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Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Hobby Weekender 02/11/2018 – Straight to Video Edition

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This topic contains 95 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Had a date, got home and made five meals for the week in the space of an hour. I might be doing things in extremes lately…


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer – thanks.  Yeah, I’ve been a little MIA on the site lately, getting back into other hobbies, etc.  But created a while Australian Army in Valor & Victory on a Monday after work.  By Tuesday dice were hitting the table.  Wednesday did the same with the Irish.  Did some corrections on Thursday, Friday the game was under way.  Next Tuesday on my lunch hour I created British armor.  I hope to try them tonight (after many delays).

    Almost any kind of wargaming is faster, cheaper, more manageable in the hex-and-counter (of other non-miniature) medium.  And the games are more realistic, so they are more immersive.  And the rules are better.  And the scales make sense.   And the tactics are actually realistic.  And the history is better researched.  And, and, and, and, and …


    Okay, I’ll put away the soap box again.  😀




    Cult of Games Member

    Speaking of hexes and counters …


    I’ve finished building a quick four-panel (four standard Valor & Victory map sections) “trench assault zone” for an upcoming game we’re running to support the 1918 Armistice Centennial Article Series.

    In very quick summary these four panels are (from left to right)

    • No Man’s Land assault zone
    • Primary German trench line
    • Secondary German trench line
    • Town that the Germans are defending

    The attackers, obviously, are going to be assaulting from east to west.  This will be a rather large game for Valor & Victory, and will feature my new Australian infantry and British tanks.  In this way, I hope to approximate some of the actions seen at the Battle of Hamel (4 July 1918) and Amiens (8 August, 1918), where Australians of Monash’s Australian Corps (Rawlinson’s Fourth Army, BEF), spearheaded by British tanks, used new close coordination tactics of artillery, assault infantry, and tanks to crack brittle German defenses held by troops depleted and exhausted by the recent “Kaiserschlacht” spring offensives of March-June.

    This will be the first time I’ve used AFVs in Valor & Victory in quite a while, and definitely the first time I’ve used them in a World War II setting.

    As always, open image in new tab for best results.

    Full project ongoing here:

    Final Days of the Great War – Oriskany Puts British Tanks on the Field


    Cult of Games Member

    Nice to see some of us are getting hobby  stuff done this weekend  . Others of us … well we’re just passing time . Actually getting a few things done between , socializing , going to fast food joints  and watching to many dvds .  My plane is probably 75 % done with just the pilot and bomb load to finish up , then go through my box of decals to see what looks cool . Also started my German 234/3 armored car conversion which consists of cutting of the hull roof  off a 234/2 Puma and adding a short 75mm gun and some internal bits ( seats , steering wheels { front & rear } ammo etc) . IMG_20181104_161210116NB_40_4_72IMG_20181103_222243891

    dawfydd , those color shift paints really make those figures “pop” ,  I’ve got to get some of those paints and try them out on a couple of figure projects

    horati0nosebl0wer , thanks for that video link , lots of interesting ideas to try out .



    I updated this guys, feel free to check it out. That is where my hobby has been. Ill be continuing this as my pledge for the duration of this thread.


    An Iron Man challenge



    @dawfydd thanks for the info on the paint. Interesting how they start vs how they finish. I will definitely look into those.

    @mage ? I got that ref.

    And by coffee… you mean beer, right?

    ?Whaat? Take my child’s school project and utilise it for my own gaming needs?!? How dare you sir! The thought had never crossed my mind! ?

    If it survives long enough it may well find a home in my future gaming space!

    Spork? Get a F.R.E.D.!

    @horati0nosebl0wer good thoughts on the DBK! There are plenty of good version of him out there. I know a few have already done the colour shift paint.

    I was like that with my KD minis too: wanting to be “better” before I tried to paint them. But honestly, if I kept waiting, I’d never be ready to tell myself I’m good enough. So recently I did the White Lion and the Antelope as part of a project (shameless plug: )

    I’ve also painted 1 survivor, when Kingdom Death ran a Survivor Kit painting contest.

    Your approach is a good one: work hard on a piece you feel comfortable with, then step out of your comfort zone ?

    We built it out of Air Drying Clay. Something like Fimo or Sculpey May have worked better, but I wouldn’t know, I’ve never used it. Air drying clay is easy to obtain without having to go to a special stockist. And we already had some on hand from other previous art projects ?

    Music we listened to while building a pyramid:

    @a27cromwell the good thing about this hobby: it’ll still be there when we’re done with the other stuff ?

    Your bomber is looking good?

    For myself; last night I finished watching Daredevil season 3. Today, I “had to” mow the lawn. The backyard is done, either Dad will do the under house and front during the week, or I’ll do it next Monday. DnD night has been cancelled, one of our number is unable to make it. That’ll be 5 weeks of no gaming. Ah well.

    Also, I’ve backed the Scale 75 KS for 1 figure, the Goblin with the dynamite. He’ll be perfect for a future project I’m thinking of.

    I’m turning back to my Elf project now time to get on with it!


    Cult of Games Member

    Good morning people of the Internet. It’s Monday. Grab yourselves a cup of <insert hot drink of personal preference> and try not to murder anyone….






    Good to see you back, I recall you saying you were taking a break after the bootcamp. Glad it was a short ish one! 🙂


    Yeah, I knew you’d say something biased about hex wargamaes: the Historians go-to scale?




    Cool jet! Love it! Fastfood and DVDs you say?




    It would appear a banner or something blotted out your first paragraph of text. Weird. Kinda a glitch?


    @sundancer Bob Geldof? Bleh. Opinionated, arrogant dude…



    Speaking of D&D our game last Saturday went well. One player couldn’t make it and another left the group with college. However we changed the day of the week we do it so he might be able to make it back.


    Right now the party has stealthily made their way through parts of Maelstrom, home of the Storm Giant Royalty. They are still exploring it and we stopped partway through the ‘dungeon’. It should be good when we continue Saturday. There was myself Dungeonmastering and five player characters in the party.


    Cult of Games Member

    Bob Geldof? Bleh. Opinionated, arrogant dude…

    @mage that may be but I love that song. 😉



    Fair enougy, sometimes we just gotta separate the art from the artist 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer oh wow that figure is HILARIOUS! It looks just like a supersized local Australian confectionary treat – the ‘Caramello Koala’ – if a Caramello Koala was ‘hulking out’ of course… Erm… Tactical cutlery?… 40 Republic Credits for posts and tunes.

    @dawfydd nice work on the Fallen – have to confess I do find the DA one of the more interesting of the chapters. Although I’m still a bit hazy on how there can be any fallen left after 10 millennia – I know, warp timeshifting shenanigans. The Warp – it’s like nanobots for 40k, it just explains everything 🙂 Ah yeah, HG… they really need a business model that doesn’t revolve around belligerent intellectual property litigation – would love to see something actually happen… Last comics I saw were a prequel series from Dark Horse circa 2002ish? heh, for manic anime try Excel Saga – I lasted 5 episodes 🙂 A friend of mine still talks about how immersive Planescape Torment is/was. I think he still actually runs through it every couple of years. 30 Republic Credits for hobby progress and posts.

    @rayzryr wow that’s dedication checking back in 3 years later – I can barely remember which paints I was using on a mini a month ago let alone remembering to do a forum update after that long. yrm mixing colourshift paints could be interesting. or chaotic. Which could also work I guess 🙂 Excellent school project! So is it going to make it back home and find it’s way onto the tabletop? Hrm, my GF is a school teacher – maybe I can talk her into some craft related mass marketed terrain sweatshop type of scam. Oh wait, child labour laws… Never mind… 50 Republic Credits for posts, tunes and misappropriating school projects 😉

    @mage yeah half the stuff in the reading pile beside my bed is game related rule books (with a solid chunk of the rest being historicals which sort of counts as hobby too I suppose). Sorry, didn’t mean to create a temporal paradox with question 2 – OK, what has the current process taught you and what would you do differently next time? have you seen the new Frostgrave plastic kit? All female minis – should be great for kitbashing some more interesting warbands.

    If you are looking for greatswords and are happy to proxy then check these out:

    Landsknechts with Zweihanders

    Kit only comes with 12 greatswords so you would need to do the other 12 up as halberdiers or pikemen (or kitbash). I’ve got a couple of these boxes stashed for future use as I never got around to adding greatswords to my Empire army, and the heavy pikemen will work a treat for Empire of Men in Kings of War if I go down that path again. If I don’t, hey more historicals 🙂 really nice work on the skintones on the goblin king too – looks very movie-realistic. 60 republic Credits for responses, posts, hobby progress and tunes.

    @sundancer hope day 2 was fun and you got many games in 🙂 Was there anything particularly that you enjoyed? Aand rest assured I made it through the whole day and only thing i murdered was  few pics of bad instant coffee… 30 republic Credits for posts, tunes and photos.

    @oriskany and you forgot ‘and you don’t have to spend your whole life painting so can actually get to play games instead’ 😉 Still progressing my historicals, hope to have a couple of more diverse tabletop ready forces finished by the end of the year (Yeah, ask me how that’s tracking in six week’s time)… Hope the palytesting and unit tweaking os progressing well, a great looking project. Really gives an indication of how much work goes into the articles behind the scenes. 30 Republic Credits for hobby progress and posts.

    @dawfydd striking paint scheme on the bomber. How are you finding shifting back to more of a ‘primary’ colour pallette? 30 Republic Credits for hobby progress and posts.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu 5 Minute Dungeon is some fun 😉 Also Sewer Pirats was great fun.


    Cult of Games Member

    Finally got around to working on some mins this evening with the new craft light. True store – did you know it’s easier to paint minis when you can actually SEE them? I mane seriously, whod’a thought right? Apparently I have been painting partially using some sort of substitute for braille for the past 5 years :-/

    OK, If I stop joking for a second, I genuinely had no idea the minis I have been painting had that much detail on them. Or that my brushes were actually that bad. So have swapped out the brushes for some new ones and got a squad of British dragoons up to the wash stage. Will then work through a block of French Line Voltigeurs and speedpaint  the 2 dozen Fireforge Foot Sergeants I assembled and primed last week. have a colour scheme and plan of attack for those so they shouldn’t take too long. I then want to maybe try and paint up a mini with a lot of detail just for fun to see if new brushed and being able to see the mini will help with some of the things I have been struggling to do as well as I’d like (skintones, eyes etc). will report back with progress 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer 5 minute dungeon sounds like geek speed dating 🙂 the  blurb says “Communication and teamwork are critical to survival” so that would eliminate almost every group I have ever role played with 😀

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