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Celtos – Who remembers it, who still plays it?

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  warhammergrimace 3 years, 10 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Way back when i-Kore published VOID and Celtos I was rather fond of the Celtos range. Then i-Kore became “Urban Mammoth” and Celtos was sold of to Brigade Models and they still sell it this day. I have several unopened blisters and noone seems to play it anymore.

    Doesn’t anybody remember it?


    Cult of Games Member

    Yeah I remember it. Only played it once and can’t remember too much about it  but the figures were great from memory


    Scotia Grendel still sell the old VOID miniatures as well



    I don’t but what models do have photos on the Brigade Models website look really cool. What’s the scale like? It might be fun to pick some up in the future


    Cult of Games Member

    I’d say it’s standard 28mm


    Cult of Games Member

    It was a good art direction and a fun alternative to GW back in the day.  The rules are showing their age though, and I wouldn’t play the game now.  Models are great though and have stood the test of time for metals.  Plenty of character.


    Yeah I remember it, use to play it years ago…I still have some of the minis from the range and recently picked up some more from Brigade.


    Cult of Games Member

    I wonder…. still having this large box of Celtos…. going Frostgrave… or Saga (for example)

    I do loved to paint them back in the day (the little warband I did)


    I plan to use them in Frost grave, War cry and Open Combat

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