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This topic contains 36 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by  wolfie65 1 year, 1 month ago.

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  • #1854062

    Cult of Games Member

    I think those are some of the reason why discord and decentralized networks like pixelfed, mastodon, matrix etc. are slowly gaining traffic. it’s more like the old Interwebs but at the same time is even more relaxed at times.


    Cult of Games Member

    “Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.”

    They might have known what they wanted but it’s not working. If it where you wouldn’t find any copyrighted material anymore on YouTube. YouTube, Facepage and all grew so fast there was no keeping up with restrictions.



    I’m guessing the size and popularity of a channel may have something to do with whether or not you’re able to slip between the cracks.

    I know of one lady who talks about religion, culture, history, language and how it all connects who obsessively deletes her streams almost immediately after they finish to keep abreast of the Tubular Stasi. If she didn’t, she would have been banned forever a LONG time ago.

    Some movies are available for free, other, similar ones are not, not sure why.

    Some German movies from the 1930s and 40s are (still) there, most are very banned, even if they’re just romcoms… know: boy meets girl, they sing and stuff…..

    I recommend Bitchute, Odysee and, they are, as of yet, relatively censorship-free.


    Cult of Games Member

    @wolfie65 you should try InfoWars, you’d love it


    Cult of Games Member

    @onlyonepinman – nailed it!

    I’ve worked with some of the guys who worked on “the algorithm”.
    Trust me – they didn’t know “exactly what they were doing”.
    Quite the opposite, in fact.

    In the same way, nobody every coded an AI chatbot to be a racist misogynist, but it just kind of evolved because of an unfiltered feedback loop, much of “the algorithm” is simply returning what it found works – if there was any way these corporations could make more money, irrespective of whether that nudged users down a particular path of belief/opinion, they’d happily take it. Algorithms work they way they do because of user feedback and generating profit, not some sinister all-seeing overlord imposing a singular world view on the entire population.

    But maybe – if you’ve clicked on it enough to teach the algorithm that you like conspiracy theories – InfoWars will tell you otherwise?



    Cult of Games Member

    @blinky465 While I think it would be fairly easy to pick on YouTube and highlight some of their more questionable behaviours, for the most part, I think they’re generally stuck between a rock and a hard place trying to balance many conflicting and competing interests.  I won’t defend them and say they do a great job – they don’t.  I won’t say I agree with their priorities – I don’t.  I also think they’re massively under-utilising the potential of the platform by pushing the idea of “content”, which generally strips away any artistic endeavour and tends to prioritise disposable garbage over anything with artistic merit or well researched, independently created documentaries.  Those things obviously exist but it’s incredibly hard for creators to make them successful using the YouTube platform itself.


    All that being said, scathing criticism of YouTube aside (and call me naive) but I don’t think they’re demons and devils determined to suppress any trash talk about D&D or talk of RPGs that aren’t D&D. Obviously I could be wrong but, as someone who kind of likes conspiracy theories, this is not a very good one (nor were the ones Info Wars used to peddle)



    Infowars are controlled opposition at best. And even profits have now taken a backseat to the agenda, which must be pushed as hard as possible at all times – see Gilette, Target, NASCAR, NFL, Budweiser or pretty much any large company/franchise you care to name.

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