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Hobby Weekender 01/06/18 – Schools out

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This topic contains 75 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hey all,

    Another few days down and various bits of hobby done.

    Progress on my minis was slow enough. I got the metal on the DA finished and then basecoats down for the parchment. The GK really have a fetish for purity seals so that took quite a while. I also got some reading in. The FAITH core book is a weighty tome and there’s huge amounts of fluff in it. Gods play quite a large part in the FAITH universe and I’m reading through the chapters dealing with them and their believers. I keep a running note on my phone and add in any possible plot seeds that might be usable in adventures or games later. Or noteworthy background info that I can use to flesh out a storyline or character.


    Last night was also my final night running D&D for the moment. While we have our main game run by @mage, I’ve spent the last few weeks running the opening adventure from ‘Tales From the Yawning Portal’. It was a lot of fun and I’ve learned loads from the experience. Our game last night took place after the final confrontation and was an epilogue of sorts. It left the characters somewhere definitive for when we come back to them in a few months.

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    Cheers man. The modern versions of the Grey Knights have lost the blue tint but my I prefer the old-skool colour scheme. My armies tend to come  together across years so consistency can be tricky.



    Nostalgia can be a powerful beast when it come to minis. Dark Angels were my first army too, purely because after getting the second edition 40k core box, it was the Dark Angels paint set my father bought for me. I didn’t take it seriously back then but when third edition rolled around (after a brief dalliance with dark Eldar) it was Dark Angels I landed on again. I played @mage in a few games recently and used Tactical Marines from the third edition core set. 20 years and still seeing active service!

    I love how those hills look already. One part of the hobby I suck at is proper DIY stuff. I tend to stick to kits. Whereabouts in Ireland are you based? (You can tell, we promise not to turn up on your doorstep.)



    I keep meaning to buy the GitS stuff on blu-ray. I have it all on DVD and haven’t watched it in years because I keep putting it off until I get the hi-def versions.

    Experimenting on the fly can be great with single minis, but I find myself painting armies so often that it’s rare I can indulge without having to try and reverse engineer the colour scheme when I want to add another unit and can’t remember what I did.

    Gundam stuff can be pretty cool. As an anime fan I’ve always loved anything with mechs. Only the volume of games I already have stuff for prevents me from diving into Infinity or Relic Knights.


    Those Space Wolves look stunning.

    And any man that can fit in an Aliens reference is okay in my book!



    The card system is pretty cool. So far I’ve only read through the example turns and basics but players essentially play a card rather than rolling a dice. High cards are obviously ideal but low cards can trigger abilities so you always have options.


    Now, there’s a distinct lack of music on this thread! How can I be elitist and judgmental if you don’t chuck anything up?!

    While normally a fairly devout metalhead, this week I’ve been chilling out to loads of Pink Floyd. Outside of the ‘Wish you Were Here’ album they were always a group I kind of bypassed as they can be hard to cherry-pick songs from. But while painting or reading I’ve been playing albums end-to-end and finding a lot more to like.



    Another long day where I was out and about enjoying the unseasonably (it usual rains in summer, haha) warm Irish weather. I got back into Pokemon Go due to a cousin and it has seriously improved since I stopped.


    Had a hobby night with friends too.


    Points and a winner announced tomorrow. Could have been online today but had other stuff to do. Expect another thread Friday and a winner announced sometime tomorrow



    @irredeemable (60 points)


    FAITH: Gods in a sci-fi universe? Seems a little Space Opera or Science Fantasy. What is the setting like?  Running a game any time soon? 5 points.


    What did you learn from the experience? 5 points. Sweet set-up. 10 points.


    15 points for posting and feedback to other forum goers.


    If you like mechs you should check out Full Metal Panic.


    Interesting with the card mechanics. 5 points.


    20 points for the music, you are correct, there is somewhat of an absence of it.



    Okay people that is it for this thread. Keep posting gif you’d like. More to follow tomorrow!





    10 points for the detailed explanation on Gundams. I know trnsformers, I should know what deluxe class is… Why haven’t Transformers GUNPLA style kits been made?


    HLJ any good? Hm, Space Marine Hero kits sound interesting. The one you trust?


    They look great, nice painting and conversions! Sadly won’t be awarding points if they were posted on previous weekender threads, but damn fine work!


    It would turn out I missed a few posts in my absence!


    @a27cromwell (25 points)


    10 points for the tips to @biggabum


    15 for the pic of the tank and execution of said technique.



    @avien (15 points)


    Cool, I’m in the Clare/Limerick area myself.


    15 points for the progress on the rocks.



    @mage Deluxe is the “standard” scale of TF – hangon, let me see if i have a shot of one next to something for scale….2018-01-27 14.20.22

    Here we go. the three to the right are Deluxe scale if that helps 🙂

    As for Transformers Gunpla, there have been a few kits attempted, and there is a recent kit of Optimus that looks stunning but this is purely for a robot-mode. The sort of stress even a modest transformation puts on joints needs additional materials that would make engineering and cost excessive (for example the Macross veritech kit I built a few months ago I’ve still not changed out of jet mode for fear of the parts snapping).

    Yeah, I trust HLJ. I’ve been buying off them for years. You just need to appreciate that international shipping has appropriate costs and you are likely to get a customs bill to pay. To date though they have never failed to ship something I’ve ordered and their customer service have been very helpful on the few occasions I’ve needed to get in touch.




    Okay so I had few chances to get to a computer today, and when I had, I got halfway through counting up before I realised I made huge errors. So one more time…



    Okay guys here are the standings in reverse order:

    @coxjul 60 points
    @torros 70 points
    @noyjatat 100 points
    @a27cromwell 130 points

    So with the bronze medal we have…

    @dawfydd with 140 points with some solid hobby across the board.

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    With the silver medal we have…

    @irredeemable whose less frequent and late posts were countered by the fact he actually posted some good tunes.

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    In first, with some great feedback, promotion of conversation, solid battle write ups, and overall being one of the sounded dudes on the forum we have with a whopping 180 points…

    @biggabum !!!

    No… gold medal wont cut it…

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    Thanks to everyone for participating and keeping this sometimes unsung and more often than not overlooked BoW tradition alive

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    Thank you @mage for taking the time to post and get us all motivated to drop in and post up our random thoughts & occurences 🙂



    Thank YOU dude. Post away, next thread is up!


    Cult of Games Member

    The former champion stares blankly at the results board in dismay, recognising that achieving greatness sometimes requires effort and committment … either that or the right contacts and a lot of money, neither of which he has.



    @coxjul You can do it! More REEEEEEEHHPS!!!!

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    Cult of Games Member

    Dur… … dur, duh, dur… … dur, duh, dur… …. dur, duh, duuuuuuurrr….


    Or even better… This!



    Particularly 27 to 28 seconds in;




    Cult of Games Member

    Clearly need to go on a “how to link properly” course…

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