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Ho Ho Holy shit have you seen Hellboy!

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This topic contains 16 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  arso96 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    and a bum shot for @lloyd


    limited preorder, won’t ship until February but on the plus side that’s my birthday, so yay me \o/

    Order him here now!



    they have a spinning video, it’s a delight.

    Smooth jazz sax



    Looks very cool and we will be getting new R rated film too as it gets re-conceptualised and re-cast.



    Yea Big Red looks great, glad to see looking after those kids has worked out for him.


    Cult of Games Member

    Certain folks on Kickstarter were already complaining that it was ‘too expensive’ and all the usual crap.
    Considering the size, the hand cast nature and limited edition of the thing I’d say it isn’t *that* expensive (it’s not cheap either).

    It would have been nice to have this as part of the kickstarter while the pledge manager was open, but I don’t mind it at all ’cause it kind of shows that there will be more Hellboy related content after the game hits retail.

    Hellboy Kickstarter backers get a shipping discount. Code is in the latest update for the project.


    R-rated Hellboy ?
    Same actor as Hellboy or are they replacing him as well ?




    @limburger people on kickstarter are terrible bastards, as I always say Fuck them

    New film, Hellboy is the sheriff from Stranger Things.

    I have no problem with them doing a one off christmas thing. None backers who don’t even want to play the game may want that to paint. I have 5 GW santas from christmas’ past.

    Fuck I hate people.



    Well some US folks say it’s nearly 80$ with shipping which I would say is quite a bit money for such a mini.

    For me it would be 13 pounds to germany which is a bit over 1/3 of the actual price of the mini and that is why I’m unsure about buying it.
    Yes I know the are not directly responsible for the shipping costs but as some suggested reopening the pledge manager for that would be nice.
    Or they could do what Workhouse Games did for The Awful Orphanage, they released a miniature pack  and a diorama after the KS and gave backers a coupon for free shipping.
    Sure Hellboy has a little bit over ten times more backers, but probably not everyone would buy that mini (as some complain about the price of itself) and Mantic is very likely way bigger than Workhouse Games.

    But saying this here and on KS probably makes me a terrible bastard. You really shouldn’t lump all people on KS together, because there are some arguing the mini is well worth it’s price and some just saying they already ordered it without even talking about the price.
    And not all of the people complaining about the price are toxic about it.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, well aren’t we just a little bit cranky 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @iceeagle85 : the code that was in the kickstarter post was to be for discounted shipping … so they kind of did that already.
    Shipping single miniatures is always going to be expensive, unless you’re buying from the likes of GW who ship so much they can get lower rates.

    @avernos : I know … at times the comments sections on kickstarter pages are like the YouTube comment sections.
    I don’t know about ‘Stranger things’ … so name not ringing any bell.
    On the plus side Hellboy has so much make-up/special effects so the actual actor doesn’t really matter too much.




    Here’s the problem I have.

    They ran the Kickstarter, they told people what they would get, which is a massive savings on the retail release of the game,so why the fuck do people think they’re suddenly entitled to something that wasn’t promised to them?

    I bought some space marines in the 80s and 90s does that mean I get the PRIMARSE marines for free now?

    What the absolute fuck do people think is going on here?

    If you backed it and you don’t want it, don’t buy it, It has sweet fuck all squared to do with what you’ve paid for so you’re losing nothing.

    If you backed it and you want it, you’ll have to pay for it, it’s a limited edition release and these things cost over the average and are once in a lifetime buys.

    If you didn’t back it and you want it, well now is your chance for this lovely model, good luck, god speed and Excelsior!

    and if you didn’t back it and you don’t want it, why in the name of holy fuck are you complaining it’s got fuck all to do with you. Do you tell Tesla you’re not buying their electric cars because you can’t afford it and you don’t believe in climate change?

    This idea that people are entitled really fucks me off to the power of the Nth degree, sweet zombie jesus.



    Why are you insulting me? I never insulted you or Mantic, yes my last paragraph wasn’t the best thing to write but I did not insult anyone.
    And i never wanted anything for free, I just said I can understand why people are not happy if their shipping is as much or more as the mini itself cost and I also  said I know this is not Mantic’s fault.

    I just said it would be nice for backers to be able to add it to their pledeg or get a shipping free coupon like another KS i backed did.

    And I never said that the miniature itself is to expensive, I just said that shipping cost which are a bit over 1/3 of the miniature’s price I have to think about it and I just don’t like it if someone says all people of X are idiots/bastards/whatever.



    I didn’t mention anyone by name, and I’m certainly not singling you out @iceeagle85 I do, however, have a problem with people coming along after the fact and complaining that they think they should get something. The KS are getting a shipping reduction if they want it and if they don’t then it’s not an issue.

    But, if as you say, people are complaining and being toxic on KS because they’re not getting a miniature that was never discussed during the kickstarter then I have fuck all sympathy for them. What are they expecting exactly. Shipping costs and the like are neither here nor there, that is a companies prerogative.

    There are plenty of times I’ve ordered things and blanched at the shipping, but if I’ve wanted it I’ve bought it, and if I thought the postage was taking the piss I’ve walked away (studiominiatures “northern ireland” doesn’t exist I’m looking at you)


    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t hate people Mr @avernos …… Hate whiney, entitled troglodytes that have nothing better to do than complain about not getting something for nothing….. the buffoons ….. Hope you are feeling better. 🙂



    Cult of Games Member

    It does come with a stat card to use this version of hellboy in the boardgame … so *eh* it does have a bit more to do with the game.

    However … I suspect that card is little more than a means of telling their customers there’s a Hellboy game as well.
    Heck I doubt they’d be so stupid to make it affect gameplay at all.

    So yeah. I don’t understand why certain *beeps* out there on the interwebs start shouting all sorts of nasty stuff.

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