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Hammer Show, Newark 2021 is Cancelled :(

Home Forums News, Rumours & General Discussion Hammer Show, Newark 2021 is Cancelled :(

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  hughsfamily 3 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #1656342

    Cult of Games Member

    Hammerhead Show Update 15th June 2021
    “It is with great frustration that we have little choice but to announce that Hammerhead 2021 can no longer go ahead on the 31th July in response to the government’s decision to extend Covid restrictions for another 4 weeks and possibly even longer.
    Since Hammerhead 2020, no traders or game presenters have attended a wargame show for what will be 16 months, and therefore need a minimum of 6 weeks to organise transport, accommodation, their trade stand or participation game, manufacture, and order stock etc. For this reason, the decision must be made now and not in 4 weeks’ time.
    Over the last few weeks, the increasing spread of the Covid Delta variant has piled uncertainty upon more uncertainty for event organisers across the country. Unfortunately, working crystal balls are in very short supply at the moment, so nobody really knows what will happen next. We had a vision of Hammerhead being the last wargame show before the first Covid lock-down and the first show to re-commence after the pandemic – leaving go of this vision is not easy after so much preparation.
    A massive thank you to all the traders, game presenters and everyone who has offered so much encouragement and support for Hammerhead. We will organise a full refund for all the traders and give them the first option for trade space at the next Hammerhead scheduled for 5th March 2022 when hopefully ‘normality’ will have returned to all our lives.”



    Thanks for the share Panzerkaput.

    If you find any other info on the state of shows please feel free to put them on the Facebook group (yes I noted the like on the post) as well. (4 of us have enough problems keeping up) .


    Vladvondrak aka Black Knight(Discord)


    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder when we’ll have a situation where we can plan things reliably :S


    Cult of Games Member

    I was expecting this to start happening when shows first started announcing they would be on this year.  Still sad to see it though, as much for the traders as the organisers.

    Fingers crossed some shows might go ahead later in the year at the end of sumer start of autum, I expect there might likley be another wave of cancelations over winter and hopefully hammerhead (and other shows) can go ahead by next march.


    Cult of Games Member

    Not the news we were hoping for but understandable under the circumstances. Missing shows so much.


    Cult of Games Member

    I was looking forward to the show but it is the best decision


    Cult of Games Member

    Roll on March 2222 then. I Hope Stockton and Fiasco and Pudsey Recon are on. Who could have thought that I would miss the smell of sweaty T-Shirts  and overpriced catering quite so much.  🙂


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