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Car Wars is back

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This topic contains 21 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  ced1106 5 years ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    For those of you looking for the nostalgia hit, the next edition of car wars is on kickstarter:

    Loved this back in the day.

    One thing I did notice is that if your out side of the US you get it 3 months later than US backers


    Cult of Games Member

    Well it looks radically different from the Car Wars of old (what with all the cards, dashboards, custom dice etc). It’s definitely “updated” for the more modern wargamer, but I think I’ll just be sticking to my “black clamshell box” era of rules (imagine you used to get the base game for 8 quid back then).

    It’s just my fondest memories playing car wars were with this set, and the new one looks so drastically different it just wouldn’t seem like car wars if you didn’t have a draft/gust of wind suddenly hit the table and send all the counters heading to the floor 😀



    Cult of Games Member

    I still have the base set and Sunday drivers expansion box, loved it in the day. Saw Steve Jackson games Demonstrating this at UKGE and try as I might it was fully booked up. I watched through a couple of turns and the combat seemed very familiar but with a dash board style tracker. It is a complete reboot but I am going to purchase it as it looked like a fun game and it’s a nostalgia trip ?


    Cult of Games Member

    @phaidknott, or driving your armoured bus over a very steep incline in the road aka fold in the paper! ?



    Cyber Monday KS specials coming up!

    The $140 pledge level plus its free add-ons are already a better deal than the $75 level.


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s a pity there’s no pledge to get the classic reprint of the clamshell box edition (as mine are pretty beat up). After watching the playthroughs I’m not sure I’d like 6th edition (not saying it’s a bad game, but it just doesn’t seem like Car Wars to me because I played some much of the old edition). I’d pledge like crazy to get the reprint again (although as the grognards would tell you the big box editions of card wars were the best ones)


    Cult of Games Member

    I still have my old versions but I noticed the $400 pledge includes a classic reprint of all the sorts of stuff as well as the basic clam shell. This is due for April next year so maybe they will have that in retail?


    Cult of Games Member

    Don’t think they will do that (or why do a 6th edition KS). I think the 6th edition will be more appealing to modern gamers with all the dashboards, cards and custom dice etc, so would sell better off the shelves than the old clamshell games. After watching the gameplay videos I was astonished they had dumped the old turning template for a new one (shock the horror), and there seemed to be a lot of “drifting” style movement going on.

    I think these old style clamshell releases are definitely going to be printed to order (which is a shame), I would have loved to see a pledge of us who don’t like change 😀

    However I see mention of an updated Autoduel to work on modern PCs, so hopefully that will be available if you want to go all retro…..(but BOY it still would need a lot of work to get it “game-able” for todays market)


    Cult of Games Member

    In the 80`s i did carwars midville  i think it was called, the whole town on the bedroom wall and all the counters had bluetack..!!  seemed a good idea at the time…. thanks for the KS link did not know about that…


    Cult of Games Member

    Just watched the video…eeek…!!!!!  too much cards, dials etc for one car….  Dark future where are uuuuuu


    Cult of Games Member

    Dashboards are not a bad idea, but when a standard car needs to have so many cards that you are looking to see how many bonus/penalties you have to add … I think it is safe to say the game has a lot of streamlining to do based on that video … *yuck*

    You’d think that they would be in a much better shape for a version 6 of a game, but I suspect that they ditched everything and effectively rebooted the game. It’s almost as if they’re using the name only, but I don’t know the original so I don’t  for sure

    Alternatives :

    – Devils’ Run ( )

    – Gaslands … ( )




    Well, with Munchkin, you still had five cards in your hand and at *least* five on the table to add up, not to mention that stack of “who played what when” cards when someone first tries to win the game. With Gloomhaven, you could have ten cards, each with a top and bottom half, giving you *twenty* modifiers to keep track of.

    Also, it looks like the second gameplay video uses 20 build points and five armor points? I thought your first games should only have ten build points. IIRC, You only care about one side’s weapons and armor, so you’re only adding modifiers for the cards on one side. Pretty interesting how they use the driving template with the car bases.

    Custom dice drive me bonkers, though, since I’d like to know my most likely roll before I move.

    BTW, The KS has playmats and tiles for 1/64 scale cars. These can be used in Gaslands and other games. You can also make tiles from kid’s road tape (?) for Hot Wheels.

    EDIT: Cybermonday deal includes 3×3 playmat, twelve road tiles, miniature expansions, weapon expansions… essentially half off.

    Car Wars Sixth Edition – $75 Kickstarter Special Price ($100 post-KS price)
    Car Wars Miniatures Set 1 – $40 Kickstarter Special Price ($45 post-KS price)
    Playmat #1 – $45 Kickstarter Special Price ($50 post-KS price)
    Uncle Al’s Upgrade Pack – $15 Kickstarter Special Price ($20 post-KS price)
    Car Wars Armory Pack – $10 Kickstarter Special Price ($15 post-KS price)
    Car Wars Road Tiles – $30 Kickstarter Special Price ($35 post-KS price)
    Car Wars Dropped Weapons Pack – $20 Kickstarter Special Price ($25 post-KS price)
    That’s $235 worth of goodies ($290 post-KS) for only $145!


    Cult of Games Member

    But you miss the joy of finding a old or rare matchbox car to take home, and paint up… part of the fun….



    I have sixty Costco Hot Wheels on standby, myself. (:

    New gameplay video:

    Miniatures 3 pack and Crew Member pack added to Double-Aces, adding $55 of add-ons free to the Double Ace levels (Cyber Monday, Black Friday, $140 level).

    Pretty dice bag with cars on BOTH sides added. 😀

    Unpainted miniatures, playmat, and road tiles can be used with Gaslands, 1/64 scale games, and generic postapoc goodness.



    “For those of you who have asked about getting add-on items without selecting the game as a reward, please see the new $100 reward level. Also: We have a new add-on we will be adding soon that will mesh nicely with this.”

    Pics of the double-sided Road Tiles :

    Ogre is back, too!

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