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Edinburgh Fringe!

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  robsaunders 6 years, 6 months ago.

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    On the 3rd of August, I am making the trip up to Edinburgh for the Fring Festival.  It’s my 4th year going up there for the festival and I am excited/nervous that the shows I am doing are underprepared (the usual Edinburgh Fringe is approaching feelings).

    I was wondering how many of you Beasts are going up there or live in Edinburgh and will be enjoying the Festival?  Any particular nerdy shows you are going to/performing in should I check out?

    Also, my flatmates and I are keen gamers and if anyone would like to meet up and play some games then that would be ace!


    Cult of Games Member

    I’ve no plans to go, but some of the people who do shows at UK Games Expo also perform at the Edinburgh Fringe.   If you get the chance to see ‘You Can’t Polish a Nerd’ – DO IT!   He’s amazing!



    What does the Fringe Festival usually involve?



    Its 2 main parts – The International Festival and the Fringe Festivals – both run over the month of August. The International festival tends to use the larger theatres with international companies running shows & plays for the duration of the month whereas the Fringe has hundreds (if not thousands) of different shows in every venue from headline comics in big clubs and acts to one guy, one audience member in a phonebooth.

    You also get lots of street acts and generally large parts of the city centre is closed off to accommodate pop up venues and acts as well plus you have a massive influx of tourists and visitors for the month which makes it bloody awful for those of us who live and work here…



    Cult of Games Member

    So For Edinburgh Gaming, your main gaming spaces are:

    GW on the Royal Mile

    Games Hub


    (War / board / card games some gaming at street level with a gaming basement)

    Noughts and Coffees
    Board game café

    Tabletop Café
    Board game café on the royal mile

    Hobby stores
    Wonderland Models
    Harburn Hobbies (Mainly trains)

    You also have the events:

    Claymore 18 at Edinburgh college on the 4th of August

    Scale Scotland at BT Murrayfield on the 25th of August






    Sadly Tabletop Cafe on the Royal Mile has been closed down for over a year now ? There is now also “Red Dice Gaming” on Constitution Street (Bg cafe with 6×4 tables for war gaming now) and “Mox in the Hole” at Tollcross which has some 6×4 tables but is mainly a MTG shop.


    Have fun fun at the Fringe! August becomes my gaming hibernation… focus shifts to painting and enjoying the Fringe instead of the usual local moaning and groaning about it. Definitely up for meeting for some games, depending how your schedule is looking. What shows are you doing?



    It’s my 4th year doing the Fringe and have enjoyed some of these places.  We would regularly go to the Games Hub! I am looking forward to checking out Noughts and Coffees! Cheers for the tips!

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