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Can we see more for Star Wars Legion?

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This topic contains 26 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by  carlosfandango 5 years, 11 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Now that SW:Legion has a good range of models and army builds available, I’d love to see another Let’s Play or similar. Certainly something for when the new vehicles are released would be great!


    Cult of Games Member



    Cult of Games Member

    I’m down for more Star Wars: Legion in front of the camera!


    Now that we have more armor and artillery, how about Gerry vs John.


    Gerry really made the past Legion games fun to watch.  His game style is all about having fun with the game and not pinching the rules intent in order to force a win.


    I know John is busy but he has done ‘ Let’s Play’ videos before and armor is his ‘shtick’.



    Those recently announced models won’t be out for another 4 or so months, given past performance, if we are lucky.

    The Super Star Destroyer announced back at GenCon 2018 is still “In Development” on the FFG website.  As are the other Imperial units teased at the start of December 2018 that also first appeared on screen in Rogue One.


    Cult of Games Member

    The difference being that the SSD is more or less a show piece and not really an everyday game piece. Even if it’s usable. When FFG announced things for legion they usually stick to the release dates.

    I need that tank base to know how to cut my next storage tray XD



    Yes, it would be good to see some more SW:L Let’s Play now that both side have a decent range of units.


    Cult of Games Member

    I agree, I like legion and Gerry has a certain entertainment value that suits those fun play videos haha.

    I would not compare release dates of armada to legion, armada is a mature game with plenty of content and the SSD is the ‘epic’ side of that game. aka, not important to release quickly or promptly. people will buy it regardless of whether its late or not (then probably realise its not what they wanted in life, like epic ships in xwing) and will have little effect on the game (I expect) where as Legion is a new game, hype needs to be kept up and more options are still always needed. there are still only two troop choices per side. I wish the pathfinders and deathtroopers could have been made a corps troop choice just for some more variety in themes etc. but no, they are special forces and are competing with some other really strong units for the slot.




    I’m hoping that part of the reason for the end of Runewars is so that they can increase the resources targeted at SW: Legion.


    Cult of Games Member

    @hobbyhub without a doubt.


    Cult of Games Member

    It would be nice if they could ramp up production of Legion.


    But I think they are intentionally running production as is with an eye to not over saturating their players expenditure limits.  Bring stuff out too fast and players will start skipping models to save for the next thing coming out soon.


    I wish that they would up the model count during each production run.  At least in my area we are told supplies are out quickly so if you don’t pre-order you may miss out completely until the next ‘printing’, (FFG’s words . Printing that is).


    Cult of Games Member

    Has there been a Hoth battle for Legion yet?


    Cult of Games Member

    +1 for more Legion batreps.  It is such a good game system and now the unit variety is sufficient to have very interesting battles.  Chewbacca and the Wookies in particular charging across a forest moon would be a spectacle!


    Cult of Games Member

    I think that the Specialists will add a lot of variety to the game. Love the idea of a unit controlled by a minor officer.



    Anyone looking for some Legion batreps, unboxings, preview talk, I recommend Crabbok’s You Tube channel.

    He also covers X-Wing, Armada, Imperial Assault.

    He has recently expanded to Battlestar Galactica from Ares Games and Black Series Star Wars figures.


    Cult of Games Member

    But we here to @avernos rule the empire… not some other bloke on the interwebtubes 😉

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