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Death of MEGACON Games?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  dawfydd 5 years, 4 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Their website went down on Saturday, August 24th. No announcements since February when Ulisses bought Myth.

    Anyone know more? Especially about MERCS. Did anyone pick up that IP?



    I wish I knew I keep occasionally checking to see if there is any info and regretting never picking up anything aside the rulebook.


    Cult of Games Member

    I’m hoping that someone will keep the MERCs IP going.  I still have both 1st & 2nd Ed of the game and still play when possible. Still love the setting of the game!


    Cult of Games Member

    I remember when I first discovered Beasts of War.  They were having a MERCs week if I recall right.


    Wow, that now feels like another lifetime ago.


    Surely someone will pickup the IP.???



    I’m not sure if the company who brought MYTH from them did the same for MERCS as well. It’d be a shame for it to go away as the models were fantastic. I sold on my MERCS: Recon kickstarter rewards last year, but I still have a load of metal that I picked up cheap from other places as they are just damned good near future SF action models


    Cult of Games Member

    In the Ulisses announcement they only mentioned Myth so I don’t know if they bought the other IPs.


    Cult of Games Member

    My relationships with Megacon and BoW were linked right from the start. I was looking for a change from GW systems, picked up on Mercs which led me to BoW.

    From there I jumped headfirst and deep into Myth and later Mercs via Recon. Such promise let down by what I perceived from afar as a lack of some key capabilities in the small team and a stubborn mindset unable to recognise their weaknesses and seek necessary help until it was too late.

    Selling off Myth was an attempt to re-finance what was left; but when you’ve destroyed the trust and loyalty of the majority of your customers and lost reputation in the industry there was never going to be much of a future. Shame for them individually and their customers.

    Anyone want to buy my substantial pile of Myth and Myth2 stuff (much still shrink-wrapped) with a promise to forward anything else that arrives from Ulysses?



    @coxjul I’d give Ebay a shot. I managed to get a decent price for the Myth 1.0 pledge a year or two ago, likewise MERCS: Recon, as the content is still incredibly comprehensive and quite useable.

    I do agree though that Megacon could have sucesfully course corrected, if they’d showed a bit more respect for their backers (for me the last straw was the debacle with the reprinting of the MERCS: Recon core sets that they spent MONTHS denying and instead fed backers a line of BS – after that the trust was just gone)

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