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Forgeworld casting changes

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  zampha 2 years, 5 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hi all,

    I wondered if any of the heads on here could help me out please.  About 15 years ago I picked up a squad of Renegade Ogryn from GW HQ, *grandpa Simpson hat on* back then they didn’t have a Forgeworld shop in the HQ and the staff had to go over to the studio directly and collect them.

    I’ve got the point where I need to clear some of the pile of shame so I listed them on Reddit’s miniswap sub. Immediately I was accused of trying to sell a recast.  They’re in the original ziplock bags and the outer large bag has the serial number. Annoyingly I didn’t keep the assembly instructions or a receipt.

    So I wrote to the moderators and asked how I can prove they’re genuine beside having the original packaging and the sculpts still being on sprue.  They said that the sprue channel’s shape was wrong (and there’s apparently ‘too much flash’ to be Forgeworld, which I find baffling that they believe they’re experts on the amount of flashing the notoriously wonky casts from Forgeworld should have), and when I sent other images from ebay of models with the same sprue channel they said those must be recasts too.  I’ve even tried emailing Forgeworld directly, but they said they can’t check packing sheets to check casting because the models are too long oop and their records don’t go back far enough to check the serial number.

    I guess just for my sanity as much as anything now, if there was someone who could just confirm that Forgeworld cast with straight flat sprue channels like this one around 2002 (the date on the packet) I would be super grateful: IMG_20220729_065753



    Yes you can see the same type of gate on the Renegade troops on this video in 2011. Under the lettered gate they would have had a large block of resin which has been cut off.

    look at 8:14

    Your models have the games work logo in the correct place to the left it has the lettering C as well.

    Typically you dont see a recaster including the sprue gate with the company logo on it. If it is a recast they have done a ruddy good job on it.



    Cult of Games Member

    Thank you so much for your time in replying. It’s honestly just nice to have someone believe me!



    Without getting into the moral or legal side of things there is no reason why a recaster would need to change the gates on a sprue anyway, you would just use the existing ones created by Foregworld anyway


    Cult of Games Member

    But surely if they are casting them in resin, they are taking a negative mould of the original cast and they would create their own sprue gate when casting? The only reason to take a mould of the sprue gate too was if you were intending to create a fraudulent cast. This is what blows my mind that I’m being accused of having a fraudulent item when I have the bags, serial and models on sprue, but not the instructions. You know, if I’m really looking to scam to the point where I’m manufacturing identical forgeworld bags, surely faking the instructions and a receipt wouldn’t be too tricky!


    Cult of Games Member

    Sounds like the minis might be older than the admins/other users of the Reddit channel? 😀





    Cult of Games Member

    The attitudes of some “younger” Warhammer players (and really, we are talking twenty somethings, so they are adults) is quite laughable. It’s like they have no concept of how old GW is an institution and that there are miniatures, made by GW, that are older than they are. So when they encounter these things, which are kind of pieces of Warhammer history, instead of saying “whoah, how cool is that!”, they assume that you are using fakes, recasts or 3rd party models.


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah, I carried on the conversation with the polite moderator using the points made here but they still won’t admit they’re wrong. As you say, probably a kid.


    Cult of Games Member

    How much were you trying to sell them for btw?



    Cult of Games Member

    I was hoping for something in the £100-120 range

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