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Darker Days Radio Twitch – Sabrina, WoD, and explaining 40k to my wife – Update

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  doctorether 6 years, 2 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Been loving watching the new Sabrina series, yeah it might be a bit kookier than I wanted, and lean a bit too heavily on ideas first baked up in Buffy, but I’m still loving it.



    Buffy isn’t the be all and end all of horror. Comparatively Buffy is much more pulpy than Sabrina.

    Also should hopefully have review copies of the new Camarilla and Anarch books for V5 so you will get our hot take on those.


    Cult of Games Member

    Totally agree Buffy isn’t the all of horror for sure (or even anything close to that), but the self-referential dry-witted gang of teenage friends fighting supernatural evil, that is very Buffy. Especially that self-aware tone, which is no bad thing. Whedon brought the same kind of perspective to his Marvel writing and it made those characters a ton more believable and relatable out of the gate. Not that I’m complaining, I loved Buffy, and I’m really enjoying Sabrina.

    But Buffy was a long time ago now, and the degree to which other shows have moved on or outgrown those ideas, I would have liked to have seen that in Sabrina, or even taken a step further. It is a bit too comfortable in that sense. So far, I’ve not finished season one just yet, so I might be judging early. I am not sure I am articulating my point well, but I don’t want to give any examples for fear of spoilers for others 🙂



    I would not give Whedon too much credit. A lot of the best writing for Buffy was done by others.

    And as you get through Sabrina, it is a different beast.



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