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First ever paints.

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This topic contains 15 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  ced1106 6 years ago.

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    Hey guys, been watching BoW for like a year and a half now, but I’ve finally gained the courage (and money) to actually get into wargaming. I chose 40k.
    After buying the “First strike” boxset, and some paints, I painted the space marines from there (I’ve got painted the chaos marines yet). I then went on to paint the “Get Started” box set for the Skitarri, because I enjoy their lore and aesthetic.
    How do you think I went(There are some small details that I’ve yet to do)? Is there any advice you could give me?  45745319_352350478675130_4561789974600482816_n45799731_249169402429161_6844024283027472384_n45934798_2219593581419473_3305938492118269952_n45855080_505371133313274_8081672538763034624_n45862149_251058075569997_9146478399835865088_n



    Apologies about the multiple posts, my browser was playing up.
    Is there a way I could delete the other posts?



    For first ever paints they’re pretty good!

    As to what’s next, that depends on what you want. You never finish painting a miniature, there’s always something else that could be done to improve it. The trick is learning when it is good enough for you. For rank and file troops that probably comes a lot sooner than with hero minis, but depends entirely on you and your priorities 🙂

    When I got back into the hobby a few years ago I followed a lot of online tutorials, step by step, to learn as many techniques as possible (or at least start to learn and be aware of them), from wet blending to wet palettes, via sponge blending and  stippling. Then there’s the art of basing (which I still don’t do very well) and colour wheels. For me it was all about filling my tool box with as many options as possible. (I’ve said before, but there really needs to be a mini’s painting wiki or something that gives a high level explanation of the myriad of terms & techniques in the hobby)

    And ultimately it comes down to the question…what do you enjoy painting/doing most? Personally I’m all about creatures and daemons (vehicles and armour have too many straight edges to highlight for my tastes!) , I’ve a friend that paints nothing but terrain (much to his wife’s despair due to the space it takes up). Or are you more interested in the gaming side so taking your painting up a level isn’t a priority? Find what you enjoy most, and keep doing it.

    That’s the joy of this hobby, there’s no wrong answers (no matter what some people will undoubtedly say!).



    Thanks man! Yeah, when it comes to online tutorials, they have been a godsend, without them I’d have no idea what to do.

    And I guess my next step is fleshing out some more Skitarii and playing.


    Cult of Games Member

    Contact @warzan or @lloyd or any of the OTT team and they should be able to take them down.

    The minis are looking good. Looks like you’ve been quite neat with the colours. A lot neater than my first minis for sure. Maybe add a dark ink wash to help the details stand out. Just enough that it runs into the cracks and creates the shadows. GWs new nuln oil gloss is good for armoured models.

    Just keep at it. The more you paint the better you will get. I find this is still the case and i’ve been painting 20+ years.

    The skitarii pics were a bit hard to make out. Better if the light from the window is shining on them rather than from behind them.

    Keep up the good work.



    Duplicate posts sorted guys 🙂


    Great work on first minis! Keep it up! and check out the What are you painting now thread and the projects system as you may find those useful too 🙂



    Thank you for your comments, and apologies about the multiple posts hahaha.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve no advice beyond what my fellow beasts have given, just two massive thumbs up for what you’ve done.

    You have two great sets of models, just keep painting and have fun. ??


    Cult of Games Member

    Alright @nippyman that’s a great first effort! As others have mentioned, a wash would bring out details. Brown for the gold areas, black’ll likely be fine on other areas. Also the gritty texture on the bases will respond well to a wash. Just base coat them the colour you want and add a wash. You could have a look at dry brushing after.

    I started with Romain’s tutorials here and Duncan’s paint jobs for GW cover a lot of ground.



    Cult of Games Member

    Great first paint jobs.

    To up your figures to another level,check out tutorials on basing.It really helps a figure pop if framed on a good base. Mel the terrain tutor or Luke’s affordable paint service both do great how to vids on you tube and there is a weath of other content too.

    Flock, grass tuffs and some pva glue will set you back only a few quid.

    good luck and happy gaming.


    Cult of Games Member

    Great start and welcome to the 40k world 😀

    Keep the painting going, it can be very relaxing and enjoyable to sit back and paint. I’ll look forward to seeing more painting in the future! Perhaps a project log is worth looking into. That way you can catalogue your progress and work 🙂 I’ve found a project adds to motivation!


    Cult of Games Member

    Great looking paint on those figures . A wash might add a little something  , but try it on a test figure first  , it might not be what your looking for . A good rule for GW washes is add a wash layer , LET IT DRY COMPLETELY . It goes on rather light and drys dark , if you jump the gun and add another layer too soon , you end up with really dark minis  , really dark ,  I ruined the paint job on my first half dozen figures by over doing it .


    Cult of Games Member

    Wonderful first pieces.  I’m impressed with the level of detail you went for as well as taking on some very complex models.  I’m going to echo the mass of comments by saying just keep doing what you are doing; watch tutorials, post progress, and paint what you enjoy.  You will just keep adding tricks and techniques and before you know it, you will have your own style and a collection of nicely painted minis.

    I would also suggest always moving forward, don’t worry about older paint jobs.  I have been painting toy soldiers for forty years and still find myself looking at an old painted mini thinking,” A couple hours work would fix that right up.” I have found this is a spiral trap.  There are always more minis waiting for you to try those new ideas on so go with them.  Keep up the great work!


    Cult of Games Member

    If you’d said you were experienced I would say they looked great. My only advice would be is to keep at it and you’ll go from great to exceptional in no time .



    it comes down to the question…what do you enjoy painting/doing most? Personally I’m all about creatures and daemons (vehicles and armour have too many straight edges to highlight for my tastes!) , I’ve a friend that paints nothing but terrain (much to his wife’s despair due to the space it takes up). Or are you more interested in the gaming side so taking your painting up a level isn’t a priority? Find what you enjoy most, and keep doing it.

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