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GW teases "The Primaris Lieutenant You've Been Waiting For"

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This topic contains 56 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  mecha82 5 years, 10 months ago.

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    There have been a bunch of complaints on the GW social media pages about too many Primeris Lieutenants being release (generally/as special LE minis for store openings, birthdays etc)

    there is what looks to be a primeris Lieutenant on the base of the new Angron teased here (Plenty of Chaos fans have been waiting for an updated Angron sculpt)

    hence here’s the new primeris lietenant you’ve been waiting for….. he’s dead and attached to Angron



    @mage This issue would had been avoided if GW had just given us those Primaris sculpts as true scale Marines instead of saying that those are totally new type of Marines. But they didn’t do that and now we are in situation were it’s very likely that they choose to discontinue entire range in order to sell even more Primaris Marines and eventually leaving lot of us that have collected Space Marines long time rightfully angry towards them.



    It would have been an issue for some if new mks of power armour and weapons started appearing with no explanation too for some, or were retconned into it.


    There was no way for them to win this. At least with them being Primaris and the old ones not being replaced in background, you can do ‘historical 40k’ before the Ultima Founding or whatever it is called, much in the way of the Horus Heresy,



    @mecha82 I see what you mean though. Maybe it seemed to make more sense to them from a business perspective and to update the look and feel and sell newer and more kits. I doubt it was a situation they took lightly either way.


    I for instance, have some old Rogue Trader marines nestled in with my own Sons of Horus Horus-Heresy-Era army and its fine. Then again, the equpiment patterns and armours, despite the size, still get used by the older plastic non-primaris marines. I guess that can’t be done now with the current marines and Primaris (so far as mixed squads).



    Well either old fabius bile has managed to blag the primaris secrets, and an abby clone is the result, or he lives in the warp and much like time neither X,Y or Z behave as expected, something like this:




    Apparently when FB saw the new Primaris it had him become very curious about what they were and how they were made.



    A dead Primaris Lieutenant is a good one as we on the right side always says 🙂

    Good to see Abbadon getting a new proper sculpt after being the war master for so long. Looking forward to that vigilus book and what chaos will be receiving.



    FYI, the Primaris referred to in this video is the one under Abaddon’s boot.  The in-joke is that GW has been releasing a ridiculous number of “Primaris Lieutenant” models over the last 18 months and the fan-base had had enough of them.

    Edit: I posted in reply to the comments on page 1.  I didn’t realize there were two more pages of replies.


    Cult of Games Member

    funny that for years people complained the marines were to small now when they start getting larger marines they start to whinge  their to large for the games, some people aye.



    @zorg You have missed the point. No one is complaining about Primaris Marines being bigger. What people are complaining about (IMO rightfully so) is that they are pushing Primaris Marines too much and that those should had been just regular Space Marines updated to true scale instead of being they own thing. We have seen regular Space Marines updated before with new power armor and new style weapons so doing that would had made lot of sense. Plus there wouldn’t had been reason to have really badly made lore to explain these new type of Space Marines.








































    Completely agree with this. Just like, say, Klingons in Star Trek they could have just updated the appearance of space marines without changing the rules or story. I spent a year painting up an 1800 pt dark angels force and then, a few weeks later, out came the Primaris marines. It was frustrating and put me off the whole thing a bit.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well I suppose there’s nothing wrong with using the Primaris Models as “old” Space Marines (you’d need to do a little kit bashing to give the tactical squads things like missile launchers and flamers) that are “true scale”. Gamers have been converting the old models to true scale for years after all.

    Not sure how it would affect official tourneys, but if you say they are Space Marines models instead of Primaris I don’t see there being a problem?

    Just ditch the new Primaris rules and organisation and play with the older rules (which are still legal for official events I believe).

    For gamers with the older armies, I suppose the problem might be trying to add to your existing army if GW decide to drop doing the older space marines from retail (I’ve a friend with a Black Templars army who is always searching for some of the older chapter specific models, but this was the case before the Primaris arrived anyway).

    But “back in the day” of Rogue Trader and to an extent 2nd Edition, we were always using proxy models, kitbashes etc. Not sure when the “official” and WYSIWYG mandate arrived (for the worse in my opinion). But at the end of the day it’s YOUR hobby and you can do with it what you want.

    I think the issue isn’t so much Primaris, it’s more GW dropping armies from stock on a regular basis (the biggest one being Squats in 40K) as they continually retcon the universe to drive new sales. It’s something we have to live with in this day and age. But at least the game is still going (unlike many sci-fi games I could mention) in some format, so perhaps we should bemoan our fate too much 🙂






    Cult of Games Member

    Its people in general I was talking about not this post I have seen posts on fb about the people criticiseing the primaris model being to large compared to the other figure’s personally I’m not bothered they do look more true size figure wise if you see the GW fluff.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer you’re definitely missing something.  The statement about the Primaris Lieutenant You Always Wanted is just a bit of self deprecation.  It’s based off an online joke that there’s so many Primaris Lieutenants that they could have their own codex.  It’s not necessarily an insinuation that Abbaddon is a Primaris Lieutenant.


    Cult of Games Member


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