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Hobby Pledges 2023

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This topic contains 65 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by  lawnor 1 year, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So here we are half way through the year already.  Where did that go?  I’m at 265 completed minis so far this year.  that is a few less that last year but I’m having fun painting the new project  Silver Bayonet 1850 and the big scary thing won me a GB last week as well so all is right with the world.  Here’s the most recent scary thing that got finished:

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    How’s everyone else getting along?


    Cult of Games Member

    Steady progress on working through all the Baron’s War: Outremer Kickstarter models. I’m about two-thirds done now, so on track to get them wrapped up in the next few months.

    Spring Clean Challenge was a nice diversion, getting a Turnip28 standard regiment done. Felt good to wrap up a small self-contained project thanks to the extra motivation provided by the Challenge.

    I think I’ve painted about 150 models so far this year, which isn’t bad going for me. There’s a little bit of work to be done in the second half of the year to balance out numbers of painted models vs newly bought models, but nothing too dramatic (yet).

    Neglecting my 15mm Napoleonic collection at the moment, at least in terms of painting anyway. I may miss my target for adding a few more battalions this year, but I’ve been holding off a little to think about what direction I want to build my collection.

    Anyway, some photos of progress to date – Turnip28 regiment, all my painted Islamic Outremer models and all the Knights Hospitaller too.



    Cult of Games Member

    You guys are painting machines!


    Cult of Games Member

    2 more models done towards my pledge.  I’ve really been slacking on this and I see more slacking ahead of me.  I could really do without all this “work” nonsense getting in my way.




    Cult of Games Member

    Well I actually managed to complete a target ?. Finished the French Indian Wars figures I have had lurking in the “pile of pride” since 2013!!!. Can be seen in the project entries Compagnies de Ia marine and Native Americans and French Artillery


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve gotten a bunch more KDM finished.  My end is in sight!  (Oh-er!)  More pics and info can be found in my project.



    Cult of Games Member

    Those KD:M are lovely @lawnor .  You are miles ahead of me on that one.  My Gambler’s Chest arrived last week.  I’ve now got a metric ton of KD:M that needds building and painting.  Not going to get a look in as I’m still enjoying the Silver Bayonet 1850 project along with some other random bits.  Here is the Pale Pharoah from Lucid Eye: 20230822_194437354_iOS (3)

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    Current total 330 completed miniatures.


    Cult of Games Member

    My Gamblers Chest arrived while I was working on the last of those models.  One day I’ll catch up with my pile of shame, but it is not this day.


    Cult of Games Member

    A bit of an update on the year so far:

    Need to crack on with more painting.


    Cult of Games Member

    4 more models done.  This leaves 1 more model on my list and he’s mostly done now too.

    stars fstars msun fsun m


    Cult of Games Member

    The Hive Colossus by Artisan Guild.  He’s the last model I had called out to finish painting in 2023.  My last remaining target on my list is to paint at least as many models as I gain.  That’s 36 more models, if I behave myself.  I have about 8 started on my desk right now, and one more Cycle of Aeon Trespass I’d like to get done this year.  There’s 13 more weeks left in 2023, so that’s 2.77 models per week on average.  If I had no other hobby distractions that’d be easy.  We will see.H2


    Cult of Games Member

    @lawnor you are a hobby-completion-machine! Awesome work, amazing progress. You make it look easy!

    Not only do you paint a phenomenal number of minis – you also paint the eyes. Flumpft. That’s the sound of me doffing my cap to you.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you.  I’ve made a mess of many eyes, but I try.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer @scribbs @zoidpinhead @jodain @beardragon14 @sirhumphreyrtd @redvers @jondaw

    Its almost November.  We’ve 2 months left on the year to complete our pledges.  I’m seeing a lot of colour on the chart.  Can we get a bit more green before 2024?  Two months is plenty of time for some progress.  I’m still chasing the last 15+ models I need to be as on target as I can get at this stage.  All progress is good progress, even if we don’t get everything done.


    I’ll set up the next post in a few weeks


    Cult of Games Member

    I did manage to paint all my BattlyTechs. Huzzah!

    Missed Tactica though.

    Star Wars is unlikely to be done (looks at the grey mountain).

    Frostgrave. Possible. Especially after Terrain Fest.

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 66 total)

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