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This topic contains 32 replies, has 23 voices, and was last updated by  lloyd 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #1097733


    You will notice little messages here and there where we haven’t enabled a piece of functionality just yet.

    Primarily these are ‘Data Addition’ types of functions like Adding Games or Companies etc.

    They should all be turned on over the days after launch as we are happy the servers etc stay online and responsive (so no major slowdowns or crashes etc)

    Why are you rolling out with some functions missing etc?

    The platform is very much a work in progress, and realistically we could sit on it for another year or two, but it makes sense to get it out the door now for a number of reasons.

    1) There is a lot of organisational and navigational improvements that can only really be applied to live data, so deploying now lets our News and editorial team start to make improvements on how a lot of our content is structured – thus improving navigation etc.

    2) It will never be finished anyway, as we have a long long roadmap of features and improvements we plan to make, and this way you guys can get the benefits in a more rapid fashion than sitting waiting.

    3) Your usage and feedback play a big part in the direction the platform evolves. We have a vision, but we are not blind! As you all use and feedback on the platform if our vision needs adjusted, it will be, and this way we get to base some decisions on data rather than hunches!

    So what are we waiting on?

    We will post updates here as functions do get enabled. So to help anyone that’s interested here is a list we’ll cross them out as they become live.

    1. Fix a record locking issue slowing down posting
    2. Add additional server power
    3. Reindex Our Core Search Engines
    4. Test User Registration
    5. Test Transactional Email Delivery
    6. Test Password Reset and Recovery
    7. Fix backstage signup issue
    8. Check all backstagers have appropriate access
    9. Fix a bug in projects visibility
    10. Enable Add a Place for All registered users
    11. Add Places tab to user profile page
    12. Upgrade games tab on user profile page (Wishlists etc now appear)
    13. Add Live Streaming Facilities to Home Page and Inner Pages
    14. Add Featured Live Stream Area to Homepage
    15. Forums and Achievements Added to Activity Stream
    16. Activity Stream Debug
    17. Add other ativities to Activity Stream (Places, Reviews, Companies Games etc)
    18. Enable Add a Range for Backstage Members
    19. Enable Add a Professional for Backstage Members
    20. Enable Add a Company for Backstage Members
    21. Enable Add a Game for Backstage Members
    22. Enable Kickstarter Watch Posts
    23. Listing Latest Forum Topics on Home Page
    24. Listing Latest Forum Topics on Side Bar
    25. Enable the Verification Process for the catalogue of games, places, professionals etc
    26. Individual Forums for every Game
    27. Deploying the Archived Forums (After launch we will work on making the old forums available again to browse, done worry they are safe)
    28. Pull relevant and current creations to the home page and feature areas. (As data starts to come in, projects get created, games get rated and followed, we will start to pull stuff to the home page etc to help everyone see stuff that is new, cool or likely of interest)

    Why are some functions like adding games, companies, places, ranges and professionals only open for backstage member to use? Yet any free member can use the Projects functions.

    Behind all of this is a very small team and really we need to control things fairly tightly in the early stages of roll out.

    As we are manually checking entries as they come in we felt restricting some of the options to add what we consider core data (games, companies etc) to backstage members would help us keep spam entries to a minimum and reduce the likelihood of abuse to the system. The accuracy of the core data on the platform is very important so having some checks and balances there to help us keep it under control made sense to us.

    Of course you don’t need to be a backstage member to submit a game or company etc for inclusion (our curation team will gradually pick those up) but if you would like to add and manage the entries yourself then a backstage subscription is the way to go. It will also be required when we roll out ‘Verified’ accounts which will unlock additional features for places, games and professionals to use to engage even further with us all.

    So yes for the moment to directly work with the data a backstage pass is required.

    But projects is ready and waiting for anyone with a free account.


    Cult of Games Member

    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Did you guys go with AWS for the cloud infrastructure or some other provider?</p>



    <q¿> no way to save  or move old posts eh ? <₩€《eh》 £¥>



    They are behind cloudfront for sure. And they are ipv6 ready !!



    Could Projects be ordered by Latest Update please?


    Cult of Games Member

    Just wondering, where is the live kickstarter watch and marketplace




    Kickstarter Watch will fire up again soon probably after UKGE





    Hi guys,

    is the “what are you painting now” forum gone for good and with it everyone’s hobby project updates?

    If so does that mean that you have to start from scratch again??

    Apologies if this has already been explained



    There is a new thread


    The precious forum will return as soon as possible as a browsable archive 🙂



    Here’s an idea that a software company I worked with used.  You may want to limit it to Backstagers. (Also you may want to add the word Backstager and Backstagers to the global dictionary, assuming you can, Backstage already exists)…..

    Once you are down in the list functions to add, put a call out form changes or additions to the site, perhaps on a backstage video with the ideas in from the comments).

    Backstagers vote for ideas they like, perhaps using the thumbs up.

    Do the top ten by vote (what the above company did).


    Cult of Games Member

    It seems in some areas like the forums there is a page select at the top and bottom.  In the projects section it seems to only be on the bottom, and when a page is selected we end up at the bottom of the selected page.  This seems odd.  Such a minor gripe but it keeps throwing me off a bit.  ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Activity stream is now filterable working as expected, can now see acheivements being awarded and forum activity



    I was going to suggest a direct link from the homepage to the forums main page, but I just found it. Why’s it in a stupid place like that?


    Cult of Games Member

    Might just be me being blind but how do we add our own projects? Can’t find anything in my activity.


    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t worry, found it.

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