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Easiest army to paint quickly

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 1 year ago.

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    Let’s say there’s a big WHtOW tournament coming up that you want to enter and you have to get an army painted in a hurry – starting from scratch – but you still want them to look appropriate and presentable, which would you choose ?

    I’d go for either Chaos Warriors or Tomb Kings.

    Assuming acrylics as the painting medium, spray the CW’s black , pick out a few details in your choice of Chaos God color, paint wepons and bases and call it good. Tombies are basically all Skeletons, so just spray the whole shebang white, apply a very light wash of brown, black, green, yellow, purple, depending on what kind of effect you want, paint a few details, weapons, base and –  done.


    Cult of Games Member

    I would go with Tomb Kings. Like you wrote, spray, wash (or Contrast/Speedpaint/Xpress), maybe a bit of drybrush, weapons and shields. Most eye catching part is the shields, which you can always go back to easily with more details or decals. Reward well performing units with fancier shields!

    It’s easy also to do “unit filler” bases with skellybobs rising from the ground.


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t think there’s any contest here – it’s Tomb Kings.  All that bone would work great with contrast or speed paints or just good old wash and dry brush.  You could smash those bad boys out in no time

    If you wanted to make them even quicker, swap those shields out for some 3rd party greek hoplite shields that you can just paint bronze – no fiddly details required

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