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Degenesis Free to Play Over?

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  antiphony 3 years, 1 month ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Read this was the case on another part of the internet.

    Degenesis RPG will be discontinued as the publisher calls it a day

    Is anyone on here in the know, I feel kind of sad that something this unique has met its match against apathy.


    Cult of Games Member


    announced in their newsletter/email yesterday (friday 22-10-2021)

    They’ve even refunded my measily donation that I made after buying the Czar Bomba.

    The official statement on their Discord :




    Sad to see given what they were trying to do but it was going to be an uphill struggle. The world is incredible and the work they have put into it is jawdropping. Having only the option of get the rules for free or for 99 euros though, it was always going to be hard to sell through stock.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well heck!

    I was planning to use my year end bonus to snag up the hard copy books.  But by then I’m sure the price of the hard copies will be way way inflated.  I’ll keep my eyes open though just encase.



    You might still be able to get them through their site by that point. They aren’t closing the store by the looks of it


    Cult of Games Member

    @ninjilly as ‘expensive’ as their 99$ book is/was … it is most definitely worth the designation ‘premium product’.
    Even the tiny booklets were of the highest possible quality in print that I’ve ever seen.

    However as you say … not everyone can afford to pay premium prices and they didn’t have something between ‘free’ and ‘super deluxe’ version for people that wanted hardcopy.



    One thing I did not quite understand is why they did not have a lower cost printed option. When the scale goes from free to a massive premium copy it is difficult to convert people from one scale to the other. I personally downloaded the free copy to look through and then checked out the price of the printed books. When I saw the price 99 Euros plus you have to pay for shipping.

    I found myself feeling priced out of a very premium product that I could never afford to own if the core rules are going to cost that much. At the point I just dismissed this as not an option and I have not looked the books after that point.

    I think it is a case of not understanding the market if you look at what free league or Osprey produce it is an easier sell. I do hope prehaps the IP will carry on with someone able to find the right business model.


    Cult of Games Member

    In a statement they said the donations that dramatically reduced over the last year


    Cult of Games Member

    @redscope they are artists at their core. I think that’s why they refused to ‘compromise their vision’ by delivering a lesser product.
    At least that’s what I read between the lines of their statements.
    And while there’s nothing wrong with that but it does kind of limit what they can do with their product in terms of cost.




    In answer to your question, no.

    Free to play will never be over, the server and website with all the content is staying up and the discord channel.

    What has ended is the development of the game and future books as the money was not coming in for that beyond a handful of very wealthy people which SMV didn’t want to continue to rely on their generosity. The hope was multiple small donations would be the way forward but that didn’t materalise.


    Cult of Games Member


    I was wondering if SMV were considering implementing a pay wall; even for a token amount, something in the order of €0.50 per month, to allow access to their site.

    But it’s good to hear that they are maintaining what they have developed and sticking to their ideals.

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