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GW reveales Valerian and Aleya

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  shredhead 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1455804

    Cult of Games Member

    Ok, look at those minis and tell me that this isn’t the most static and boring release GW has done in a while… seriously.


    Also, she looks more like a Dark Eldar to me than any Sister Of Battle…


    Cult of Games Member

    Hmmmmmmmmm I think your right! They really don’t try to go for dynamic poses for minis do they! I also really don’t like a lot of the bare space marine heads! Might just be the paint job but there is something about this one in particular!!

    Does he look a bit like Christopher Walken ( the actor) to anybody else?

    Considering the story behind the space marines and how they are incredible fighters they always get very boring poses! Might be difficult to sculpt them into dynamic poses right enough but always seems to go against the image you build when you read any of the books. They always look like guys who will just soak up any damage as they slowly plod across the battlefield rather than the deadly and nimble super soldiers they are meant to be!


    Cult of Games Member

    Does he look a bit like Christopher Walken ( the actor) to anybody else?

    Yeah, I can see that.


    Cult of Games Member

    She probably doesn’t look like a SoB because she isn’t one; she’s a Sister of Silence. ?



    I’ve always thought the modern interpretations of the Sisters of Silence and Custodes made them looks quasi-Eldar in styling with the top knot cue and the conical helms.

    Maybe it has something to do with some now discarded ideas about the Emperor’s hidden true nature or origins.


    Cult of Games Member

    @lordofuzkulak I didn’t know there was a difference… still looks more like a DE then a human 😉


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer – massive difference; SoS are the Imperium’s psychic blank force tasked with rounding up psykers and carting them off to feed to the Golden Throne, become Astropaths or conscript into sanctioned psykers for the Guard and were founded pre- Great Crusade, whereas  the SoB are nuns with guns and weren’t founded until something like the 35th millennium after the Gorge Vandire heresy from the Brides of the Emperor as a loophole abuse to get around the ban on the Ecclesiarchy having armed forces (they’re only banned on having *men* under arms – nothing says they can’t have *women* under arms). ?


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s almost as if as soon as they put someone in (spacemarine) armour they only ever have that one static pose.

    Unless they have a gun or pistol they can use to point at things while they do the ‘foot on rock’ thing.

    Compare this to the TAGS and similar gigantic armoured soldiers by Corvus Belli …


    Cult of Games Member

    Apart from the face on the gold one I like them.  I think they’re supposed to look regal rather than dynamic, which is totally fine.


    Cult of Games Member

    @onlyonepinman I think you have hit the nail on the head with them looking regal.

    I do like the SoS sculpt but less so the custodes. I wonder if they have a helmeted version.


    Cult of Games Member

    @grumpygraeme: if you already have Custodes it should be trivial to dig a spare helmet out of your bits box if there isn’t. 😉



    Also he isn’t a Space Marine, he’s a Custodes. They are different.



    He definitely looks like a mutant, that head is way too large, even for “heroic scale”. She looks fine, though. I don’t understand that need for every miniature being “dynamic”, though. Static poses are fine with me.

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