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Epic format returning to X-Wing V2

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This topic contains 11 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  sundancer 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Hot of the press twitter…

    FFG launches new EPIC format for capital ships. There will be a conversion kit for the old models (USD29.95) and the C-ROC and CR90 will get a relaunch (and with a price rise from USD 69.95 to 99.95 (C-ROC) and USD 89.95 to 99.95 (CR90))

    BUT: in order to play EPIC you’ll need to buy more. There will be an Epic Battles Multiplayer Expansion. (USD 24.95)

    All four items are set to be released Q4/2019





    I’m somewhat SW saturated tbh..


    Cult of Games Member

    That’s one epic conversion package for an epic plundering of your wallet …

    It is nice to have it as an option, but …

    They really must think that people love to play X-wing so much that they want to pay extra for the privilege of using the ‘new’ version. The ‘big’ ships in the old version were IMHO better suited as display models and less practical as a unit in the game at the Xwing scale.

    I really wonder why their marketing department thought this was a good idea.
    And I want to know why the game designers wanted to change so much about the system that they are effectively requiring players to buy their collection again.

    Or is this simply the flaw that is in the X-wing business model of selling ships + tokens as opposed to the format used by the average wargame ?
    I hope they re-think their SKU’s when/if they ever decide to do a version 3 of this system …


    Cult of Games Member

    I have the Rebel Blockade Runner from the V-1.  We did enjoy using larger scale maps for grand scale missions.  I never got around to buying the large Imperial ship.  ( Which is odd as I really enjoy playing the empire in X-Wing V1). Maybe I was too engrossed in the thrill of hunting down the RBR with my swarms of Time Fighters!


    I have to confess that I have not bought any Xwing since the second version of the game came out.  I think I’d rather pump up my Armada collection.


    Am I missing out by not at least buying the conversion kits for V-1 to V-2?


    Cult of Games Member

    @templar007 you would need the new core set too. They’ve changed the tools a bit and you need the new damage deck from the core set. So if you and your mates are happy playing V1, don’t bother. If you want to play with new people in the future maybe share a CK for you faction with someone or just get the core set and a CK for your favourite faction. No need to go “all in” like I did (I still wonder why I did that XD)

    @limburger I think the change was mostly done because the META in V1 was totally busted. V2 uses points with an app (or a PDF if you want to play without app) where FFG can adjust point cost to balance the game. And it seems to work so far. Plus some models got completely new casts. X-Wing can open and close it’s wings (and they made a game mechanic from it) and a lot of paintjobs have increased in quality.

    @suetoniuspaullinus I can totally understand that.


    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks for the info @sundancer  !


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer shifting points to an app wouldn’t require such expensive add-ons in addition to the new core box.

    I suspect that the meta in v1 was ‘busted’, because they didn’t expect it to be that popular. The format used to sell ships where you had to buy one to even know it was viable didn’t exactly help either.

    I can’t help but wonder if a more traditional wargame format (core rules + codexes) would have been better. It would have helped balance the game by treating the various settings like FoW does with early/mid/late war .

    It doesn’t help that this is a game based on a movie franchise where balance is ‘what looks cool’ instead of what works and armor/shield strength has a tendency to be linked to the plot and/or character piloting.

    It makes one wonder if they learned any lessons for Legion … as they may be making the same mistake again.


    Cult of Games Member

    There was more to the V2 changes. FFG added a medium size base (what everybody wanted for v1 but we never got) Movement tools changed, force powers were added and a new quick build system so that you could do quick battles without needing to manage any points list.

    I think the main problem for FFG with all their Star Wars games is the IP itself. Star Wars has a history of *everything* having to be approved by the IP owner. George Lucas was infamous for that and I think Disney still does it. So when FFG wants to change something it would have to get it approved by Disney.

    And I think the traditional wargame format for X-Wing would have scared of to many new players. You’ve got to remember the core set was sold for under USD30. It was a nearly complete game for quick fun. It started as a Beer & Brezel game and became something else.

    As for Legion: time will tell. Personally I’m happy with it the way they do it at the moment. And I’m curious if the Clone Wars troops will bring new players to the table.



    I well invested in X-Wing and Legion and at least in my area, that is what we mostly play.  The Epic battles are fun and I am happy with the V2 upgrade.  You do not have to purchase any new ships and V2 ruleset is better IMHO and they have doing a better job and making changes to the rules as required.

    Unless you play at the tournament level, you do not need everything and my group plays a lot of trench run and well other scenarios vs just playing head to head.   Also, epic will introduce free for all rules which many have wanted for some time.

    On the legion front, they have had a steady stream of new figures that seems to keep the shop owners and players happy.  The game is balanced which I like.

    I know there those who are burned out on SW but I am not.  However, Oathmark may take my attention next year because I love fantasy more than Sci-fi but have not found anything outside of Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadow Deep to scratch that itch.


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer licensing in general can be a real pain in the behind … so I wouldn’t be surprised if that caused problems for Xwing too. Heck, it probably explains the release schedule for both Xwing and Legion. With this format they can release ships/units as soon as they are approved instead of waiting for  the approval of a full list for a given theatre/movie

    As a starter set the core set was great, but it lacked a ‘where to next’ option. You’d think that they could solve that in V2.

    It might be that companies like Battlefront have more experience in the market, but I also suspect that FFG still thinks of this game as a boardgame with expansions.





    Cult of Games Member

    but I also suspect that FFG still thinks of this game as a boardgame with expansions.

    Definitely for X-Wing and Armada. But I think they are starting to re-think within Legion. As sprues for new models may suggest.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m intrigued by your statement, “they are starting to re-think within Legion”.


    Is that because the minis are on sprues now, or are you thinking of more than that?  Something deeper that may change the game somehow?    ?


    Cult of Games Member

    I (currently) couldn’t really point a finger at anything (but the sprues) but the conversations I listened to on streams and podcasts with FFG staff seems to indicate that they at least realised that the way X-Wing worked won’t work for long with Legion. On the other hand they currently sell very well and I’d like to think that Clone Wars will bring a bunch of new players and some diversity. Lets not forget that Legion is still very young and the SW universe has a lot to offer.

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