that run a business revolving around mini painting where I can get backdrops. Geek speed dating… **shudder** I’ve been there and seen that the 90/10 ratio of men to women and the thirst was real. Then again the issues of sub-par hygeine and lack of attention to detail/situational awareness made those events uncomfortable.

    @sundancer The smack talk of some games makes them all the more fun. In the many games of ‘Poo‘ I played with coworkers at a call center the phrase “Take it like a man!” turned into “Take it like a monkey!”

    @mage Claymore as a warband? That sounds like Kingdom Death for relative scale but Anima Tactics would probably have fit for theme.

    About that Raging Dropbear I think that Trash Panda might need love Series01-RenderShowcase-02-Panda

    or go to a figure for the series Kemono Friends


    Since we’re throwing out shameless plugs to our projects I’ll toss this mine out there for Off Season Orkiness. I’m back and forth between build and paint to keep active.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh, have no fear, @horati0nosebl0wer – even the grognard-iest grognards at the groggiest wargame grognard-fest table, still makes plenty of sound effects and engine noise when he pushes his stacks of counters around.

    Standards must be upheld, after all. 😀

    Speaking of which, the Australian + British assault vs. Germans is now setup.

    Oriskany’s Final Days of the Great War – Australians + British tanks vs. Germans at Hamel

    And Part 02 of the Armistice Centennial article series is also set up.

    Armistice Centennial: The Final Days Of The Great War Part Two – St. Mihiel & Meuse-Argonne

    Hope you guys like it.  😀



    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer 10 Republic credits for clarifying posts.

    @mage sounds like a plan – and a good way to get those ‘in progress’ bits and pieces we all invariably have lying about the place tidied up and dealt with. Hadn’t considered the DoW option with headswaps. Although to be honest it would limit their use for historical purposes. Having them with the germanic heads still means I can get away with using them as the heavily Austro-Germanic themed Empire. Yes would be really nice to have a few of the kits from the Osprey line and just go kitbashing for a while like everyone did at the Fabled Realms bootcamp. I might keep an eye out and see if I can nab any of the Oathmark or Frostgrave stuff on sale moving forward. I did get an email about another impending KS soon from Shiledwolf, although it was for an all female paladin line, which is cool in and of itself but would limit conversion opportunities. 20 republic Credits for additional question response and post comments.

    @rayzryr urgh that ad is just disturbingly sedate – what happens when he is on a sugar rush though? 🙂 Could see it working for both actually, perhaps even the other Chaos factions as well with the right colours. Elves are looking good, like the textured bases too. 20 Republic Credits for hobby progress and post.

    @horati0nosebl0wer heh yes the traditional geek archetype would point to a very bad version of speed dating (or speed staring at your shoes in awkward silence…) but the vast majority of people I have met over the years who consider themselves ‘geeks’ are perfectly normal, well balanced rounded capable individuals who are perfectly at home in social situations. Of course the obvious counterpoint tot that, and reinforcing your point, is the definitive funk in the air by day 3 of cancon (but then cramming thousands of geeks into huge tin sheds with poor ventilation for days at a time in the middle of the Australian summer might not be the brightest of ideas at the outset…). Heh, love that heresy marine picture and caption. Mini photography is a problem I’m going to address later, got to up my painting game first 🙂 20 Republic Credits for detailed responses.

    @oriskany great news. Looking forward to checking out part 2 of the article series later on this evening. 20 Republic Credits for hobby progress.



    Cult of Games Member

    Not really up for a full-blown Iron Hobbyist style challenge but am going to see if I can get the unit of 24 Fireforge Foot Sergeants I have progressed to tabletop standard in the next week. If I can manage that them I might look to do something similar each week for the rest of the year. There are a few things I’d like to get tidied up so I have a clean slate as it were for the new calendar year (yes clearly I am an accountant as I felt the need to clarify that I was talking about calendar year as opposed to financial year, financial year being the year i mentally default to… sigh…). Anyhow, have the minis assembled and primed so getting them to tabletop by Monday next week shouldn’t be too onerous a task, right?… 🙂



    @horati0nosebl0wer the FRED is your key to a good time in a can ?

    Speaking of Slaanesh… that new GW box is looking mighty tempting… Khorne vs Slaanesh…

    Yes, you stand correct in your special pants!

    Slaanesh knows. Keeper of Secrets and all that…

    Raging Dropbear vs TrashPanda!

    The Deathmatch Event of the Decade! Don’t miss your ringside seats!!

    @evilstu hehe I was actually looking for the older, 80’s ad. He was more energetic back then!

    Speaking of energetic, I reckon 24 by Monday without interruption is an achievable goal.








    Im super focussed on doing hobby and watching anime in the bacgrkound right now and putting off progress pics. Also trying to take my mind off of: car repairs (could be costly) and work later (only three hours of a night shift). Also, for some reason, and I am typing super fast here, I am super enthused about the horde of Goblin town goblins I am paiting. Im grinding through them but they look great.

    Hey, if doing a conversion limits multi use and that is not what you are about then you should not do it, it wouldn’t make sense. The more unique an army looks the less you can do with it. But that’s a passion project vs versatility. Covnersion or not. Or genre specific. Like reusing Darth Vader or Sauron as something else. Both are Dark Lords but genre and recongisability are a different matter. But then again Gandalf could pass as a generic human or classical wizard. Then again he is kinda the mold everything else is sort of based off to a degree, like Merlin.

    Havent even had my coffee yet! Well my second one. The first was earlier.

    You could magentise heads though? Modular minis. Like a weapon swap but finnickyer.

    Yeah I saw their not battle sisters models last year. They have some interesting stuff I should pick up some time.




    Also the next season of Bleach on DVD arrived in the mail. Woop! Never seen it before!








    @rayzryr wait, what!?! I must check this. *rummages posts of forums and scours the Interwebs* ITS GONNA BE SLAANESHMAS!!!  Time to deck the halls with… well… leave it to your imagination as this post would have a big fat censored section the size of redacted government documents if I really went to town on the details.

    As far as getting the seats ringside I think that the best game for that brawl would be Rumbleslam.

    Music… I’m reminded of Ninjatune and Moonshine from waaaay back

    Some background music

    YouTube presented me with a video that seems to have been made by Zander from Drawn Together taking online gaming to a new level



    @mage As far as my anime is going I’ve been getting onto the most recent releases where I can. Goblin Slayer caused a rukus but wasn’t nearly as over the top as the manga which is still in production. Thinking about it I might as well see how watered down Prison School was as the hilarity of exactly how wrong the manga got to be. That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime is entertaining so far. I’m waiting for it to get to the “serious tone” break. That’s what the whole last few episodes of Excel Saga were all about in lampooning the formulaic nature of anime.





    I haven’t seen too much new stuff to be honest. Giving Soul Eater ago, finished Martian Ascednant Nadesico and did a few episodes of Bleach too. Goblin Slayer I saw an ad for online and it looked, well grim. He slaughters a bunch of the young ‘ins. You only here it but damn, its ddddddaaaaark.


    Sounds interesting.




    In other news I am tearing through my Goblin Town Goblins. Basecoating is well under way on some 38 models, and I finished Balin as well (very proud of him!). Now a few hours at work, then home and some hobby before work. Home and more Goblins, and starting on Thorin. Still haven’t decided how to do my orcs…



    Hey guys quick test here, first batch is html, second is links direct. Tell me if a stupid privacy request comes up for either or all.









    @mage Yes, it is dark… all sorts of gritty grimy dark in parts but it isn’t on par with TerraforMars where most of the censored scenes were nearly all black. The anime so far does a very good job at giving you the “tell but don’t show” cinema experience where it needs to.

    The versatility versus passion definitely can be an issue but you might be able to overcome through narrative in game. Take the different factions of Empire mercenaries in Mordheim. I loved the Middenheimers and they were definitely good to play around with and covert to be kitted out with an arsenal that was hammer heavy. In general they did well as a warband and then later got used as barbarians for tabletop gaming when that game an all the other “specialist games” were given the kaibosh by GW when they bought the rights to LoTR.  You bring up Gandalf and I think that the really old figure of Elminster from Greyhawk in Forgotten Realms might work (painted differently of course). It all depends on what you’re playing about with


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