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Hobby Pledges 2022

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This topic contains 80 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  zoidpinhead 1 year, 8 months ago.

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  • #1753986

    Cult of Games Member

    I finished my last core pledge that’s in the house: A bust.
    Razduun – Undead Lord
    By Soren Ian Sorensen
    3D print from MMF



    Cult of Games Member

    Important personal milestone reached yesterday.  I have passed 365 completed minis for the year 🙂  This is the minimum target I set myself and it is very motivational to have got past it again.  Since the last update I’ve finished the 2mm Roman and Barbarian armies for Strength and Honour and I’m currently working my way through the Slaine second wave of releases, follow my progress in the project.  The most recent ones finished are the Drune Half Dead:

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    and I’m particularly pleased with the Confrontation Fianna I did at the weekend:
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    Current total 368.  I’ve seen @lawnor is doing well through his project updates.  How’s everyone else getting on?


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s great work!  I’m only at 177 models for the year, so far.  I’m on target with my targets though.  I’ve one more to cross off, which should be done this sunday when our new D&D campaign starts.  If people actually turn up.  After that, I’ve 7 more models arriving this weekend (A guildball masons team) which opens up an already completed goal.  It shouldn’t be an issue to get those done by the end of the year.  I’m already thinking towards next years goals, which are looking a little tricky right now as I’m running low on stuff to paint.  It all depends on when my preorders and kickstarters actually arrive.  I can see my goals being more play oriented next year, which will be nice.

    Keep up the good work, everyone.  Remember the progress chart is still here.  It’s never too late for new people to join us.  We’ve 3.5 months left in the year.  Still plenty of time to get stuff done.  Show us your progress.  Add more green to the chart.  Motivate yourself and others by showing off this progress.  It helps, as does having a plan and sticking to it.


    Cult of Games Member

      I’m only at 177 models for the year

    That’s adding insult to injury. More salt to the wound 😉

    Motivate yourself and others by showing off this progress. It helps, as does having a plan and sticking to it.

    it does… until it doesn’t because of real life killing all plans.

    I’m really glad you lot put all this work in this thread and the hobby itself. Keep going!


    Cult of Games Member

    Real life is the worst.  That, and people.  Where’s my lottery win, dammit!


    Cult of Games Member

    The home straight hoves into view for us annual Hobby Pledgers as November leads us inevitably toward December.  So far I’m on 594 painted for the year (not trying to rub it in sundancer) and would like to be over 730 by year end although that will be pushing it and life keeps intervening to prevent hobby progress.  Slaine 2nd wave has been finished and I’m over half way through the Speedpainting Conan: TMG project but slowed up recently.  I foolishly wanted to complete an outstanding project in a weekend.  I had the infantry for my Rohan army (53 in total) and though I could get through them quickly.  It certainly isn’t as easy as the YouTubers make it look.  I’m done now but they held me up, particularly as I went back to the Riders who were already painted to upgrade the basing to match these which are more like my current style.

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    I’m finishing off the last of Conan and then hopefully will have time for some Thebans for Saga Age of Alexander.


    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    better “testing” then “probing” XD


    Cult of Games Member

    The forums are creaking a bit atm.  I can’t tell you how many times that post yesterday got rejected and then the photo failed a bunch of time too.  Got through in the end though 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    Forum “end times”? Oh please no… XD


    Cult of Games Member

    Let’s see if I can reply today from the office, at last:

    593?  You’re a beast!  You know what we need to stop life getting in our way for a bit?  Another Covid lockdown.  That’d be a huge help with all our hobby goals.  I’m not convinced you’re going to hit your final goal this year, but you’ve aimed a little high at 730 models.  You’ve done great.  I’ve hit every goal it’s possible for me to hit and have just had a big KS box turn up,  with another due any day.  That means I’ve kinda started work on what will be part of my 2023 pledge.

    I’ve just set up the post for the 2023 goals.  The system let me do that and actually reply with my goals so hopefully this post will work now.  The link is below, for those that want to hop on board for 2023.

    2023 Pledges Thread


    I completed most of my pledges for this year. I finished the Late Roman Army, painted all the scatter terrain even the new stuff I bought this year. I didn’t start the ECW minis so that will become a 2023 project.


    Cult of Games Member

    As of December 1st I have accomplished some of my goals though many of them are just “keep painting away at the pile” like Reaper Bones collections.  I did finish all of the figures I had gotten in the Kickstarter before the next one arrived. So far I have completed 15 terrain pieces (with one more almost there) and 227 miniatures of various genre since January first.  I  would like to reach a nice round number like 250 so I better get at least 23 more finished.  Have to give some serious thought to next year’s goals.  After all, Blood and Plunder should have their Kickstart rewards out then.


    Cult of Games Member

    I love the idea that you can just “knock out” 23 minis by the end of the year. That’s almost one a day. Jeez, that makes me tired, just thinking about it! You guys are seriously impressive when it comes to getting through your piles of opportunity!


    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465  I must admit that I have 8-10 partially finished figures on the table as I write this and have prepped a stack of Terrain Crate2 pieces that take little to no time to finish.  The RPG characters and command figures take longer so may wait until January.  I also have a power station made out of junk that needs weathering before calling it finished.

    I should probably also mention that I am a school teacher so will have the last half of December off.  I have neither family nor plans for the holidays so should have some painting time.

    TC2 Stuff


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