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Firestorm Armada 3e…. Open Beta

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  theamazingmrg 4 years, 3 months ago.

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    So Warcradle has launched there open beta for Firestorm Armada 3e.   The rules are up for the most part, its just starting.  There is a website dedicated to feedback.

    So far it looks good, just reading through the rules at work.   However, looks like they are going with the standard d6 system.  Sure this is what the older editions use, but damn is boring.  So boring.

    In recent years, I have really just lost interest in fist full of D6s games…. that always just devolve into the same target numbers, and everything you play or play against just being so bland.  There just is not enough room for real variety on a die with only 6 variables.

    Any way,  Firstorm was alot of fun in old editions.  So if you like large fleet games, check it out.



    I don’t mind D6 systems for huge-scale games.  When you reach a point where you have large numbers of units with varying profiles D6s help keep the rules under control, even if things end up a little homogenised.  As a general rule I do tend to prefer D10 systems myself.  The extra values offer a better range of possibilities.

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