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Colony 87 find a new home!

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  mage 5 years, 5 months ago.

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    A few years ago there were two great kickstarters for sci-fi miniatures called Colony 87, and Return to Colony 87.  They were a two great sets of models of sci-fi civilians with a nice mix of influences.  News today that Crooked Dice have taken on the range and are going to launch a new Kickstarter later in the year to add a third wave of minis.  I’ve included a picture below if you are unfamiliar with the range.



    Crooked Dice are delighted to be the new owners of the wonderful Colony 87 range of Sci-Fi civilians developed by Jon Boyce.

    “I’m delighted that the Colony 87 range is finding a new home with Crooked Dice. Handing over the reins not only means that the range will be more easily accessible, but will hopefully see many more new additions and continued support. I can’t wait to see how things develop!”

    The first two waves of figures were both successfully crowdfunded producing twelve cracking characters suitable for any starport or off-world outpost.

    Crooked Dice will take over the range in the summer and will launch a third Kickstarter with new figures later this year.

    The campaign will offer the opportunity to pick up the previous two releases – and all sets will be available to retail from the Crooked Dice webstore once the campaign is fulfilled.

    Can’t wait to see what the new wave will bring and Crooked Dice seems the perfect home for these.


    Cult of Games Member

    Great news. I found out about these a little too late. Will keep an eye out for the return ??


    Cult of Games Member

    Good to hear – these would be great for civilians/NPCs for Necromunda, so it’s nice to hear they’ll be getting a general release.



    Wonderfull news!!! I needed more civilians for my Rogue Stars games!!!



    Some new artwork for an upcoming Kickstarter – I really do love this range.

    Masters of the new Colony 87 sculpts arrived today and look superb! Six new sculpts for Wave 3 and a couple of stretch goals with more to come. So here’s a preview of Will Beck’s artwork for one of the new figures – Port Administrator, Adjunct Gilda.
     Source – Crooked Dice Facebook





    Oh boy!  I love the big guy!



    I’m spent!




    Ooooooh snap I remember these. I found them very… Is ‘Dune-ey’ a word?


    I regretted not backing it. Did not know they went away. Or did they? They are back though. Better save me some pennies.

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