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GW mail order strike again.

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  phaidknott 1 year, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Well daft me was at the PC on a Saturday morning at 9.50am a few weeks ago trying to order the new Necromunda Rulebook. AND I actually managed it (and was able to order the cards and the card sleeves before they went out of stock).


    Then I got an email apologising for the delay, but GW is moving it’s warehouse facilities and things will not be shipped just yet (so okies, I don’t mind waiting, at least I know the goods will reach me eventually).


    Now (today) I just got an email from GW “customer service” apologising again, but now telling me the rulebook is out of stock and they are going to send a refund (and the rest of the order will be shipped in the near future).


    Now what I can’t work out, is how was I successfully able to order all the additional items (like the card packs) which went “out of stock” within minutes, and the rulebook (which went out of stock 20 minutes later) after jumping through all the hoops to get the order in. Only to be told “No you can’t have it” (plus it was a bloody expensive purchase for a rulebook)?


    It’s a rarity to actually be able to order anything from GW these days without it being “Out of Stock”. But now it seems even if you place the order (and pay for it) there’s no guarantee that GW are going to honour your order anyhow.


    Mad as hell about this one, they just beggar belief these days (“Market Leader” my ass) 🙁


    Cult of Games Member

    The trouble with not maintaining a proper stock level via your software inventory.

    Yeah, it’s like G’Wullu never left the 90s in that regard.

    I hope you get your plastic crack elsewhere.


    Cult of Games Member

    Bodes well. I had already accepted putting this one off until it came back around as I had already put my hobby budget elsewhere this month but if hey haven’t got the stock for pre-release orders…            .  _.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve given up completely on “new release day”. No way will anything be available for more than a minute or two.

    GW is a trainwreck at the “customer service” and “supply train” level.

    I hit “email me when you get your sh*t together and maybe it’s in stock” and I’m surprised that occasionally they do – although, if I hit the link, it’s often just a joke; half the time it’s sold out – AGAIN – by the time I get to the item.

    GW also, categorically, does not care. They don’t care if people get what they want as long as they continue to sell stuff.



    Seems like a pretty clear cut case. Their inventory wasn’t correct. Could have been that their printer produced fewer than they thought, it may have been miscounted or otherwise entered into the system incorrectly.

    It is more frustrating since you seemed to have succeeded.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well my order shipped, I’ve got ONE item out of the four I ordered (I had no email previously about the other items that were “out of stock”).


    Beggars belief, I also checked eBay and looks like the Scalpers managed (as usual), there was even one seller with MULTIPLE copies of the new Core Rulebook (even though these were supposed to be limited to one per customer) at almost 100% mark up.


    It’s not often I order from GW direct (I usually order from my local store (Goblin Gaming)), but I had a impression (given GWs previous actions) that they would be getting perhaps one book per store (and non of the Cards as they end up as GW webstore exclusives, and when they are gone they are gone (such as the “Open Hive War” set)). But given this particular experience of ordering direct from GW, jumping through all the hoops to place the order and the dismal performance from GW and it’s customer service…’s probably going to be my last (and FOMO be dammed)

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