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Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing

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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    Cult of Games Member

    Two SSU Walkers done and a Lavrentiy Beria tank (a man introduced to the USA by the USSR as “our Himler”).

    Got a surprise today when my Battlefield Accessories MDF Middle East Terrain arrived in the post.

    Two Small buildings, One large one and a compound which will do nicely for my Sudanese Wargaming next year.




    Yo, do the buildings not come with bases? I like the SSU stuff, keen to see them in game soon-ish. I’ll be at Scott’s Monday playing.


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu thankfully there is a big bottle of Gorrila Wood Glue sitting waiting for the project to start, photographs will come as I get time to build it.

    Got some hobby Christmas present from friends at the Club last night, including Chewie and the Wookies, time to pull some arms off!  Guess they will hit the build table fairly soon.

    In terms of last night I played Legion against one of my best mates, we had a blast although we did get a couple of rules wrong.  It looked bad for the Imperials at one point as my Airspeeder ran rampant across the back of his AT-ST and hosing his stormtrooper.  Luke charged into combat with Vader, who showed him how weak he was in the force – although this did keep Vader from  the rebel trooper.  Han on the other side of the board was scaring stormtroopers away.  However, the AT-ST (which is were we got one of the rules wrong) was dealing massive damage to my main squads.  At the end I had very little left but there was enough to force a draw.  I was going to take pictures as the battle progressed but only managed to take one at the end of the first turn and a close up of my Airspeeder (I need to paint the rear guns and varnish to finish it off).





    Whelp, I’ve had  a bit of a banner set of deliveries turn up this morning hobby-wise, plus a copy of Myke Cole’s The Armoured Saint which I keep hearing good things about that’ll be burnt through tomorrow no doubt 😉

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    So I have some painting already planned for today, then tomorrow morning the Biostrip will be put to good use reclaiming some minis picked up on the cheap (including one of the old metal Venerable Dreadnoughts that still has a certain something over the plastic kit to my mind, as great as that kit is itself…), a bit of priming to prep other projects, and I may add my TAK to that pile as I’ve finished building the Strelok K-9 team this morning….

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    Work on monday, but should be a shorter shift as we’ve de-camped ops off-site and there is no night work going out with little inbound stock to worry about 🙂 . Otherwise I’m going to relish the first 2-day Christmas break I’ve had in who knows how long to chill, maybe catch up on some podcasts, a bit of reading (still 10 books to get through before the 1st for my reading challenge – 94 down!), probably spend far too much time on  the Facetime watching my niece & nephew go mental opening prezzies 😀

    So on the off-chance I don’t get back on here before Tuesday, I hope all of you have a very Merry Christmas, good fortune for the New Year, and thank you for keeping me engaged in the hobby and the community through these threads. It has been very much appreciated, you utter bunch of madcases 😀


    Cult of Games Member

    So.  Last night’s star saga session was a bit of a mixed bag.  The players enjoyed it but as the Nexus player (the GM) it feels really one sided.  So much so that I have passed feedback to Mantic about it.  We played three missions and by the end of thd third mission I hadn’t managed to even come close to hitting the victory conditions.  The Nexus always seems to have a victory condition of “cripple x heroes”  which is basically just take them out of action.  The problem is that in almost every situation the heroes roll 3-4 times the number of dice that minions roll and on a turn by turn basis they have more activations.  As the nexus, despite having more models available you activate less of them AND they’re significantly less effective.  Compared to its predecessor, Dungeon Saga, I have to say it felt far to easy for the heroes.  It even got to the stage where the heroes where actively ignoring the bad guys because, quote, “we can take their attacks”


    Hobby on hold now for a few days.  But doing my best to start getting into the festive spirit




    @jodain Good on you for celebrating with family. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more info on your fur bearing forces.

    @onepinman Quite a bit of the hobby info saved up from quite so much time away. Welcome back to the fray and the long march of mini madness. Holy Mackerel! That beer comes in a size unbeknown to the civilized world! I’m reminded of the warning at the beginning of Beerfest “If you drink this much beer you will die”.

    @mage Yes, long shifts are a pain. I did my 12 after a crap night of 5 hrs sleep and then proceeded onto a Xmas party that turned out pretty damn good. I have a short shift now but its still a work day. Plah!

    @elessar2590 The walkers looks pretty cool. I’d add a little bit of weathering with some oil/grime to show field wear to really kick off the “weight” that they carry and the conflict they see.

    @dawfydd I’m waiting for a few other things for under my tree and that haul looks pretty sweet. That wolfen character looks like the old Blessed of December from Malifaux. I’ll finish up with mine here soon and put up a photo for comparison.


    Cult of Games Member

    @dawfydd what issues of Conquest have you got there and what is in them?  I’ve just ordered a couple of them up, didn’t subscribe so I’ve been trying to pick up the odd issue here and there.  Missed out on the Captain and Librarian though.



    @jodain that’s issues 15 to 18 came in today. Came with (respectively) the Biologus Putrifier, Primaris sprue containing 2 Intercessors, 2 Hellblasters and 1 Inceptor, another container sprue, and the last one was a play mat plus pots of Rakarth Flesh 7 Mephiston Red. 15 & 16 are probably the best value, £7.99 for a character and the same for 5 Astartes. Looks like next week is Lord Felthius and the Blightlord Terminators, so another character and three elite troops. I’m tempted to order an extra issue for conversion fodder….

    Got the bases drybrushed & edged on the Knights, so barring stuff  ican come back to later (like transfers) these two are pretty much done I’d say 🙂

    2018-12-22 17.48.25

    and put a bit more work into the Wolves:

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    Cult of Games Member

    Thanks @dawfydd I ordered two copies of 16 on Wednesday when it came out, along with 15.  I’m not interested in the Plague Marines so just keeping my eye out on the Primaris.  The Knights and wolves are looking good.


    Cult of Games Member

    Was falling asleep yesterday afternoon while watching the Weekender so gave up and went to bed at 6 – slept for 10 hours straight and feeling indestructible right now – What a difference a full sleep bank can manke 🙂 So with my batteries recharged for the Christmas campaign and armed with a fresh terrible instant coffee (well actually it’s gone old and I appear to have already drunk most of it…) I’m all set to kick the day off 🙂

    @mage congrats on getting all of your wrapping finishing. That’ll be my high priority job for today as I’m seeing my family tomorrow. Hobby marathon? Well by the sounds of it you have your projects queued up and a bit of clean air ahead so why not?

    @elessar2590 that dust kit looks great. As do those buildings. Hope you have access to a solid;y sizeg gaming surface as it would look great to see them all set up at once and in use once they are done. Which rules set were you looking at using for the Sudanese campaign?

    @mischief was wondering the same thing. I guess not including a base would cut down on production/shipping costs and it might be appropriate if people were going to set them directly into a custom made board or drop onto a themed game mat? By the look of the shots the rooves do appear to be removable though which is a really nice touch.

    @jodain cool very nice Christmas loot 🙂 Sounds like the game was great fun. A nice approach to the colours on your airspeeder too – a nice balance between camouflage and a hat tip to the colour scheme use d in TESB.

    @dawfydd hope you do get some quiet time to read through that lot and the rest of the books in your queue. Best wishes for the break and we’ll see you the next time we see you 🙂 Nice work on the Knights too!

    @onlyonepinman if the players are ignoring the ‘threats’ then yes that’s probably a reasonable indication that something might need refining. Haven’t spent much time with Dungeon Saga but from what I remember it was the turn counter that was the big threat – monsters were there just as much to delay as they were to cause harm. Have they dropped the turn limit mechanic for Star Saga? Appreciate that even if it’s still there that having a win condition based on damage you can’t realistically do from a statistical probability sense might become tiresome.

    @horati0nosebl0wer I don’t know – beer that sized looks perfectly civilized to me 🙂

    Hobby for me today will hopefully be a bit more ineffectual tinkering with my WHFB stuff, and trying to get i the habit of doing write-ups. But I did get meet my goal of getting around to starting at least…

    Warhammer Fantasy Revisited



    Cult of Games Member

    Also, saw this this morning on social media. made me laugh…






    Haha thats hilarious @evilstu



    Got no hobbying done but will start shortly and do a quick blast before bed. Busy busy today. Walked a few miles for pokemon go after waking up after work



    Ok goblin throne before I started this evening. I’ll stop around one amEA01D3B3-801A-4E56-B598-74CAFE888EED687BC507-5CC5-401E-8C6E-D1BD17DA50FA

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