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Hobby Weekender 01/03 – Back to the 80s

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This topic contains 159 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    Thanks @sundancer




    heading on a walk to the woods since it’s kinda dry, then gym after that. Then responses.


    I might be optimistic here here but I think I might get all the black done on the batch of conquest Primaris Marines



    @horati0nosebl0wer working my way through your playlist at the moment…

    Something nice to listen to as I apparently plunge to the depths!

    Hmm, I remember Epic versions of those Eldar quadrupeds… I do believe they were the Eldar version of Knights back then?

    Someone needs to make a Slaaneshi version too!

    It’s ok @sundancer no cliffs will be injured in the instance of an involuntarily falling @rayzryr ?

    @mage that’s a bloat load of Nurgle forces!

    Oh cool ghosts hanging around that guy on the left, is that standard or a conversion?

    Minotaurs are looking solid, really nice metal finish!

    @evilstu ha! You’re here! Emerged from the masses of minis ? seriously… that’s a heap of painting! Well done!

    Glitterbrite Gitz, hahaha!

    @limburger I was think more like this…


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer : so no TARDIS tech in real life ?

    damn … I was hoping someone would invent some. I could do with a bit more space myself as well.

    @woldenspoons : gifts to yourself are always the best gifts 😉

    @mage : add a bit of weight to them and you might convince someone they are ancient relics 😉



    Okay I am calling the thread closed and will try and post one up tomorrow. I will do proper responses and rewards either late or tomorrow also.


    A massive thank you to everyone for participating as well as showing so much involvement and gusto, as this truly is an awesome 12 page monster of a thread. Id like to think things are on the up for our little BoW tradition and that it has recovered from the unpleasant times. Also, that it, hopefully, no longer gets perceived as an exclusive club which it is not. Maybe more on that last point later.


    I digress.


    I know themes were a suggestion I made before and didnt seem to work but I think this thread proves otherwise. So just a heads up for my hosting and posting this weekend, there are dual themes: the 90s as well as technology (be it gaming, devices, AI, Science fiction, mecha; take your pick!).


    Feel free to keep posting.


    Man, Im bored of painting black over all the marines that need metal and other colours done next. But Im almost done! Also got my lazy butt out to the gym as well as the woods for a walk.



    @rayzryr That is a conversion: leftover spirit host. Maybe they are plague victims used for some dark purpose, their souls fuel for a ritual.


    @limburger Dont tempt me I might do it! Id be crippled carrying them around to a convention or tournment though hahahaha.



    Just as easy to do page six now. For feedback and commentary


    @rayzryr <5 rupees>


    @limburger <5 rupees>


    Cult of Games Member

    I didn’t do any hobby today because of m***ing car needs breaks fixed and that went totally off rails and… ARGH!

    This is why I usually don’t touch breaks. Now I have a car with air in the breaking system. And because this high tech crap in modern cars you can’t even get it out the old way (pumping breaks tec) So now I have to go to the car repair anyway…




    Your car needs breakfast?


    I empathise though, joking aside. Car troubles are cost intensive and heart breaking


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage : and a massive thank you for hosting these shenanigans again 🙂

    @sundancer : sounds a bit like how I tried to replace the tire of my bike.
    A thing that should have been easy was made horribly complicated because I couldn’t get the new outer tire onto the rim because the flocking v-brake was there.

    Which reminds me … I really need to try again, because I do want to use my bike again real soon.



    You are more than welcome!



    @mage Well, that’s a cool cool conversion then dude!



    Thanks! Ill do them maybe yellow or brown pee/poo ghosts and all that hahaha. Maybe not.


    Anyway time to award and count up threads.



    Hobby Weekender 01/03/18 – Back to the 80s

    Okay the awards:

    · Most Valuable Player (most engaged with topic) @rayzryr
    · Fire Starter – @mage myself
    · Hobby Champ (most hobby over the weekend) @rayzryr for the Dark Angels
    · Meme Lord (ryhmes, funnies & memes) @horati0nosebl0wer
    · Pun-Tertainment (best pun) @horati0nosebl0wer
    · Brush Licker (painting & terrain) – @dawfydd
    · Headliner DJ (most eclectic music) – @robert
    · Armchair Commander – @biggabum
    · Community Usher (helpful & engaged) – @evilstu
    · Storyteller (weekly discussion & story) – @blinky465

    50 exp each, @lancorz if you do not mind please with that and the awards.

    As for the fictitious points, I may or may not count those up. This is all a lot of work.



    I dont have any other weekender threads pending to award out to do I?

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