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Hobby Pledges 2022

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  zoidpinhead 2 years ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Final report for 2022 and my total for the year is 640 miniatures.  Here they all are:

    20221231_174657972_iOS (2)

    2mm Romans and Barbarians at the top, Conan and Slaine in the middle and from the left Saga, Zanzibaris and LotR especially Rohirrim.  There is a video of them on Insta for those that like that sort of thing.

    640 is the most I’ve ever done before so I’m pleased but do feel I might have managed a few more if life hadn’t intervened.  I’m going to try for more again next year as I like having the focus that targets bring, they help me to banish procrastination.

    On OTT I had a great year.  I got a runner up prize in the Spring Clean Challenge and got three Golden Buttons:


    Looking forward to more of the same fun next year.  Have a terrific 2023 everyone.


    Cult of Games Member

    Amazing work.  In some groups I’m known as the most prolific painter, but 640?  Thats almost 2 years work.  My record is 410 models in a year.  Congrats on the buttons and the prize.  I won Best Tutorial on the Spring Cleaning (Yet to spend the voucher.  FFG haven’t sent OTT an MCP core set in at least a year), but no Golden Buttons for me since July 2021.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you @lawnor – 1 mini a day is still pretty impressive by anybody’s standards.  You are much closer to 100% painted than I am for sure.  Although 2022 was a great year for painting I also let the breaks off spending and bought over 1,000 minis so have added nearly another year to the Pile of Potential despite the bumper year!  Still this means that overall I’ve enjoyed my hobby enormously this year and am looking forward to all the fun next year.  Thanks you for running the Hobby pledges thread and thanks to all participants, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed seeing your progress and updates.  More power to our brushes in 2023.


    Cult of Games Member

    Embarrassingly I am “off site” for many periods over the year and occasionally miss stuff. that really should be commended. Mr @zoidpinhead your “shirt”* of Golden buttons is richly deserved . What lovely minis. well done.

    * “shirt” the collective noiun for a group of golden buttons { Ref: Beardragon’s Big Book of Bulldust}




    Cult of Games Member

    Congratulations to everyone here on their efforts in 2022. I’ve quietly enjoyed following the progress and I’m blown away by how much painting some have managed to get through in 12 months, not to mention the quality as well. It would seem that my annual output is just a few days work others. And well done on all of the golden buttons that you’ve also accumulated – very well deserved.

    For my part, I found 2022 hard to make progress. Time is a real premium for me and of my 6 very modest pledges, I completed 2, started 3 and the last one never even got considered. I’m hoping 2023 will be more productive and I can at least start with finishing a couple of the projects I started in 2022!


    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you @beardragon14 and well said @redvers   It doesn’t really matter how much we get done of our pledges.  I had a very mixed year in that regard.  The important thing is that we are here together and I appreciate the contributions of everyone on this thread in keeping the intention to hobby prominent.

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