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Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing

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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    Also one month on and Knightmare Batman finally arrived


    Also some old school GW models in the mail for Mordheim 33F487EF-29DD-4AEF-826B-0CCEE79B10292B1113B8-6B1E-43AC-A2CF-662F12B6E6B8



    Nice sponging @mage! That’s working really effectively eh?


    Yup, first time with an airbrush, it’s an Iwata Revolution CR, which seems like a middle of the range kinda brush.


    I’ve got a 3 step plan for learning how to use it:


    1. Big blends on some Monsters

    2. Start using masking more

    3. Do some small scale blends using masking as well.


    I’m pretty happy with how step 1 is going, step 2 coming soon, I’ll probably mask some stuff you’d normally do with the brush just to practise. Step 3 i’m really excited about, that’s trying to do blends on armour, I’ll probably start with some Stormcast.



    Right, so work has been absolutely kicking my ASS this week, topped off  by having to go in at 05:00 this morning to get all our kit moved off site for the bank holiday (again) >_<

    To take my  mind off things I’ve been building more Speeece Muraines!!!! …..

    Wanted another Storm Bolter wielding Deathwatch Veteran, and I dig how changing the grip looks:

    2018-12-29 16.12.51

    Not for any project in particular but bashed together a dynamic looking Gravgun Marine:

    2018-12-29 16.12.25

    Flicking through the Blood Angels Codex realised that, unlike most Space Marine books, the sons of Sanguinius have Heavy Flamers listed in their Heavy Weapon options. Devastator Squads can take up to 4 choices from the Heavy Weapons list. this means if you are REALLY mean you can stuff a 10-man Devastator Squad into a Stormraven Gunship along with 2 Characters and a Dreadnought, and potentially get at 5d6 Heavy Flamer shots off in one turn. I am clearly a bad, bad man….

    2018-12-29 16.08.422018-12-29 16.07.472018-12-29 16.09.50

    Put together the ETB Redemptor Dreadnought, and slapped on a spare Deathwatch insignia for LOL’s 🙂

    2018-12-29 16.14.19

    And finally spent today turning some ETB Aggressors into suitably wolfy sons of Fenris…

    2018-12-29 16.05.55


    Cult of Games Member

    @mage nice work on the terrain! really like the look of that chaos Sorcerer sculpt too – nice find.

    @arkmechanicus are you looking to use tape or putty for masking or one of the more technical hobby products available?

    @dawfydd once again great conversions! Hrm, portable Blood Angel barbecue squad? 🙂

    Productive morning so far – out to Bunnings this morning. Scored soe black primer, wooden dowel (ships masts), $5 floor mats (for use as fields) and some simple green concentrate to use as stripper (thanks for the tip @rayzryr ). then home to play with my printer again – another failed job last night –  filament stopped pulling through so a few more adjustments and I’m off again (5th attempt to print this one job…). Then airbrushed red ink onto 30 Knights of the White Wolf and primed a dragon. Now having coffee and a 5 minute break. Might contemplate some breakfast and then try and get some assembly done before the day heats up 🙂


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer what was the detail like on the KS you just got form Norba? I’ve just seen they have launched another one – dragon themed this time though, and wondering what the end product looks like compared to the 3d rendered images.


    @evilstu The casts from Norba are really clean. Take a look at the website for Norba Miniatures and their photos look like they were taken with a macro lens that brings the detail out of their stuff. Minis on the opening page are probably untouched and just based.

    I got the Karak Zeppelin and it is the largest model I’ve put together in so many pieces. There was a slight shift in the molds as to how they key to each other but surprisingly for the amount of resin that they poured that isn’t much of a problem at all. There are small amounts of gap space, relative to the rest of the model, but those are readily resolved with some putty and attention to detail. The figures for the deck are well cast and match to the 3D renders. Again, any cleanup is minimal. I’d say the only details on the airship that give a slight issue would be rigging along the sides that would sit behind the shields but we all are well armed with hobby knives and files to address them.

    If you’re looking to get in on their dragons then I’d recommend it. I’m not looking for any large figures for some time to come but anybody looking for scaly fiends or additions to their Fantasy armies should go ahead and drop the cash for the discount and surprise of seeing the quality when it is in hand.



    Cult of Games Member

    Hello everyone, hope you all had a lovely Christmas.  It’s safe to say pretty much all of my hobby plans went out the window and I have done virtually nothing.  I managed maybe an hour of painting yesterday and a d&d session on Friday (although I spent a couple of hours before hand setting it up).

    I also have a picture of my amazing Christmas Present that my family all clubbed together to buy…



    And here’s some Photos of Friday’s D&D.  It was a kind of end of story arc boss fight so I cracked open the battle systems.  The GM sent me a small map that I set up because Battle Systems does take a while to build.  The encounter was for our Ranger whose chosen enemy appears to be Devils (he’s been very tight lipped about it, it’s just what we have been able to figure out).  We tracked this particular one to his lair, apparently in some kind of extra dimensional pocket.  There was a seemingly infinite flat plain with a large rocky area, which you can see at the front of the map.


    I don’t have any photos but we were greeted by some kind of Troll who had a particular penchant for Elves. – of which we had two in the party.  After dispatching the Troll we Followed a  narrow pass through the rocks leading to a cave entrance into a large cavern where we found the Troll’s lair which was mostly empty of anything other than remains of previous meals, and a large set of heavy wooden double doors.




    The doors were slightly ajar, enough to see into a grand entrance hall lined with statues.  Again I forgot to take photos however as we passed by the statues they came to life and attacked us, paralysing two of the party members.  After narrowly defeating the statues, the ranger informed us that there were two infernal beings on the other side of the doors at the end of the entrance hall.  Regrouping, we discussed tactics, decided that the cleric was going to buff the party and act as a third fighter rather then her usual passive role in which she tries to heal people.  We got a couple of buffs cast, opened the doors to find a large throne room of sorts.  Our quarry was stood atop a dais with some kind of lacky stood at the bottom.  Before he could complete the usual pre-fight monologue, the Barbarian charged up the stairs, past the lacky and started swinging and any hints of a plan we might have had went out the window.  The minion at the bottom of the stairs charged in engaged the cleric while our archers (Rogue and Ranger) and Sorcerer focused their efforts on the main target and the Monk leapt to the defence of the cleric.  Despite the cleric managing to almost single handedly take out the minion in a couple of rounds using her own talents, any hopes of salvaging the plan were dashed when a wall of flame was erected around the dais, preventing any assistance getting to the Barbarian and obscuring ranged attacks.  The Barbarian player also started getting a bit pissy that the Cleric wasn’t healing him, despite the fact that nobody could get to him because he had run off on his own.  In the end it was the sorcerer who saved him by summoning a familiar and sending it in to help.  The sorcerer also had the last laugh when he managed to get through the wall of fire, ran up the stairs and electrocuted the Devil – the Barbarian had gone toe to toe with him and the sorcerer dealt the killing blow.  Needless to say that the Barbarian wasn’t really too happy about it although very little sympathy was forthcoming for him.  He has also since had his healing privileges revoked by the cleric if he charges off on his own again, something he isn’t happy about.




    I keep losing posts. I’ll look shortly to see if it’s a known issue. ?

    Slight hobby today, managed to rattle can undercoat my Here’s Negan characters, my fear the hunters and some Deathguard stuff.

    May play All Out War tomorrow but if not will be putting paint to models.

    @dawfydd Loving your Space Wolf kit bashes. Have you got much more spare parts left?



    @woldenspoons always 😉 – I keep an eye out on Ebay for cheap parts lots that have been keeping my habit going, and had a sizeable backlog of Astartes parts built up when I wasn’t doing much GW hobby….



    It is 0017

    Happy New Year from Australia, my friends.


    Cult of Games Member

    Happy new year all! Wishing everyone posting or reading along a fantastic 2019 🙂

    @horati0nosebl0wer thanks for that – I have also been eyeing off some of the stuff on their website. They do what look to be pretty good proxies for some of the older WHFB units that you can’t get anymore. I’m assuming given their target market that the scaling is ok, ie heroic 28mm.

    @onlyonepinman wow, congrats on the wonderful gift! D&D looks like it was fun. Good to see the battlesystems terrain getting a workout too, I love the way that looks when it’s all set up.

    @woldenspoons I’ve had something similar with project posts – keep getting a timeout. I figured it was just my internet but maybe they are doing site maintenance at OTT/BoW over the break?…

    @dawfydd I do the same with cheap minis. I promise I don’t spend as much on toy soldiers as it may look 😛

    @rayzryr cheers!



    @woldenspoons I’ve had much drama lately with the website booting me out. It’s probably related to a similar issue.

    @arkmechanicus sweet start on the Silver Tower minis! The transition of colours on those blue horrors is mighty fine!

    Some of us have joined in a Hobby Pledge thread here, resolutions made ? let’s see if they can be kept ?

    @evilstu the metal RBG stuff I’ve got has been awesome quality (bar one bubble in an exceptionally unfortunate spot ?).

    The first Kickstarter they ran was to try and use a mass-production resin… it didn’t work so well… many issues, bubbles, shrinkage. The detail still came out well, and I’ll get around to them eventually.

    They make true scale 28mm so they’re small mini’s. I’ll put this one next to the GW Witch Elves for comparison.

    But they’d probably match well with my Mantic Dungeon Saga minis.

    I’d not looked at the vallejo malefic flesh set until you mentioned it… that’s a real nice option!

    Great elves, my man!

    No worries about the Simple Green ?

    @horati0nosebl0wer yeah, I came back and looked at the mini last night and it’s a bit too palid now. A little glazing with a blue wash has happened.

    @mage nice work on the crates ?

    I love the old school adjacencies minis, they were always my favourite Army in Ye Olde Fantasy Battles. Mostly because of the minis.

    @dawfydd I’m really digging your conversion/kit bashing work too. I’ll be picking up my Dark Angels again soon I think…

    That’s a great deal of flamer shots! Let ‘em all burn I say!

    @onlyonepinman your family is awesome! That’s a great present!

    Thanks for the D&D write up! Sounds like your Barbarian won’t be trying to Leroy Jenkins anytime soon ?

    Good table top setup too! I personally prefer minis and terrain for my games, including D&D but our current DM is all Theatre of the Mind… which is always awkward in combat.



    @rayzryr but theatre of the mind is where the impossible becomes the shaky possible due to distance fudging. Of course I can fly and my sword is 2 miles long. Not that I’m one to brag.


    And now for my first post of the year….

    @onlyonepinman nice kit for the airbrush. I’ve looked at the Custom Micron line of Iwatas. If memory serves they were the line that they purchased/licensed from the Japanese manufacturer Olympos (something like that). Really fine detail as far as I can find. Good stuff on the Neo to get a start with. The prices only go up as I found getting in with Badger products (starting with a friend’s 150 that I borrowed and then got a Patriot 105 before snagging a Sotar 20/20). Harder&Steenbeck also do awesome work but the engineering seems daunting for the breakdown to clean the airbrushes. Check out the channels PLASMO and Scale Model Workshop on YouTube for some pointers that you’d probably not get from Next Level Painting. I like the idea of quick work for having a painted army but Kenny Boucher kills me with his over the top persona. The Warhammer “More is More” aattitudein presenting painting grates sometimes and is best countered with Vince Venturella and his laid back attitude the likes of Bob Ross.

    @evilstu @rayzryr I think that with the draw down of large army games, as OTT has covered in an XLBS episode, AoS has filled a niche in the fantasy skirmish arena. Tabletop Minions put out a list of things he’d like to see from GW this year and a rehash of Mordheim, or something like it for AoS, as their old “specialist games” are being reborn since the LotR cash cow isn’t as lucrative as it once was. A slowburn campaign fantasy version of KillTeam might be interesting if the factions were interesting from the models.

    @mage @dawfydd You two make me feel ashamed I’m not painting right now. I’ll get on it as soon as I can. Real life just has stuff going on.

    @woldenspoons @rayzryr How to break Theater of the Mind easily with less combat…. take walking talking murder carpet (aka lupine) and knock them down in pain using silver nitrate dispensed from a cleverly disguised bear mace can. A mage with a bit of cunning can easily kick this up a few notches (using Life/Material in 2nd ed) as it will easily sidestep paradox when it induces asphyxiation/paroxysms/uncontrolled vomiting in the beast like its supposed to. Then again there’s the broken nature of how to deal with Changelings… oh what I can think of given some time.


    Cult of Games Member

    @rayzryr I suspect he absolutely will do a Leroy Jenkins.  Maybe only once more.  As for theatre of the mind vs miniatures I don’t really understand how it ever became such a diametrically opposed choice. There’s plenty of theatre of the mind, the miniatures are used only for combat because, as you said, it’s actually a lot easier to manage with the visualisation and miniatures look better than tokens.

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