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Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing

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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    @onlyonepinman, great stuff, how are you finding the airbrush so far?


    @evilstu, funny you should ask.. in the last 24 hours i’ve been playing with masking, i’ve got some Humbrol Mask liquid, which I tried..

    As the plan is to experiment a bit i’m trying masking on these little scuttlings, I don’t think in general it’s a good choice to mask them, but it served my test purposes.. So first I tried priming for the first time with Vallejo primer through the airbrush (that’ll be important later), which seemed to go well. then I sprayed some green and then applied the mask, which is a purple liquid…


    I then overbrushed with black and grey and removed the mask, two things became apparent:


    1. The Mask worked well even with thin coats

    2. It sometimes took paint off the layer below when I removed it.

    Talking to another painter, apparently the Vallejo primer requires some time to fully cure, and I painted straight over it about 2 mins after it was dry. So hopefully that’s why this is happening, that’s further borne out by me having chipped another model I primed at the same time already. Ho-hum.


    I also sprayed some more little daemons, but when the paint dried they didn’t have the contrast I wanted:


    So I went back in again to really try and push them..


    That’s all for now,I feel like i’m learning a lot which is great. Back to work tomorrow sadly so progress will slow I imagine!


    Back at home cooking dinner and its a balmy 5 degrees Farenheit (-15 for you Celcius types) and I’m glad to have heat.

    @arkmechanicus Yes, the world of airbrushing is definitely different. With the Vallejo primer you will need to let it cure. Once it sets you’ll be able to drop paint on it easy enough. If you want to go and use a mask between coats I’d recommend hitting your mini with a layer of gloss coat. It’ll give you a smooth surface between coats to go over and it will protect the layer underneath it if you feel something went wrong. As you found out with the primer, you’ll need to give these things some time to set up first.

    What I see you’ve started into with pushing the contrast is general highlighting with white. Good on you with the experimenting. As always you can go back with a brush and get those transitions with glazes. Like I told onlyonepinman earlier there is a guy on Next Level Painting that really kicks things around with his Iwata. I’ve checked out various videos of his and some of the figures he gets are pretty damn cool. I wish I had the knowledge and skill to blend as well as he did for the Lady of Corruption from Creature Caster but I’m still working on it.

    With your new tool batch painting will go by so much faster. Another good thing to know is that the cost for priming/sealing will go down significantly as you won’t be paying for the propellant of the spray can. Be careful of lacquer dull coat sealants if you use it through the airbrush as you’ll need to use a lacquer thinner to clear out the stuff before it hardens. I don’t know the size of the needle you’re using but I found from one of the channels that I mentions earlier that an easy way to clear the tip between paint sessions is to run a dental absorbent paper points, used for root canals, through the cap to pull out material. I have some on my Amazon wishlist that I’ve yet to pick up. You might look into quick release connectors also to save the threads of the airbrush. I’m finding out that this is also a good idea in general as I’m going to be running a few brushes for various purposes at the same time.


    Cult of Games Member

    @arkmechanicus it’s certainly an experience, very different to what I am used to with a brush.  However it does allow for some really nice blending effects, which I have done a little experimenting with.  Like you I have been having some issues with masking.  Obviously tape only really works if you’re painting straight lines so not much use if you’re doing anything organic, or in my case canopies and windshields.  I tried blutac and it kind of works but it suffers from being, well, tacky and it has either lifted paint off or, in some cases remained stuck to the model under a layer of paint.  Thankfully the models I have been working with are just test pieces that I selected specifically to experiment with.  I have been looking at alternatives and so far Silly Putty seems to be a good choice – it works like blutac but isn’t as stick.  Another option is the liquid masking fluids like you have used and I would be interested to hear how you found it, is it easy to peel off?  I can see me using a mixture of tape and liquid mask or putty in the future.

    This bike (and another three like it) was painted using Vallejo’d metallic effects.  I really like what I have been able to do on the windshields with the yellow canopy but with a slightly metallic finish.  This was done by painting it with Gold and Chrome and the using a plain orange paint over the top.




    @woldenspoons haha! Yes that’s true… but it’s also where Steve at one end of the table says “Im gonna attack that guy” and DM Damian at the other end says “ok, but the other guy will get an attack of opportunity!”.

    To which Steve replies… “oh” ??

    @horati0nosebl0wer if I had time and an amenable group, a AoS Mordheim/Skirmish game would be right up my street!

    Yea, something like KillTeam for sure.

    -15?!? That seems… chilly…

    @onlyonepinman oh well… when that Barb is livin in a world of pain, whose gonna answer the cry for help? No-one.

    Yeah I don’t get it either. When Steve is DM’ing he use whatever: minis, tokens, hastily drawn grid on scrap paper, whatever. Just for combat,  just so it’s clear where everyone is.

    Damian doesn’t seem to even want to use a grid. Thats just his preference.

    Mine is minis! Much better than tokens indeed.



    I got some more work done on this one last night. More work will be done tonight. I really like this mini, but I also really want to finish it to put a pause on this project and take a short break.93535CA5-BBE2-4CE9-973C-179461B3B4740F975BF8-88B8-4D01-8243-D2CBE3F3C0C6513BF989-512E-4A28-97A3-6F7378D588E1

    Also here’s a comparison between old Citadel Witch Elf, Mantic Assassin and RBG Assassin.DDB1BFB8-83A1-4DEE-ACE0-CA3C74D2455D

    Managed to find the details of the mini online too: Red Vanielle, the Dark Beloved.



    For those who are looking for fantasy kill team have any of you looked at/tried Kings of War Vanguard?

    This looks like exactly what we are looking for. Sadly for me it isn’t W40k so the chances of getting to play it are slim to none.


    Cult of Games Member

    My brother went to the Mantic Open Day and had a game of vanguard.  He liked it so much he bought it, he says it feels very similar to Deadzone although it doesn’t use the 3″ square grid.



    My son is gone home and I got some hobby done today. Not a lot to show, but I made progress. Have some glue burns/marks and stanley knife marks on some of my finger tips. Working on scenery oddly enough at the moment. I have one crate sprue done from Conquest (needs varnish) and another frame assembled.


    Also assembling a Gloomtide shipwreck but ran out of glue this evening. Tomorrow I will finish it, assemble Warhammer Underworlds: Nightvalut and paint the Goblin King Throne. Hopefully Ill get closer to finishing it. And get glue. Also move onto a Mordheim building when its done.


    Also have some Mordheim models, Lannisters and terrain to prime but the weather hasnt been conductive to it.




    @arkmechanicus @onlyonepinman I agree that the use of masking tape is a good idea. I do my priming with an airbrush and then hit the display bases with a cloat of black and then mask off areas with poster tac. One thing that I’ve found has been masking tape for curves. The regular Tamiya tape is a paper and is similar to the stuff used in scrapbooking. I remember that Tamiya had a yellow acrylic or vinyl tape for masking that is great for going around curves. I still have some left in yellow but I think they switched the color to white in order to know which is which at a glance. I have the old Pandora crew for Malifaux that I picked up from a FLGS that were based with the purple bases which I’ve primed black. I’ll get some pics later after hitting them up with a few sprays  from my brush (finally getting around to the 2019 pledge stuff) and show how its held up.

    In the meantime here are a couple videos on masking tape that might be of use.

    @rayzryr I’ll leave my commentary on the dark elf along the lines of that found in the Blood Bowl game regarding elf cuties and Big Moot sandwiches.

    @woldenspoons I agree that GW has a stranglehold on the market for mass playability. Vanguard looks interesting as a game system that has been boiled down to skirmish size. I might look more into the game with time. I just saw the core books for Legend of the Five Rings and I’m a bit in awe of the work that was done to overhaul the game entirely. I really really really want to start playing that again now.

    @mage Onward nerdling herder! Your scars of noble battle against the waves of endless sprues brought on by hobby knife to be mended with super glue are badges of honor and should be born proudly. It is a glorious thing to shrug off the wounds of your hobby to plough onward through hordes of miniscule personages (and not so mini monsters) and field them in vibrant colors for the labor you expend upon them. Be brave, good sir! Fear not, for your wounds are badges of honor that will tell your tales of valor until you are placed to rest in the dirt. Go forth and hobby!  **cue barrage of horn blasts and shouts as hordes of painters charge figure sales booths at a convention bearing the awesome force of their brushes, files and knives with the support of airbrushes and mobile rattle-can squads**

    *chuckle* I wonder if we’ll ever live to see such silliness



    I’m not saying that 40k has a stranglehold on my local playing community. They also play Kill Team and Necromunda ?.

    Seriously though, I can’t even get games of Age of Sigmar which is a shame as I really would like to use my armies more. Next time I see daylight I may spoil you all with pictures of my Khorne Bloodbound. My Stormcast are not painted more than those old pictures I posted. Oh I did get some work done on my walking dead stuff including Here’s Negan. I’ve been back in work one day and I already miss daylight.


    Cult of Games Member

    Aaaand… have just managed to bork my 3d printer 😛 going to be a pull apart and solder back together type of affair to repair, am just not prepared to deal with that right now. So will be switching over to more conventional hobby stuff for a bit – that’s what I love about the hobby though, as long as you have glue, brushes and paints on hand technology can go and do whatever it likes and you can still unwind and get hobby stuff done.

    Anyhow, sorry for whingeing 🙂 It will all be fine, just a pause in the queue of ‘print moar! stuff to paint…’. Going to wander off and grab some dinner…







    Onward and upward. We did build a box fort and he did express having a ‘fight using my soldiers’ the next time he was visiting. He’s still a bit young yet though.


    Badges of honour? They distracted me trying to sleep last night.


    He got a monster truck toy that you paint in a set for Christmas. Know idea who got it for him but he wants to try it. He might get into the hobby but I’d prefer to hold off for a years when he is older and more focussed.


    *Looks focussed and regal while horn blasts bellow*





    It can be unfortunate when any game is so dominant in a local playing community.


    Maybe host an AoS night at yours? Pics!!!!





    Was it an expensive one and did you get much use out of it? That sounds like a very technical thing to do: you are taking it apart, checking it, fixing it and reassembling it. Does sound like a job. I’d be doing simple things to to prevent my head from exploding and to actually keep my hobby going.


    I have glue and a brush. Which is to say I ruined newer detail brushes with super glue accidentally. Roll on Friday so I can order more.



    @mage no entertaining at my house. As a full time carer I try to compartmentalise things. Also, nobody would come. Awkward.

    Also, I may as well run it at the local shop on a weekend. In which case I’ve tried. For extra funsies I applied to be a Mantic Pathfinder today so well we’ll see where it takes me.

    I’d love to do photos but during winter months I just don’t get to see daylight. Then at weekends I am busy doing house type stuff and walking the dog and then it’s dark again. I’m probably going to be off work in February if you could all just hang on..



    @woldenspoons Yikes, tis Awkes indeed.


    Local shop at the weekend sound good. Best of luck being made a pathfinder. Also, offer people free stuff.


    Perhaps a light box?






    @horati0nosebl0wer I haven’t heard that saying before ? the mind boggles!

    I think I’m finished… I’ll have a fresh look tomorrow. I’ve an early finish from work and I’ll be able to take some photos with natural light (sorry to rub it in, @woldenspoons )

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