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High power hippies

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  horati0nosebl0wer 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    I was trying to find a line of minis that were related to 7TV as far as having a 60s motif to them but weren’t from Crooked Dice. I do recall they had been featured at some time on the site for new figures but I’m falling flat finding them. I’m dreadfully poor on details other than they seemed to be psychedelic in that some of them seemed to be LSD dreams in 28mm. I think I recall one of them sculpted like HR Giger in his magical garb holding his hands against his head. Any leads o the minis would be helpful.

    All of this really comes from me finding the Cashmere rolling pins from Greenstuff World and thinking what fun it might be to make some high power hippies with bold colors.


    Cult of Games Member

    I think your looking for lucid eye publications , the plot device section of the store


    Yes! That’s exactly it. Thank you very much

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