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FORGOTTEN Chambers : Kickstarter September 3

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  jamjarst 5 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #1417553


    FC lancement KS

    FORGOTTEN CHAMBERS is an exploration game in which dungeons are randomly generated through exploration cards. Each game follows a scenario as part of a campaign described in the dedicated booklet. It will be quite possible to create scenarios thanks to the various explorations cards and related events without forgetting encounters and monsters.

    Visuel FC KS 3D

    When discovering a new exploration card, a player draws an encounter card on which a small ambient text is described and what the heroes discover. When all the players cross an area together we draw an event that we just place on the storyline at the bottom of the board, describing the scenario and its stages. Specific event cards to each scenario are added to the common ones.

    The monsters encountered also depend on the scenarios: Kobolds and undead. All monsters (except bosses) are also drawn randomly.
    It is possible to change the difficulty of the game by adding events and / or exploration cards to increase the exploration time. It is also possible to play with higher level monsters.

    The game offers a great life because of all these elements. Each game will be different even if the same scenario is played several times thanks to all the exploration mechanics of the dungeons.

    The core box will propose 4 heroes and several decks of experience cards that will allow you to evolve them. Many treasures and equipment will also be part of the contents of the basic box.

    Several extensions will be available during the Kickstarter campaign including an exclusive in Early Bird. These extensions will propose to explore dungeons with very different environments containing many treasures, artefacts but also great dangers …. New heroes will help you in your perilous journeys.

    The game will be available in French and English, we will offer, depending on the number of bakers, the translation into other languages in pdf format for free download.

    Many other surprises are waiting for you!

    Exploration cards :

    angleCarte cachotCroisement

    Carte exploration couloirCarte exploration "verte" Carte exploration croisementCarte exploration salle d'armesalle du trone

    salle livre sacré

    Heroes :

    Visuel héros

    The Campaign :

    The campaign will starts on September 3 at 6pm GTM +1. You’ll find 4 pledge level between 40 euros and less than 100 euros.

    Many exclusive items for free during the campaign and a really good Early Bird during 48h !

    Follow us here :

    Have a good day !




    Hello everyone, the campaign starts on September 3 with an amazing Early Bird ! The Wrath of Valkyr.

    Wrath of valkyr

    Like our page and don’t miss anything MedFan Games’s projects 🙂

    Have a great day !



    Hello everyone,

    Forgotten Chambers is now live !

    Thank you for your support 🙂

    kickstarter live




    We financed the game in less than 24 hours !!! Let’s go for Stretch Goals !!

    Good day to all and thank you again 🙂



    Hello everyone, two stretch goals unlocked !! Let’s go for the third !

    SG lingwu





    Cult of Games Member

    I was tempted by the Early Bird so I am in 🙂

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