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Free League announce "Blade Runner" RPG KickStarter date

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    Cult of Games Member

    I got the email 2 hours ago from Free League – how come it’s not headline news on OTT?


    “We’re delighted to announce that we will launch a Kickstarter for the official BLADE RUNNER RPG on May 3rd, for an official release in the fall. The game is published in partnership with Alcon Entertainment and was recently voted Most Anticipated RPG of 2022 in the annual vote held by the EN World.

    “The Kickstarter goes live on May 3rd at 6 am US Pacific Time (9 am US Eastern, 3 pm Central European). All backers who pledge within the first 24 hours will receive a bonus item soon to be revealed.”

    Sign up to be notified at the Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page 



    Cult of Games Member

    It will be interesting how they’re going to handle this one.
    I think they’re the right kind of people do to it. Focussing on investigations sounds like a smart idea.
    Gumshoe / Nights’ black Agents have been the only rpg’s I know that had a similar focus.

    You don’t want an investigation to grind to a halt just because the pc’s fluffed their ‘spot hidden’ rolls …


    Cult of Games Member

    Well, no need to wait, the KS is live!


    Cult of Games Member

    we haven’t seen the rules yet … 😉

    but I do think that what they’ve revealed so far is interesting.

    You know the deal … you’re cop or you’re little people.

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