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Can the Empire strike back?

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This topic contains 10 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by  elessar2590 5 years, 6 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    That is the Holy Roman Empire, of course.  See what I did there ;-).

    At Warlord Games Open Day on 20th July, the Friends of General Haig will be re-fighting the Battle of Lutzen, 1632.  This is a rerun of the game we put on at Salute this year (more details here


    Here is Albrecht Wallenstein, Imperial Commander.

    The battle of Lutzen pits the Holy Roman Empire’s Generalissimo, Wallenstein against the protestant alliance led by the Lion of the North, Gustav Adolf.

    The Warlord Games Open Day takes place at their HQ in Nottingham. Details here

    Warlord Games Open Day ticket 20th July 2019

    We are looking forward to getting the game out again, and we are hoping that we can help get some of the visitors involved in the game, for a turn or two, to get a taste of the Pike and Shotte rules.  If you’re going then please come and say “hi”, and perhaps roll some dice with us ?.

    Further details on my latest blog post here:



    Shame I can’t make the Open Day, as I would love to see this in real life.  I really do love the windmills!


    Cult of Games Member

    It’s “Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”!!11!! 😉 #scnr (Source wikipedia “In a decree following the 1512 Diet of Cologne, the name was changed to the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation”)


    Cult of Games Member

    Did someone say Gustavus Adolphus?

    I really like that you used a sensible horse for Gustavus instead of the one Warlord sells him with.

    Can’t wait to see how the game goes



    Anyone who gets the chance should definitely give it a go. What I saw was fantastic and despite running about with camera and mic at salute it was the only table I revisited throughout the day to see how the Lion was progressing


    Cult of Games Member

    @robert – thanks! Yes, the windmills do cut a bit of a dash on he terrain side. Also they provide a bit of height to what is a pretty flat battlefield.

    @sundancer – a very interesting distinction!  It is a battle with both sides made up of mainly Germans, so perhaps quite apt 🙂

    @elessar – what a great song!  Book marked.  The horse above is carrying Albrecht Wallenstein, the arch enemy!  I have used the rather dynamic Gustav figure Fromm Warlord, but I did need to construct a diorama to make it work.  I’ve gone for the Swedish King, and his companions, leaping a damaged cannon. What do you think?


    @avernos – thanks for the recommendation, Gerry!  Will any of the BoW / OTT crew be visiting Nottingham for the Warlord Open Day?  I know there have been in past years.



    @fogh I honestly don’t know. But myself and justin only return from historicon on Monday. Then we have guests Tues wed. So my gut feeling is probably not.


    Cult of Games Member

    @avernos  Shame, but perfectly understandable!  Hope you have a great time at Historicon, and looking forward to your reports.


    Cult of Games Member

    You could  just send @brennon with his phone to have a scoot about the event



    @fogh I have the same Gustav figure from Warlord and actually quite like it.  I do like the idea of him leaping over a cannon.  If I ever get round to painting my version, I might just steal this idea!


    Cult of Games Member

    @fogh my mistake I saw a pic on the Blog and thought it was Gustavus. I like your version jumping a cannon, fits the mini perfectly.

    That diorama looks great and SPOILER ALERT… very fitting for Lutzen where he decided to go riding off all by himself (alright he didn’t mean to do it but still).

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