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Cursed City

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This topic contains 52 replies, has 20 voices, and was last updated by  iceeagle85 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    GW doesn’t know (or tell anyone) what the stock status is for their main line products even when things are good.

    So I’m not surprised if they have mixed messages now…

    So… I don’t need cursed city… But lowering the chances for @sundancer is a good goal 😉

    Oh… I think I subscribed, liked and commented on that video. Poor me *grin*


    Cult of Games Member

    Interesting theory that the new Witch Hunter miniatures were going to be an expansion for Cursed City.


    Cult of Games Member

    @lupa15 “video is unavailable”


    Cult of Games Member

    @sundancer Thanks for the heads up! I fixed the video link.


    Cult of Games Member

    Looks like it’s not just Cursed City that’s been messed up, looks like GW have stopped all pre-orders until May (although I hear rumours about them moving to a new warehouse, is this the cause?)


    I do agree about the separate witch hunter releases, they don’t seem to fit into the whole AoS universe (and definitely fit into the “Old World” background fluff). I’m sure GW did a last minute reversal on this being a line item (also heard a rumour they may get a copyright claim against them as they used the name “Ulfenkarns” (which is a city/town in Elder Scrolls)).


    Who knows, GW do but they ain’t going to tell us (or their stockists) 😀



    Mournhold Ulfenkarn’s name before becoming a vampire city is used in the Elder Scroll games.


    Cult of Games Member

    love the wording … as if pre-orders are a favour they do as a service for us …

    @phaidknott wasn’t ‘the old city’ (or whatever it is called) supposed to be a catch-all faction for the left-over ‘old world’ bits ?

    I do agree that the witchhunter seems kind of out of place for the kind of style that AoS has in general for its real human faction (aka the AoS version of Imperial Guard ;)).

    However we’ve seen units in that underground game get pulled into AoS.
    Not sure if the heroes from the previous iterations of the Quest-series ever got a proper AoS profile.
    And I am kind of expecting to see the same for the Cursed City.

    It would be a waste of resources if they only ever used it for CC though.

    Maybe it’s just a bunch of bad things (like ‘Ever Given’ and Covid and the warehouse move/expansion)  that form the perfect storm.
    Or maybe there is an internal political game being played that we’re not aware of (new folks in charge ? recent vacancies for Killteam team members ?) which is starting to have an effect.

    Whatever … what we do know is that the communication from GW on this matter has been the worst since the bad days.
    I do hope they get their affairs in order, because even though I am not a fan of the game I’d hate to see its potential getting wasted.



    I don’t think Witch and Vampire Hunters don’t fit, I don’t know much about abou AoS but cities like Hammerhal seem not to different from the WHF Imperial citiies just a bit more diverese in races. I think some might say they aren’t fitting because outside of the Cities of Sigamr book there doesn’t seem to be much stuff like it visible at the first galnce.

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