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Hashtags – how many are too many?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  jamescutts 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    So you all probably know hashtags. Those keywords that are used in almost all social media to catalogue and categorize content.

    I do like them as they make it easy to find stuff and follow content. You can even set up alarms to monitor certain things.

    Let’s take #SpringCleanChallenge2024 for example. You may have painted a #Viking for #Saga and #AgeOfVikings (not sure if that exists just pretend it does). Now anybody who looks for any of those tags will be able to find your creation.

    Personally I find using 3 – 5 tags the most is best. Because if you start using more and more tags you start to dilute your audience and may even get filtered. I find if very annoying when I see something (hobby related) that is a picture (or series of pictures) followed by 10 words describing what it is and then a wall of 20’ish tags. That just looks silly plus it will not make your content be seen by more.

    What to use as a hashtag? I’d say “KIS”. Keep it simple. What is it you’re showing, what game system is it for and is it a painted miniature or a scratchbuild building? Of course there are also “generic” tags one can use (#Wargaming #MiniaturePainting #ScratchBuild) and at times those are your best option when you are doing stuff that works for more than one purpose.

    Bonus level and extra karma: I capitalize my hashtags. Because #SpringCleanChallenge2024 is easier to read than #springcleanchallenge2024. Especially if your audience has some issue where they are either visually impaired/challenged and use a screen reader or have a hard time reading altogether.

    So how about you? Do you use hashtags when posting online? Do you utilize them to search for stuff? Do you even care?




    Don’t really use hashtags. Don’t really do social media.


    Cult of Games Member

    On social media if the blue words look like they’re outnumbering the black words my eyes have learned to move on to the next thing.

    Now if only I could only learn to stop reading the comments on the algorithm content I’d be happier.


    Cult of Games Member

    Avoiding social media is the best way … it’s better for the soul too as there generally is too much negativity and an algorithm that feeds it.

    One or two hashtags is the way to go. Adding more feels silly and it kind of is the reason why Google results are filled with useless crap these days.

    If you’ve tagged the game in the project system then your work is basically done already.
    We know there should be a battle report in any project about any game anyway …



    I agree with @limburger. One hashtag, and stay away from (un)social media. I recently closed the last of accounts – an IG account. I feel better every single day. The ever changing algorithms and the shift to reels made it untenable for me.

    #sorrynotsorry – the WORST hashtag of them all.


    Cult of Games Member

    #sorrynotsorry – the WORST hashtag of them all.

    can’t argue with that


    Cult of Games Member

    On Twitter I used them either for a laugh or to allow people to mute them. Football stuff I’d tag consistently as I had friends with no interest in it. Similarly I’d mute others. I’m on Bluesky and it’s quieter but I’m thinking of muting a few already (#TheArchers I’m looking at you).

    So for me it’s about controlling my timeline and letting others do the same. I just wasn’t arsed about “clout” or getting thousands of followers, there are too many morons out there and I’ve no desire to meet them.


    Cult of Games Member

    If I see too many #hashtags I tend to ignore the post, particularly if they outnumber the normal words. The limit for me is around 3 or so, I never use more than that and don’t often read posts with more either.

    I don’t often use them, either as a author or a consumer, I find that unless its very specific it ends up full of other random stuff anyway that’s of no use.


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