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Hobby Pledges 2021

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    Cult of Games Member

    50 Normans finished.  Over the Easter weekend I managed to put a project together to show the results and describing the speedpaint techniques I’ve used.  Head over here:

    Here are some pictures from the project:

    IMG_0943(Edited)  William himself and then some knights:



    With the addition of the Normans I’m at 142/365 completed minis for the year.  Next I’m moving on the Sassanid Persians for the Spring Clean Challenge see their project here:


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s been a while since the last update.  How’s everyone doing?  Bank holiday looming for us Britishers so hopefully the paintbrushes will be out in force.

    I’ve been working on some Sassanid Persians for Swordpoint as part of the Spring Clean Challenge.  Lots of progress on the project blog here:

    Finally got round to doing a matt spray and adding the basing tufts so the following are done:

    16 Grivpanvar cataphract cavalry

    16 Iranian horse archers

    4 bases of sparabara shields for the shieldwall rule in Swordpoint.

    Troop elephant with 4 crew

    Shahanshah on elephant with mahout and shield bearer.

    Although famously the elephants “still only count as one” I’m counting each crewman separately so that is a total of 9 for the two elephants and seven crew plus 32 cavalry and 4 shield bases is 45 completed miniatures.  Add in a random Celtic cavalryman I did too and that is 46 finished.  190/365 for the year.

    I’m also on Instagram if anyone else is there too you can see regular updates:


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve had a slowdown of late, I think the stress of Teacher Assessed Grades, marking etc is getting to me and stopping me from finding time to paint.

    I’ve got 71% of Batman: Gotham City Chronicles painted. (

    I think I’m ahead on painting more than I purchase and the majority of what I have purchased so far this year has been painted, although the arrival on my prize of Conquest Dwegholm figures may have put that more in the balance than I’d like to think.

    In total so far this year I have painted 131 miniatures and 5 pieces of terrain.


    Cult of Games Member

    My Reicbusters Errata finally arrived.  I spent 2-3 hours last week swapping in and out cards and I’ve finally started playing again.  Its lots of fun.  I’ve completed two more missions and theres three left to go in the box, and a fourth fan one I’ll probably do, which will check off another item from my list.  Aeon Tresspass playthoughs won’t be possible until next year.  Kindom Death may not happen this year either, if that’s delayed again.



    Cult of Games Member

    Good to hear the latest from  @lawnor and @jodain Well done on keeping going everyone.

    I’ve been busy since the Normans with my Spring Clean Challenge which you can find here:

    Here are some extracts:



    All finished now so that is 140 more completed for a total of 285 on the year which is about half way.  I’m off to work on some Celt-Iberians for Saga: Age of Hannibal.


    Cult of Games Member

    We started playing Gloomhaven again and unlocked two more models to paint so they count as part of my pledge (If a faction/game starts the year 100% painted it should end the year 100% painted)




    Cult of Games Member

    Good to see some progress here from @lawnor , how is everyone else doing?  I’m on 389 painted for the year which is about 3/4 of my target, so things are going well.

    I’ve been working on some civilians for a market scene on my Pulp gaming board.  All of these were painted in a weekend:IMG_1336

    IMG_1337 (2)

    My current project is Celtiberians for SAGA Age of Hannibal.  Check it out here:



    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve been surprised at how close I am to finishing my pledges – clearly I aimed too low! I think I’ve only got 14 left to paint to finish off my yearly targets.

    However I have been ignoring the terrain I pledged to do, partly because I struggle with it more than turning models around. I guess I should turn my attention to trying my hand at knocking together a few pieces in the back half of the year.


    On last count I was at over 400 miniatures painted since March last year. I’ve finished the Soviet and British armies for Team Yankee.  The German army for Flames is finished bar 5 half tracks and an 88.

    I’ve made significant progress on some of my other projects, including the Asian town gaming board.

    I really need to do a massive update across all my projects on here at some point.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m being held back by delays in deliveries, but otherwise I’m on target.  I need to finish playing Reichbusters (Only a few missions to go.  I just need to remove other distractions and get down to it.  Thereafter, its just waiting for stuff to arrive, and that might not be until next year.


    Cult of Games Member

    This month I had some time off and finished the Travel Saga Saxons in 12mm (standard reference paperclip for scale)


    I also worked through the 7 main factions for the Scythe boardgame which have a character model and 4 mechs each.  These are the Rusviets:

    IMG_1359 (2)

    I’ve also been working away at the Celtiberians which can be viewed on their project blog for which I won another Golden Button.  The most recent addition are these Spanish Caetrati:

    20210820_211427322_iOS (2)

    My total stands at 471 completed models for the year.  That brings me level with @scribbs on 90% of the target for the year.  If I can keep up this momentum this could be another bumper year.  If you want to follow my progress I post most days on Instagram  Looking forward to seeing some progress shots for everyone else.  Keep picking up those brushes 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    I haven’t updated in this thread for a while so a little update on where I am at for the year.  I’ve managed to paint 209 miniatures and bits of terrain (compared to 221 last year), so doing better on that front.  My Batman: Gotham City Chronicles now sits at 89% painted with 25 miniatures to be finished.  I’ve also started on finishing up my Khador army ready for the Broadside wargames show.  It has been good to compare some of my original warmachine figures which must be nearing 20 years old now with the one’s I’m painting now.  Contrast has made things easier, but I’ve developed as a better painting (at least I like to think so).


    Cult of Games Member

    I finished the Reichbusters campaign solo over my recent week off, including the Operation Wolfey missions and a couple of fan maps.  Was a lot of fun, but hard work towards the end.  Would be easier with more minds involved to remember everything and limit mistakes.  Everyone made it out alive (after a few resets), except for Hans, who gave his life to ensure the others made it out after killing Project X.

    Here they are, boarding the submarine at the end, ready to blow the charges they’ve placed around the facility.


    rb final

    This still leaves me with KD:M 1.6 which was due end Q1 but current guestimates have it shipping end Oct/early November. I don’t think getting this painted or played in 2021 is realistic anymore and I’m likely not going to hold this against me for the pledge.

    My last remaining other goal is to paint more than I gain.  once KD:M turns up, I’ll have gained 137 models this year.  I’ve painted 120 (and am half way through another 3).  That means I need to try and paint 17 more models before January.  I’ve run out of units and its only solos and specials left so I’m not sure I can do this.  I do have 3 more weeks of Annual leave to take so it’s not impossible, but I’ve also a lot of DIY to get done.


    How is everyone else doing with their pledges?  I’ll set up the 2022 thread and sheet soon, so get thinking about what you want to achieve next year.



    Cult of Games Member

    An update on my pledges then.

    I’m 12 figures short of completing the Batman Gotham City Chronicles part of my pledge.

    I’m well clear on the painting more than I gain, having painted 251 so far this year, 2 months to go I wonder how close I can get to 300?

    The Khador part of the pledge was added late and is making great progress having painted 44 figures although 25 of them have been purchased since making the pledge. The show is the beginning of December, so I have a month to get some more done.


    Cult of Games Member

    Good to get some updates from @lawnor and @jodain   Well done on the progress 🙂

    I’m currently at 484 painted miniatures for this year.  I’ve finished another project, the SAGA: Age of Hannibal CeltIberians who look like this (and there’s a video on my Instagram):

    20211012_053506162_iOS (2)

    I’ve got the Mordor army remnants on the desk at the moment but am being distracted by SAGA: Age of Invasions which arrived this weekend.  I think I’ve got enough miniatures for decent warbands for more than half of the factions.  This looks like the next (and probably final) project of the year.

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