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Did GW stop selling basing sand?

Home Forums Painting in Tabletop Gaming Did GW stop selling basing sand?

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  shredhead 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    I know other companies can make it, and you can get it from supermarkets, pet and garden shops (and have to clean or bake it to kill bacteria) but it seems weird I cannot find the following product linked on the actual GW site. It doesent stop them making other stuff companies do. I really want more to go with my existing armies due to the type and consistency of it.



    Don’t suppose anyone knows any company that does similar I can order from? Or if it is coming back? I dont like the idea of getting the uber expensive technical basing paints in a pot.


    Cult of Games Member

    Looks like they have removed all of their flock, sand and grass basing materials with the exception of tufts.  I wonder if this is because they sell a range of pre-coloured textured paints that they’re trying to push



    Looks like the stuff my driveway is made of. It also looks like road grit, the stuff they put on the roads in winter to help with traction. I would look at hardware outlets and the like, or try an aquarium shop. They may have a gravel that will come close… or… try looking at hobby train ballast. Woodland Scenics is a good place to start

    I’m fortunate to have a gravel pit close to my house with 50′ piles of varying grades. Do you have a better pic of the material on a mini?



    Don’t worry, they’ll soon release a “basing materials” range with the same stuff and a few other things that you can also get elsewhere where the prices are 50% higher than the competition.



    This is the material in question guys



    I just use pumice additive from the art store and with whatever color I need thereby avoiding needing to bake/sterilize for my ground covers. No idea on GW sales but I’d say the direction it might be going has already been mentioned



    Go to your local Pound Shop, buy a bottle of ‘Decorative Sand’, voila. It’s the exact same stuff, no need to bake or anything. 773843.001

    You can even pick a colour. If you need finer grit, get sand for small rodents (pets) in the pet section of your super market. 1 kilogram of that stuff is 70 Cents where I come from.


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