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Clear Acrylic Basing for Stargrave

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by  onlyonepinman 3 years, 9 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    I’m planning on basing everything Stargrave on clear acryllic to maximise the mats I have to represent different planets etc. I’ve never done this before and I wondered if anyone could suggest from experience what is the best type of glue to use? Any old super glue or a particular brand?


    Cult of Games Member

    Superglue causes “frosting” on acrylic. You might get away with it on clear, but if you must, use a gel type so it doesn’t spread too far out from under the feet.



    I got a recommendation a few months back for Hobbyking Super-gold Odorless – haven’t had a chance to try to on any clear bases yet, but it’s a weird experience at first using a glue that’s so fluid and doesn’t give off fumes….


    Cult of Games Member

    I would suggest UV curing glue. I have never tried it but there shouldn’t be any fumes fogging the clear parts and you can directly use the UV lamp through the base.


    Cult of Games Member

    What does @warzan use for his acrylic punched bases?


    Cult of Games Member

    Many thanks for the above advice. My fear is frosting. I’m going to pick up both types of glue and experiment. I might even put it up as project.


    Cult of Games Member

    Oh I totally forgot. There is a “new” glue in town called “MiniatureAid SuperGlue” and I’ve seen a test on a German YouTube channel (I know that guy in person) and it seems to be a good alternative. But I don’t know if it’s available outside Germany.


    I use modelling canopy glue for my clear bases wherever I can (it’s slow drying, like PVA, so the model needs to stand upright or be supported, but it dries clear and has no fumes).
    If it’s a running pose or something where I need the glue to set quickly while I hold it, I use a very small amount of superglue. Any frosting can be cleaned up with a cotton bud, it’s only powder on the surface, not the plastic itself clouding.


    Cult of Games Member

    I use a gel superglue with an accelerant spray.  I apply the superglue to the feet or bottom surface of the miniature and spray the accelerant onto the base.  I get little spreading of the glue and no frosting.

    I have done all of these from Star Saga in that exact way.  Bases are from Laserforge Miniatures & Games



    I also did some pinning. Drill a hole into the miniature as usual. Start a seed hole in the acrylic with a pushpin or pen engraver. I then used superglue, but will try glues others are suggesting. Pretty much all of the time, the foot blocks seeing the pin. Do a search on using acrylic bases and Dakka has an article. Post your pics when you’re done!

    EDIT: Oops — I’ve only based metal miniatures to acrylic bases. I assume Stargrave will have both plastics and metals, like Frostgrave had?


    Cult of Games Member

    @ced1106 pinning is definitely recommended for anything metal.  Plastic, resin and PVC tend to be ok with just glue.

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