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Hobby Weekender 01/06/18 – Schools out

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This topic contains 75 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  mage 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Thanks @mage ,

    All I can think of doing is on the Contemptor redoing the gemstones over a silver base as over the bronze they have come up a bit darker than intended (although maybe a hard edge of Stormhost and then a second coat of the Gemstone?), and I need to give all my 40k stuff’s bases  some love – I’m thinking wash patches  of the bases with Aggrax  & Nuln Oil, then a final drybrush before adding some tufts of grass? And there’s a load of decals I need to apply for the company markings…

    Shut Up & Sit Down I was put onto by the chaps at Rock, Paper, Shotgun. It’s a bunch of their former team who focus on boardgames  with the occasional diversion into miniatures. They do excellent unboxing and review videos that I can reliably use to gauge if a game will scratch my itch, and they put out a podcast on a semi-regular basis where they tend to go a bit more in depth on games that they’ve been playing and whats going on in boardgames.

    Pm incoming 😛



    5 points @dawfydd for the quote. Very much cannot be repeated here…


    Im waiting for more people to post before I award more points. Don’t want to spam it into the ground.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage RJ1027 isn’t actually what it seems, more a by product of something else entirely…. Are you sitting comfortably? Good, then I shall begin 😀

    The Hex is an Entity that floats through space, its only instinct is survival, it doesnt know why, it just knows it must. It is hunted by another Entity, called the Order, who seeks to eradicate it, and any being corrupted by its Influence. The Hex had previously hidden on 17 planets, before it came upon Earth, and each time it has been discovered by the Order and only just managed to escape leaving Its followers to their fate.

    When it came upon the Earth, The Hex split itself into six huge Crystaline shards and hid itself in locations around the planet. In the Locales surrounding those shards that contained life, the Hex reached out, Its influence corrupting and seeking to place those it corrupted in positions of Power, so they were better poised to Protect it should the need arise.

    One such Shard ended up in Europe and it reached out to the local poulation as usual, but it did not count on a certain Scientist, Burson Carpathian, maintaining his self control.

    Carpathian discovered the Shard. and eventually found a way of converting it’s energy into a physical power source that he named RJ1027. Shunned by the wider Scientific community Carpathian fled Europe with a few like minded Individuals, collectively known as The Enlightened, and headed to a place where he could continue his work and experiments with the substance. By supplying both the Union and Confederacy with RJ1027 powered Weaponry and Vehicles, he managed to not only to carry on his work without interference, but ensure an abundant supply of Battlefield Wounded to use in his experiments.

    Eventually, after the Civil War, the RJ1027 powered weapons fell into other hands, either by supply or criminal activity… and that is pretty much (very condensed) where we come in.

    Some factions, the Warrior Nation, The Watchers and The Order dont use RJ1027, using their own individual power sources, but the rest of the factions do.

    I don’t think it’s Inevitable that those that use RJ1027 will become tainted, but I think it is Inevitable that those that do become Tainted will eventually succumb. It depends on their exposure to it, either constant or level of power. Pretty much the whole Enlightened faction is Tainted and most of the other factions that use RJ1027 have a few Tainted in their ranks (Although most of these are Dual Faction Characters that work with both their own faction and either The Enlightened or The Hex).

    Yeah i’m not one for listening to hobby stuff unless theres Pictures. To be honest mate, apart from the BoW Weekenders, I only tend to watch Battle reports or Unboxings.

    Ahhh I know I give her a lot of stick, but in truth the wife is a Diamond, she’s put up with me for 30 years, happily married for 29 of them. I don’t think there’s anybody else on the Planet that could have put up with my uhhhm little idiosynccrasies for so long. I just wish that she would understand that if she asks me to do something I will do it… I don’t need reminding every six months 😀 (not my joke but certainly fits)

    @dawfydd Don’t knock your painting abilities mate, we are always our own worst critic. Personally I dont just rate painters on quality of work alone, I rate it on consistancy throughout the army. We could all paint like Angel Giraldez, given the time, but producing a consistantly good result across such  a number of miniatures within a limited time, takes as much skill, if not more.



    Cult of Games Member

    Wow love the Space Wolves . That’s going to be a huge army to haul around to game sites , how many carry bags you going to have to pick up ?    Well mage , although I built a few planes in the mid 70s and and had a  foray into HO trains in the 80/90s my main thing is tanks . Been building them since I was 7 or 8 ( 1966) , Airfix , Matchbox , Bandi and the Tamiya ( had 200 built kits when I got married in 82 ) . Got tired of 1/35 and took a chance on a BA T-34 kit with the idea being I’ld give to one of the local guys if it didn’t scratch the itch as it were . Well , I’ve probably got 50 plus tanks and half tracks in 28mm plus a couple hundred troops ( Germans / Russians ) G HT @M4 Sherman Dozer


    T34-85 85a

    Maybe one day I’ll try a game of Bolt Action , as of now I’ve never played . I have a few odd Star Wars figures , Zvezda 1/100 scale tanks and some Meng “egg ” tanks and planes as a diversion if I get tired of the 28mm stuff , but seems to come back to tanks . I’m not really a computer guy ,( I can fix 8 track player though ) , so links are not something I know how to do .  And the egg thing is allergies as a youngster , and although I have out grown it , I’ve just never developed a taste for eggs



    @dawfydd (5 points)


    Maybe practice on something else before doing the gemstones? I’d imagine wolves wouldn’t mind having something too rough cut, battle worn, not too pretty or maintained, especially jewellery.


    Sounds like a lot of little touches need to be done with the Wolves before they are ‘finished finished’.


    They sound interesting, might check them out. 5 points.



    @avien (5 points)


    5 points for giving feedback.


    @biggabum (2o points)


    Interesting info on the factions, as well as the Firefly crew, 5 points. 10 points for the handy info you have about reboxing and 5 for the helpful link.


    @dawfydd (15 points)


    That’s gonna be one big wolf army when its done. 15 points. Those all units you completed lately? Any chance of close ups of the individual squads?



    @a27cromwell (40 points)


    5 points for feedback to @dawfydd , 10 points for telling us your background, 20 points for the pictures, and 5 for the egg allergy.


    A link is simply where you copy something from the browser, the web address for a page or site, and just paste it into your answer.



    Apologies if I missed anything guys, I believe that is me caught up on everything.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hails gents,

    Late to the party as usual I’m afraid.

    I’m working all weekend so aside from some reading, my pledge will get stuck into on Tuesday. I have two squads on the paint tray at the moment; Grey Knights and Dark Angels. The GK have their armour done and the basecoat for the gold. The DA have had their armour highlighted and the basecoats for the black and metal have gone down. Next step is washing and highlighting the metal and then I’ll basecoat the parchment and purity seals on both squads. That way I can wash all of those and the GN gold at once.

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    Before I get to those guys however, I’ll be digging into the Faith RPG core rulebook. It’s a completely new setting and universe to me so it’s interesting to sit down and not have any idea what it’s about. The system uses a deck of poker cards rather than dice so it’s very different to what I’m used to.



    1. Well I’m part of @mage‘s D&D group so that’s a firm yes to having played it. I like it’s playability, you can sit down to a game with only a basic idea of rules and just go from there. The starter set was well done and the setting is familiar to anyone with even a passing interest in fantasy so you always have a rough idea of how to behave.

    2. I’ve never found one I liked. I prefer reading articles than listening to them.

    3. Terminator 2 is the obvious choice. I watched it recently and it’s still top quality. I know Aliens is another one up there but I’d argue Alien was a very different style of movie. When I was younger it was my least favourite but when I watch it now I love the suspense and feeling of menace throughout it. In my mind Aliens is an (absolutely brilliant) action movie but Alien is a horror. Also, Home Alone 2. Still makes me laugh my ass off with probably the best villainous duo ever to appear in a movie.

    4. I really struggle with podcasts and videos when it comes to our hobby (and in general to be honest). far too many of them get caught up in their personas or the idea of being a “Youtuber” and after ten minutes of watching I realise I’ve absorbed nothing of what they’ve said as I can’t get passed how they’re saying it. It can get even worse when you’ve got more than one presenter. Unless they stick to a proper running order they end up chatting about nonsense, wandering off-track and (my absolute #1 pet hate) re-hashing in-jokes or funny moments from their games.

    5. Chicken, bacon, black pudding, cheddar and mozzarella.


    Cult of Games Member

    @a27cromwell Very nice Sir. What green do you use on the tanks? It may just be my monitor, but it looks slightly darker than the Vallejo Russian Uniform I used on mine. I really like it.

    @irredeemable DA and GK are coming along quite nicely. Love the hint of blue in the armour of the Grey Knight.


    Well had a bit of a poo day today (well this afternoon really) so didnt get as far with the Hex Beasts as I would have liked but made some progress…




    Cult of Games Member

    So I finished the last base tonight. Here they all together. I’ll try and get a better lateramry


    Cult of Games Member

    Wow, it’s been a busy day! Got an early showing of Infinity War – round 2. I thought it held up reasonably well to a second viewing, but I felt the length this time around when the first viewing felt quick enough. What did you folks think of it? Try not to spoil on the off chance someone hasn’t seen it yet.

    Then it was a day of homewares shopping and dinner with the folks. The result was a very limited amount of project work today (booo) but tomorrow is a bank holiday in Ireland (yay!) so I should make a bit more progress.

    I picked out a load of bits I’ve been putting in my “someday I might use that for something” box, to make my cliff cities. I’m going for a built into the cliffs feel mixed with some standalone buildings. I have multiples of all of these parts, so I’ll see what I can knock together.

    I’m going to be looking for small military style bunkers or small single/double story civilian 10mm buildings that might suit a mountain style – any suggestions more than welcome! I might check out some model train stuff, though I’d prefer something a bit more sci-fi if anyone knows of anything in the 10mm range?


    @dawfydd – That’s a big loada wolves! Definitely no issues from the primer visible in the photos, that dread looks great.

    I also like Shut up & Sit down’s reviews – although I only stumbled across them maybe a month ago. They have a good approach to how they write reviews too.

    @biggabum – thanks for posting that WWX plot summary – I’d picked up some bits of it from interviews, but that’s a nice synopsis. Are you at all worried about them weaving Dystopian Wars into the same world as WWX? I haven’t been following too closely but I see there is some movement on that front at UKGE this weekend.

    The Hex beasts are looking nice so far – great contrast between the red and purple.

    @irredeemable – good going on the Dark Angels. Although I’m not a 40k player these days, Dark Angels were my first army back from ages 10 – 15… 23 years later I still have that first army… well parts of it, and I recently bought DA Primaris – damn nostalgia! You’ve got a solid base coat and I love the contrasting highlights.

    Completely agree that Aliens was a different type of film. Terminator 2 is a good choice – haven’t watched Judgement day in at least a decade… must rectify that!

    @torros – nice looking goblin army there  – is that warmaster or something else of a similar scale?

    @mage – that’s it exactly

    Heres the original rock terrain Hobby Lab using sponges

    And the foam Pirate Cove feature which uses upholstery foam



    Cult of Games Member

    @torros very nice Sir. There was a time I would never have looked at anything below 15mm but I have found myself slipping into the 6mm sections (particularly for Napoleonics) more and more recently. I’m surprised at how good the sculpts actually are at that scale and your Orcs dont disappoint, especially with such a good paint job on them.


    Cult of Games Member

    @avien Not really. I think with all the work they have put into WWX and establishing it’s setting they’ll be more likely to fit Dystopian Wars around the WWX universe. Early on WWX had two factions they were going to bring in, the Crown and the Celestials but they seem to have dropped them from the WWX game, so maybe they will make an appearance as Factions in Dystopian Wars. It will certainly be interesting to see how they do link the two games together.

    And thanks for the comment on the Hex Beasts. Yeah I’m happy with how the Flesh turned out. I was going to go lighter with it, a sort of Pale Flesh but thought the planned yellow on the red boils, would stand out better against the darker Skin… In other words I have no noticeable plan and seeing how things turn out as I go along  😀


    Cult of Games Member

    @avien With regards to the 10mm sci fi stuff, keep your eye out for old Monsterpocalypse buildings from Privateer Press on Ebay. I dont think its stictly 10mm but they have things like radar stations and refinaries that you might be able to utilise. I have a few i’ll dig out and post a pic or two so you can see what I mean.



    25 points for the Dark Angels and 15 for the Grey Knight @irredeemable (40 points)

    @biggabum solid work on the hex beasts (40 points)

    @torros tiny greenskins look good (50 points)

    Ill respond appropriately to stuff I didnt get to tonight in the morning or before lunch. Keep those paint brushes wet guys!


    Cult of Games Member

    @biggabum  , on the T-34 I used either Vallejo Model Color 70.894  Cam Olive  Green or  70-890 Refractive Green . It might look a little dark as I textured the turret with liquid green stuff  for that cast look , and it seems to hold more GW wash than your standard flat plastic turret does . IRC the Sherman was painted with an old tin of   Humbrol matt 155 ( Olive Drab ) , but as I’ve now gone totally acrylics , I’ve  found Model Color 70.887 Brown Violet seems to be a good match

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