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frostgrave vs ghost archipelago what's better?

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    Looking at getting into one of these, I know Frostgrave has had a 2nd edition and so is newer. They seem very similar, so which one is better? Or is it simply an aesthetic choice? Do you want a frozen ruined town or the jungle.


    Cult of Games Member

    Ghost Archipelago builds on Frostgrave 1 (with a few differences) and Frostgrave 2 builds on them both. IMO they’re both good games and I’d go with whichever most floats your boat aesthetically.



    FG has more support in the sense that there are more supplements, as well as a larger playerbase.

    While FG is snow-themed, you should be able to play it with your regular generic fantasy terrain, as well as generic fantasy figures. Ghosts would require you to own pirate-themed et al. figures, as well as a playing surface with water, islands, etc. (I think). You can make bridges with sprues and popsicle sticks, btw. (:



    I think FG might be the better choice, but there is something about making a table out of jungle and Aztec ruins, that when Wargames Atlantic bring out their Aztec box makes me want to play on it!



    Well, there you go then! Happy crafting!

    If you can find the CMON Rum and Bones miniatures, I think they’re a good fit for GA. I dunno if I’d want to be wearing armor in a swamp, though!

    Lead Adventurers has a Frostgrave and GA forum.

    Looks like GA terrain is both jungles and swamps :

    Chicago Skirmish is a fun blog to read, and they have a GA island board tutorial :


    Cult of Games Member

    Excellent points on the terrain and models. I’m accumulating models for ‘snowy” Frostgtave without going for the full snow effects. I’m using 4ground’s winter static grass as a nod to the frosty theme but nothing more. This is handy as they won’t stand out to much when I use them in Rangers of Shadow Deep.

    That said I’d love to build a fantasy army (Saga, Dragon Rampant, Erehwon, etc) with Ghost Archipelago minis.






    One great thing about FG: Ghost A. is that there is a lot more depth for creating warbands from non-ship crews, and feels easier to gonthe whole non-human route since there is rules for creating your own tribe warband with unique characteristics as well as the snakemen rules as well I believe.

    I have both as I like their differences (GA is less wizard and more superhero in terms of its leaders), but will probably play the FG: felstad one as it currently is most likely to have player interest in my area


    Cult of Games Member

    Both systems are good, so really it boils down to a personal aesthetic choice.

    Our group having played both generally preferred Frostgrave.  In our general opinion it felt that Frostgrave better represented how we imagined it felt to be a wizard, who needed to shield himself with minions but had some powerful spells, than it represented a “superhero” with minions.  In our opinion, the protagonists always felt a bit too vulnerable to truly represent how the fluff represented them and how we wanted to play them “leading from the front” in the game.

    However it was still fun, and the rules and models worked fine.

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