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Hobby pledges for 2019

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This topic contains 117 replies, has 29 voices, and was last updated by  danlee 5 years ago.

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    Strangely enough was thinking about this the other day, think I’ve narrowed it down to 4 targets:
    – Complete my 40k Minotaurs 1st Co (20 Terminators, 5 sternguard, 15 Vanguard, Command Squad, Chaplain and a dread left to do). I don’t play 8th Ed so my 40k games are limited to the occasional 7th Ed outing, so this is more of a “hobby completionist” target.
    – Finish the pile of MkII armoured Iron Warriors for HH (~65 marines)
    – Build & paint a FoW army and attend some events with said army
    – Make a dent in my “other minis” backlog



    Dang! Had all but forgotten the 2018 thread… 🙁

    Did I reach my goals? Far from it, I’m afraid.

    Got a new job halfway through the year and that’s been taking a lot of my time and energy. And then I decided to change the setup in my work-room so I had better space for my 3D printers and spraybooth. That didn’t help…

    On the bright side, I did manage to sell off a fair bit of my old stash of unpainted figures. Had to dump the price way down, but did get some shelf-space cleared. So there’s that, I guess…


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks @lawnor for setting this up for us again this year.  Welcome to everyone who is taking the plunge and participating this year.  All I can say is that this approach works for me and I really enjoy following everyone’s progress as we go through the year (and occassionally posting some of my own when time allows, big update massively overdue for the second half of this year’s progress).

    I’m closing in on my usual annual target of 365 models painted (or equivalent).  I’m on 348 as of now and have some time this weekend.  If I clear the minimum target to get Mythic Battles: Pantheon completely painted this year I’ll finish on at least 381 and I have a small stack of minis to paint for Christmas presents too so may even get over 400 this year.

    I’m a bit reticent to go into detail on next year yet.  I have a complex and thoroughly enjoyable process to go through early in the new year to pick out the main targets.  I know I will definitely be painting up the Batman: Gotham City Chronicles Kickstarter which I’m all in on.  Assuming it gets here on time in April there are 211 models in total to do.  I also always have the objective of completing a whole wargaming army.  Not sure on this one yet but there are LotR Mordor, Warhammer Araby, Warmaster Araby and 40k Mechanicus all in the queue so possibly one of those.  Other than that there are some minor Kickstarter sets due in soon and there are always shiny things that demand attention as we go.

    I’ve got the main ones on the spreadsheet.  It would be nice to see others join us in filling that in too.


    Cult of Games Member

    mbp griffon

    I finished the first model for my 2019 pledge, the Griffon from Mythic Battles: Pantheon (Project here. )


    @lawnor Getting a jump on next year already? With time sense like that you might think it was half way to Orktober. I guess priming the upcoming paint work doesn’t count as painting so I’ll get around to that. Some of the things on my list is to clear out what I’ve halfway painted so I can have presentable painted figures. I shake my head thinking that I had forgotten about a portion of my hoard, which had been stuffed in a small cubby, that I rediscovered. Less mess hanging around in drawers and more for ogling in plain sight. Damn, means I need a second Detolf case from IKEA.


    Cult of Games Member

    I was painting other Griffons and it was efficient to paint him at the same time.  My next models are all part of the 2019 pledge too.  There’s no good reason to delay starting.

    If you’re forgetting you have models I suggest setting up an inventory to keep track of everything.  Here’s a link to mine.  It keeps me aware of just how far from finishing I am and just how much I’m buying vs painting.  There’s a lot of “scribbled notes” over the front page that can be ignored, but the basic owned/built/painted trackers are really useful.  It’s also a great way for wasting time at work as it looks like work from across the room 😉


    Egad! I’d say that list is very well organized for keeping track of the what’s what of your collection. I’m a spur of the moment “Shiny!” purchaser of pieces outside of my Minicrate shipments. Having things on display really helps with the motivation to keep slapping little people with paint (not too dissimilar from playing Dungeon Keeper games and swatting goblins). The backlog normally comes in from the in depth projects I put myself into from building a scene for the figure to live in for the paint project. Case in point, scratchbuilding maritime bases has been a royal pain as I’ve come to learn far more about the scale shipbuilding hobby and rigging/mooring than I ever anticipated. I’m glad to have fantasy figures for tabletop to fall back on so I can just say *pbttttt* “I’m gonna paint some adventurers or monsters now”.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, it can go a little overboard.  It was quite simple to begin with, but then I had time on my hands and its been slowly added to over the years.  Once certain numbers become available it becomes easy to do other things with them and before you realise you’ve built a sprawling mess of a worksheet that probably no longer makes sense to anyone else 😉



    If I’m being honest, I tend to paint about one mini a week. Most of my painting time is in the hour after the gremlins are in bed and before *I* go to bed, aside from a late night or two over the weekend.

    I pledge to paint all the Blackstone Fortress minis.

    I pledge to paint at least half the Tooth and Claw minis before I buy any new box sets.




    Great to see this return for 2019, I have enjoyed updating the list during this year.

    For the coming year I commit to painting 80 historical minis, 30 fantasy minis, 20 sci-fi minis, and 5 larger terrain pieces. I feel I do not know exactly in which order and what I will paint within the groups, as this will depend a bit on how my gaming groups interests go, so I thought I would go with a more “global” target. When I add the contributions to the list whence complete I can see what I actually selected, fun! Will it be WW2 Germans or hoplites, who knows? 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    No real pledge from me, I’d love to get the Blackstone Fortress set painted, but after an arse of a year this year I’ve painted 0 miniatures. If I can have some fun, time, and space to get any painted in 2019 maybe even get the odd game in then I’ll be a very happy Alex.


    Cult of Games Member

    I finished a second model towards my 2019 pledge.  Hopefully this weekend another 7 I’ve been working on will reach completion.  Here is my AssetDrop Monster Box Forest Troll:



    Building and doing the priming of various figures at the moment before kicking things off in the last week of the month. I’ve also been getting in some bits of things that I’ve planned to add to the figures on the list.

    Hee hee hee! My Blood Bowl team will have nameplates that I had cast in resin! *mad grinning with a happy dance and chuckles ensue while looking over the names of wrongness * I just need to get a box set to have all the figures I need for my standard ork team and have somebody field human opponents. Maybe I should start writing up a list of humie names just for fun to suck people into the narrative. I know it works for the videogames.

    Oh, and the Rail golem bits finally shipped. Great news for me today.


    Cult of Games Member

    @lawnor  love the troll mate. excellent pallette selection!!!



    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks.  The skin tone came with the kit, along with how to apply it as the base colour for the fungus.  The rest I had to figure out as I went along, although most of the paints came from different AssetDrop boxes.  I don’t work for them, but I do really appreciate a lot of the stuff they send me.

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