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Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s

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This topic contains 159 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    @limburger No.. wouldn’t say that… a little bit of looney. with a sprinkle of madman. 😉

    And now just think of how long GW didn’t care to make a proper new Ork Codex. Nope, if I want to play Space Marines I’ll play “Space Marine” on PC and be done with it 😉



    Ended up awake at 3.30am last night so watched a couple of episodes of the Highlander Animated Series.  It isn’t bad.  I would have loved that when I was younger.

    @blink465 I look forward to seeing your He-Man game come to life.  Alice Cooper Trash is a great album.  Pretty sure I got it for Xmas 90 on cassette format.

    @limburger what are you reading?  I love to read about what people are reading 🙂  Also Squats will destroy my bank balance even though I have a mountain of Mantic Forgefathers

    @rayzryr just buy both SS and BSF and I won’t feel as bad about my plastic mountain of shame!

    @horati0nosebl0wer if I remember correctly Harlequins were just a unit in the Eldar Army.  They were hard to shoot at but were close combat monsters.

    @sundancer I’m sure someone on Beasts of War would take the extra models you don’t want in exchange for something you need.  I am not volunteering as I have my own subscription and the 40k starter set the models are from so I have loads of them.




    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : a proper Ork codex it still isn’t … but at least it is a codex.
    It isn’t quite as Orky as that first time they did the big book of Ork Kultur though.
    I can’t remember the name, but is was da best fing ever.

    Google says it was “Waagh the Orkz”. It had holes in it so you could put it in a ring binder.
    I saw an ebay listing that kind of makes me want to check what my copy is like …

    It kind of sucks that the codexes have been reduced to army lists with minor bits of fluff.

    Realm of Chaos:Slaves to Darkness and its sequel were equally great things to happen to 40k/WFB

    @robert : yep, Harlequins started as a mere faction for the Eldar. IIRC they were first detailed in White Dwarf.
    It is why I consider them to be more suited to Killteam as they are the very definition of a spec ops unit.


    A bit of sad news : no more firestarters





    Onto page 5! Stupid headache today and gonna tear into hobby soon. Ish.

    Jeez Monday already? My third day off and I am wrecked. Sinuses are all inflamed. Head feels like its slowly filling up like a baloon, slower though.

    @limburger <20 rupees>

    Ah come on, that’s no fun getting super analytical lol. But yeah best music haha.

    They lack variety a little yeah, but you know, what can you do? Trolls would be a great punchy start. Interesting take on the more modern stuff, but sadly… No points! Not 80s! BWAHAHAHAHA!!!*

    No plague doctors? Awwwww……

    10 rupees for the response* and 10 for the pictures

    *I liiiiiieed

    Ill get the box in April. I have car tax at the end of the month. Grumble Grumble. I did just buy heroequest on ebay and it arrived today. Yet to open it though…

    tuffyears <10 rupees>

    Good going with the basing. My thread didn’t jinx you did it? 10 rupees

    @rayzryr <15 rupees>

    15 rupees for the resposes to people.

    He gave me that one to finish and started on a different clay model thing. He painted the cab interior yellow, the body blue and the wheels this peach colour. Brought it home to his mother.

    @horati0nosebl0wer <15 rupees>

    Yeah true. He has a warhammer book from a lego magazine: weird promotion. Hes expressed interest and even bought him his first set of d and d dice last year which I am holding onto: he still puts stuff in his mouth. The potential is definitely there.

    How borked is borked? Also watch the episode of community ‘GI Jeff’.

    15 rupees for feedback and posts responding to others

    @sundancer <15 rupees>

    Mmmmmm Shadow Pears

    Well, you could collect and paint them as a project, or trade them with people or sell them. Have you ever played 40k before? Oh wait you did, Im reading through your other posts. What put you off the game? The current edition is pretty good imho.

    15 rupees for responses to others

    @robert <20 rupees>

    5 rupees for watching Highlander animated and 15 for responses to others


    So sad about Keith Flint isn’t it? Maybe the next weekender I host should be 90s tribute type of thing



    80 posts from Friday to Monday? Not bad. Okay guys, Im going to go radio silent for a while, date time and all that. Ill eventually post up my own material later. Did something vaguely 80s with some minis and want to see what people think


    Cult of Games Member

    What put you off the game?

    @mage at the time mostly money, time and much bending of the rules by GW. At least that’s what I remember. Battle for Macragge (4th edition) was the last edition I played and shortly after I didn’t do it any more. And somehow GW managed to putt me of their games ever since with the exception of Bloodbowl. Though that has died down for me too since you “need” to buy more and more stuff (White Dwarf, cards etc) to stay “competitive”. Plus I don’t like to buy games that are not supported by the local GW store.


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage :

    You want 80’s ?

    I give you ‘Kung Fury’ :

    Get well soon.
    Maybe you should consider a sacrifice to Nurgle ? 😉

    @sundancer : GW still has that ‘buy moar stuff’ in their games (there are 0 point terrain kits for AoS that are almost too cool not to want).
    It’s not quite as bad as I remember it to be though.

    And it’s not likely to change either, because they still are models first / rules second / balance third.
    However with the yearly Generals’ book / Chapter approved they at least have made it easier to stay up-to-date.

    As always : none of these balance/updates will be a problem if your club manages to reduce the inevitable arms race to a sane speed.



    @sundancer Fair enough


    @limburger I am aware of Kung Fury, Im going to save it for a night in with the mrs.



    Just an experiment for fun and WIP, please tell me what you all think:






    Cult of Games Member

    Just had a laser cutter installed at the workshop today. Not sure if the person using it, running around screaming “it’s on fire” is covered in the operating manual


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : I they need the red eyes/visors at the very least.

    A bit more shadow/highlighting to make the detail pop would make it even better, because the flat cartoon like colour scheme doesn’t really work on a 3D model.

    The concept however is very good.

    80’s movies were soo weird and corny :


    Cult of Games Member

    @tuffyears – rule zero in just about every hackspace and workshop that has a laser cutter reads “do not be on fire”.


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 :

    So there are spaces where machines should be ‘on fire’ ?

    @tuffyears : it must be awesome to have access to a laser cutter.
    Remember : you’re not cutting stuff for your hobby … you’re ‘calibrating the machine’ 😉

    // —

    I ordered my first set of bits for my Minions :

    • Dankhold Troggboss
    • Rockgut Troggoths
    • Gloomspite Gitz Grotz
    • Gloomspite Gitz : Endless spells
    • 2 sets of Squig dice (’cause they’re soo cute and I need to roll loads)
    • Gloomspite Gitz Fanatics
    • Mologgs Mob
    • Zarbags’ Gitz
    • Realm of Battle : Blasted Hallowheart

    Yeah … minions, ’cause I’m thinking of dark blue robes with yellow hat as their ‘uniform’.
    Their leader will be called Gru or something similar *grin*
    It’s not a complete army, but it’ll do for now.

    And the genestealer cult codex, ’cause I want to know what those sneaky gitz do for future reference.


    My cat has decided I am warm and therefore my lap should be occupied territory of feline kind. He is about the size of a small dog so typing is a little difficult at the moment. Here goes… and then the cat leaps off….of course.

    @sundancer A mountain of unpainted minis is nothing to get too worked up about. You have next year’s event of Gerry’s Great Game (and mini) Exchange like was just arranged. Its a matter of space in considering all the SW:L that you’ve got worked on and continue to collect.

    As far as support by the local GW store I think that the support of the FLGS might be better unless that’s all you’ve got. Out by me its difficult to try and find stores that have tables to game at which aren’t turning to Magic the Gathering as their income earner. I’ve seen great places close their doors because the clientele just wasn’t consistent. The turnaround for releases in CCGs keeps people coming in which is why I think GW has been hammering out their schedule like they have and will do.

    @limburger Damn! Though not the 80s, that sucks to hear about the Prodigy. Breathe and Firestarter were awesome for the videos in a time before MTV shit the bed.

    Kung Fury is a great time and goes into the best detail to include issues of tracking during the fight scenes.

    Now for your Weird Science I give music

    I do agree that there were some out there concepts for media. Killer Klowns from Outer Space was great and inspired some awesome minis.

    Another film that came out and definitely fit into inspiration along the lines of Vallejo and Frazetta

    @mage Argh! Continuing on with the assault of my poor mind.

    I’d say my mind was about this borked. Its also relevant as far as far as the pepper sauce.

    See its good for what ails you.



    @blinky465 Don’t those spaces also incorporate the use of argon as well for welding? As a shield gas it does wonders for helping things not be on fire.


    @mage I sat and thought a bit and The Decepticon Chaos looks good to start. As a color scheme it works well by contrast. The metallics definitely need weathering so not to overpower the chromatic pigments. That should be easy as they’re nasty yucky oozy Nurgle troops. If you stippled a little ochre/burnt umber around the yellow and hit it with a brown wash the age/wear on the yellow areas would definitely pop.

    Aside from using marketed pigment powder (or just buying some dry pastels, scraping some off and then applying with rubbing alcohol) the metals could also get a little bit of the same wash treatment or with a drybrush that you stab gently getting only the ends of the bristles.

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