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Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing

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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    Lo and behold I get up and in a haze check my mail to find that delivered yesterday was a small parcel from Dragon Forge to include a set of their Aztex resin bases, a set of metal jerry cans and their pickaxe/shovel set. The resin came out pretty well with only minor defects but its fine by me. Looks like I’ll be getting some Amazon figures from Freebooter next year. I should just put in for some etched brass ferns from Atztech on PK-Pro to use on these and another back burner project.


    I believe that another crazy idea project may come from my hoard…. dun dun dun!


    @jodain good stuff on the printed piece. Advice on the filling, avoid liquid greenstuff and after sanding down the layers slightly cover it with a light spray of gloss coat varnish to settle into the grooves before priming.


    Cult of Games Member

    @horati0nosebl0wer thanks for the tips, I tried the liquid green stuff once and decided it was rubbish, fortunately I have a stockpile of the real stuff which I bought several years ago and haven’t finished yet.  The gloss varnish tip sounds like a good plan and will give it a try.  Thos resin bases look very good and will fit the Amazons for Freebooters really well, I should really get round to assembling my (I picked them up on release too many years ago!).


    Got the blasted thri-kreen done and set aside during the XLBS.I’m not a fan of the sculpts but I’ll be paid for the work. I’ll knock off some of the price and thrown in a few figures as belated Xmas gifts by the time the guy I paint for shows to collect them.




    I started reworking my Rail golem for next years’s hobby pledging. @lawnor I’m working on these things it just takes a bit to get motivated to get on. Thankfully seeing things completed builds up steam to run the paint pump of my mini engine.

    @jodain Release date Amazons? Wow. I’ve been a fan of Klocke for a while from when he was working for Reaper before kicking off Freebooter’s Fate. The Amazons really are really where his strong suite lies from sculpting female figures. The change to draw Aztec and Maya influence in the work was a good break from the generic wild women motif in other ranges.




    Well Christmas has happened and I’m fit to burst. No hobby done today but I did watch the GeeDubya and Mantic videos.


    Cult of Games Member

    Hey All hope you survived Christmas and either have  or are presently sleeping off the ensuing food coma. I;m going to try and get some hobby done this morning while it’s cool – temps predicted to spike in the mid to high 30’s here for the next week, which pretty much means that once you hit about 2pm it’s too hot for primer or painting to happen. Then again, I could  set up a small workstation in the house where it’s cooler… Hrm…



    Merry CrateMas!




    It’s not chocolate …



    @jodain cool Vyper, though when I first saw the pic I thought you were converting a toy ?

    @horati0nosebl0wer oooo nice bases! I could see those being used for Kingdom Death… there’s a similar face in one of the dark corners of the board… hmmm…

    Interesting ant-people, what range are they from? Reaper?

    Were they fiddley to put together, or were they not cut well?

    @evilstu yeah survived Christmas. Even better: survived working in the Boxing Day sales and didn’t even punch one customer! ?

    But my feelings towards the fat guy at the moment…


    I suppose it’s not his fault… lol

    The temperature is pain for sure… where’s your usual workstation? Heat, fan or AC. Between them they’ll dry up your paint while you watch, right?

    I’ve spent my evening after work updating my project. See if I can do the techno-link-y-thingy…

    The Ancient Kin


    I’ve picked myself a couple of “Christmas Presents”. Kingdom Death’s Holiday sale is on, so I got some new dice, another copy of Holiday Nico for the game content, the Thief and the new Santa Satan.



    @mage did you use the elastic band method? I did and I have to say I made it perfect.



    I did not. I used my hands, dropping it, reassembling and getting glue all over my hands methid.


    it worked.








    Ok, assembled the crate kit from conquest. I also primed the different parts, as well as my remaining Lannister’s,  warhammer zombies, primaris marines from an issue of conquest, neutral heroes for ASOISF, and varnished my Mordheim Undead warband


    Everything tidied away now. I have presents under the tree, Christmas music on, lights on on the tree, changed into more festive clothes and my son will be here shortly for his Christmas visit.


    ill get maybe 40-60 minutes with him opening presents before I have to sleep before my twelve hour jught shift tonight



    Had a go at kit-bashing a few more of the Primaris from the various issues of Conquest I have knocking around into Deathwatch as A) I was a bit bored and B) needed 2 more with bolt rifles to field 3 5-man squads. Plasma pistol on the right there is either going to pad out a 5-man squad of Hellblasters or (since I’ve discovered you can include 1 Relic war engine -in this case my Leviathan Dread – without having to have another unit of the same FO category…) be split amongst the Intercessors for built-in fire support….

    2018-12-26 21.01.35


    Holy crap, it’s second Xmas! I just got my KS shipment from Norba miniatures and the dawrven airship is huge! There is quite a bit of resin here. The mouse in the photo should give you a measure of scale. Looking at it again each half of the balloon for the dirigible is about as big as the mouse.


    @mage Ewww… oh wait… its not floating in a pool or a punchbowl. We’re good. Wait.. he’s got the black mark everybody.. plague will spread.. run! Seriously though, good to see things coming through for your hobbying these days.

    @rayzryr Those are actually thri-kreen figures from Wizkids for their Nolzur’s line. Thri-kreen are pretty much insect people that are a feature of the Dark Sun campaign setting in D&D. It pulls “ slightly” from the Barsoom series by Edgar Rice Borroughs from where Disney ripped material for the film John Carter.

    @dawydd I think the Tick put it best.


    Cult of Games Member

    Family stuff again today so not too much progress on the hobby front. Hoping to catch up on some sleep this evening and hopefully take advantage of a few cooler hours in the morning to get something progressed.

    Have had a couple of gaps in my print queue here and there so have been smashing out siege engines. Got them assembled and primed over the last couple of days. Still need a bit of a blast with a heat gun to get rid of the stringing here and there but otherwise will be OK to slap some interesting contrast colours on and then just give the things a dip wash. Because siege games. Because why not?


    And a bit more mucking around with greenstuff and spare sprues for my Middenheim army – will do the write-up for that later.

    @mage that came free with a magazine? i’d be picking up a few if the price was reasonable (and if you can find them in the wild I guess…). I’m keen to see what you do with it.

    @horati0nosebl0wer shiny shiny loot! I remember that KS for the airship.

    @woldenspoons anything worth checking out in either of the vids?

    @jodain sweet print! Is that a one-off or part of a larger project? Hrrm… No, I will not print myself a fleet of vipers, i will not print myself a fleet of Vipers…

    @dawfydd no idea about marine loadouts or squad composition restrictions for the main game in 8th ed but your Primaris conversions are outstanding. Well done!

    @rayzryr glad the customers didn’t drive you to violence or despair. Yeah I capitulated and ordered some minis form Avatars of war in their sale (only 5 Euro flat rate global shipping – I can’t get something shipped from Melbourne for that money!). Had missed out on the High elf handmaiden model for 8th edition -when I ordered it I accidentally ordered one of the older Alarielle models, and by the time I did my next order they were sold out. Still, it’s all worked out well because now I have Alarielle (old world edition) and a couple of these ladies on the way, one of whom will be a proxy Handmaiden for when I do my mini Everqueen faction (yeah, your elves project sort of got me inspired to revisit old models…)|+BSB+(kit)&id=118&Itemid=53


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