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GumbaFish's hobby log

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming GumbaFish's hobby log

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gumbafish 6 years ago.

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    Well it appears the old logs will be archives only so I guess it is time to start a new one. Currently I am working on some terrain pieces for Shadespire just as a fun project. Here are a few WIP shots of a spiral staircase. I’m in the middle of encasing it in thin cork ‘stones’ at the moment but thought it might be useful to take some pics during the build in case others were interested in doing something similar.


    Cult of Games Member

    Skilful work, look forward to seeing it as it progresses.



    I guess I went dormant for a while here. After deciding to change armies I spent a solid 6 weeks assembling things but decided to give myself a break and do some painting. I’ve finished the first unit for my new Crucible Guard army for Warmachine. I also decided that I never finish armies because I end up being too OCD and holding myself to an unrealistically high standard if I want to finish an army.

    With a new army I’ve taken a new approach to painting and have also drastically reduced the time I spend on each model. I think I spent somewhere around 8 hours painting these guys plus the initial airbrushing and varnishing, so figure 10 hours in total. Not the speediest, but they are on 40mm bases so I’m hoping regular troops can be done even faster.

    Here they are, Crucible Guard Assault Troopers.
    Grunt 2
    Grunt 3
    Grunt 4
    Grunt 5



    Oh also I don’t think I ever got this guy posted anywhere. This is Orin Midwinter painted in my Khador scheme



    I’ve been pretty neglectful of posting in part because I was assembling more than painting, and partly because I’ve struggled to find a good consistent place to take photos in my house. I’m trying out a new setup and finally took pictures of my latest project, a Vulcan for my Crucible Guard army. I have several other backlogged projects to take pictures of so I’ll be updating more over the next few days. As part of my motivation to paint more I am trying yet again to post painted minis more.




    This is a nearly finished Dragyri from Dark Age. I don’t play the game at all but saw the starter set for a cheap price and picked it up because I wanted some fun miniatures to paint when I want a break from the normal stuff.



    I started working on Hutchuk for my Crucible Guard army tonight. Here is just the initial zenithal priming

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