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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.
January 8, 2019 at 8:18 am #1325054
@woldenspoons it’s really great and actually quite refreshing to hear someone say that they are happy with where their painting skills are at. Made me smile 🙂
@dawfydd wow, impressive recovery effort! now that’s the type of environmental recycling cause I could really get behind… considering revisiting some of my old and now long OOP metal minis. I guess if I take ‘before’ photos then I can strip away guilt free?
@mage mad respect for getting on top of the housework. Terrain is looking really nice – I’d be considering a double-subscription to Conquest. Kidding (kinda…).
@jodain cheers. I’ll have to see how the siege tower looks once assembled. I wanted to keep it ‘faction neutral’ so no splashing on orc warpaint etc. However maybe painting and adhering shields to the surface could add some interest? Or maybe pennants to the top? Will have to see. And there is nothing wrong with staking out a good sniper nest early on in the game 😉
@onlyonepinman nice crisp work on your Pelican. Really like the choice of colours too. Appreciate that washes and engine exhaust etc will give it a touch of realism but it almost seems a shame. I went overboard on the Battlesystems fantasy KS so haven’t backed the others (postage to Oz is a bit steep – not meant to be a slight on the guys at Battlesystems, more an observation that they cram so much into their sets that they weigh a tonne) but they all do look really good. Smart move keeping up to speed on most of their KS’s – they always seem to be running a theme 6 to 18 months before the game that really needs that terrain gets released – It’s almost like Colin has some mysterious precognition… Osprey game Rogue Starts? I’ve always been keen to do a cyberpunk table. Mainly just because. Have some terrain from Knights of Dice stashed for just such a purpose.
@horati0nosebl0wer love the Hobby Cheating vids 🙂 I’d also recommend the Vallejo ‘Black and White’ paint set with the included ‘how to’ step by step guide by Angel Giraldez. Siege engines are all 3d prints from Printable Scenery. GW did release some siege kits back in 5th ed WHFB if I recall. I think there was an attacker and a defender set that were released to tie in with the fortress that they had released at around that time. Those tanks look awesome. Are you planning on subtle tank colours or not so subtle ork colours?
@sundancer good to see you back 🙂 Hope you are recharged after your hobby break.
@arkmechanicus glorious work! The detail on that book familiar is amazing! Have you posted pics to the What Are You Painting Now thread?
@jodain agreed!
January 8, 2019 at 9:13 am #1325084We’re actually considering donating a set of the Fantasy terrain to a friend because we simply have too much. Two sets is plenty.
As for the Pelican, I’m not going to mad with the washes and the majority of it will be wipe off making it look grimy without losing too much shine. Or at least that’s the plan… It might be a couple of days before I can do anything though as I sliced my thumb whilst cooking yesterday and I now can’t hold a brush properly. It’s not a big cut but it lies directly along the line that the brush sits on.
January 8, 2019 at 9:14 am #1325085Hey,
Not much hobby from me for the last few days, I’ve been hanging out with my daughter mostly. Sunday night we, along with my parents, tried a fun little card game called Unstable Unicorns. Think Exploding Kittens, with a few extra rules borrowed from Magic.
Mum struggled with it, but Dad and Daughter caught on pretty quick. I used to play Magic, so I recognised most of the system and taught the game. Monday night was the resumption of Monday DnD, but one of our number couldn’t make it so we played some Mysterium (cool board game, whodunnit situation, one player is the ghost who gives out clues but can’t say anything)
and Munchkin. It got pretty brutal… ?
@horati0nosebl0wer yeah… I probably should pin that mini.
@mage and @horati0nosebl0wer timing! I just picked up a pair of new brushes as well. The current set are showing their age. I’ll use those for metallics still, and my new brushes for colour work.
@biggabum good haul there!
@elessar2590 nice Dust Army. Is 600 points average size?
@evilstu Cancon… I could potentially make it there this year… not really as a participant, but perhaps a spectator… Ive got to check out travel arrangements and funds. And I’ll have the young ‘un with me if I’m there, so it’ll only be one day.
I’m liking how your Fantasy project is coming along. I might have to pick up some of your methods, and have multiple things happening.
Solid start on the Brets, and your board and siege equipment are gonna look great when they hit the table! I can see a whole wall under attack, old Warhammer Siege style ??
@dawfydd looks like those minis went together well.
Sweet Christmas man! That’s a bloody quick turn around for stripping those minis! Biostrip 20? I’m gonna have to check if this particular brand of dark magic is available here…
@jodain good start to the year ? my only comment would be about photography, as other have already commented. Your subsequent photos are better.
Another one waving the SW:L flag! Good show!
@onlyonepinman wow! Notes taken on how to do a wicked looking clear canopy when I eventually get an airbrush!
Yes, very Corp. Nice. I was reminded of Deus Ex: Human Rev. as well.
Here’s Johnny!
God I detested that track when it was new. Ha!
@arkmechanicus Great work! The combination of airbrush and traditional brush work has come together really well ?
January 8, 2019 at 9:22 am #1325088@onlyonepinman rotten luck – hope it heals up soon. You’re probably better to let it heal than to try and push yourself and risk re-opening the cut – hand injuries are great like that. Nice of you to consider donating the extra set! it still means everyone can club together if you want to do a really big game.
@rayzryr yeah I’m keen to get stuck into the other armies so that will be my reward for finishing this bret unit that I’m currently working on. Still haven’t tried Unstable Unicorns – If it’s a bit like Magic then we should be able to pick it up pretty quick (GF was a Magic player back in the day).
January 8, 2019 at 10:16 am #1325133@rayzryr the scheme was inspired by This
It’s not quite there get and I think that a black wash is probably going to help darken it down a little.
January 8, 2019 at 11:59 am #1325208@sundancer Who’re you? I think we had someone looking like you here before but he left long long ago never to be heard from again. I think that games the likes of Subnautica are apt to pull people away from hobbying without kicking and screaming. No worries, its good to have you back. Now as far as secret projects, you’d better watch out or you’ll end up with stormtroopers sporting reindeer antlers. You now have tasted a mere sample of my might in miniatures that I’m capable of.
@arkmechanicus Damn **blink blink**
@onlyonepinman It sucks to hear about the cut, just remember superglue is your friend. The cure all for any injury in the hobby is just that. After that I’d recommend rubbing dirt on it.
@rayzryr If you never liked the music then why inflict it on us? Here.. a soundtrack from a little later that really was good from a film that captured the warehouse rave scene. Good memories of being in California at the time. SO much I didn’t do and had the chance. Meh, live and learn.
@evilstu Since these are the Scrap tanks from Kromlech and they’re operated by gobs I think that going ballistic with the color and then weather to tone it down would work best. I think the detail might get lost if I tried to stay on point with the subtlety of painting like real armor. The only problem I see is going to be working with large areas of yellow. I might look into investing in panel lining products for the future as there are so many mechanical pieces that will need attention.
January 8, 2019 at 12:10 pm #1325209Who’re you?
@horati0nosebl0wer believe me, I ask myself that question every morning in the mirror… and then I wash myself regardless
Now as far as secret projects, you’d better watch out or you’ll end up with stormtroopers sporting reindeer antlers. You now have tasted a mere sample of my might in miniatures that I’m capable of.
When that should happen I’ll happily auction of those for charity 😉
Also the parts for my “secrit tekk projekt” arrived today… now to find time.
January 9, 2019 at 10:15 am #1326370@sundancer I think we all must be presuming your sekkret tekk gubbins is Ork based so we are all staying away. Let us know when it is safe to return.
January 9, 2019 at 10:29 am #1326372@woldenspoons it’s totally safe… I promise… not Orky at all…. perfectly safe… as long as your clearance code for shield passing is valid…
January 9, 2019 at 11:28 am #1326405I just bought a bunch of brushes, a little paint and some random gifts for my son (for next Christmas) on an online hobby store. This was a few days ago, and last night tidying my models I found four paint brushes, new, which I got in my last order in December.
I finished the Goblin Kings Throne, Assembled and gap-filled Nightvault, and one Conquest Crate frame worth of stuff. Pics to follow. I also did some work on the Game of Thrones stuff I primed. I have the basecoats down on the Mountain and his Mountains Men unit, almost finished Reek, and started basecoating Neutral Heroes, two units of Lannister Swordsmen, one unit of Lannister Halberdiers… and I think that is it.
Weather is kinda crap for priming but the grey halfords primer normally works fine in such conditions. I have various other stuff in the ‘next’ pile and seriously need to refocus on my Escape from Goblin Town set. That is all I can think of at the moment…
January 9, 2019 at 5:26 pm #1326701Hmm water resistant undercoating is a potential gold mine.
@mage You have a brush addiction it seems. Got to watch that.
Back on page 1 someone was playing the Resident Evil game (I hope you got Tofu with it). How is it after a good few runs through?
@sundancer that’s what those no good sneaky Bloodaxes would tell us.
I think it’s been at least a day since @dawfydd showed us what Imperial nonsense he is up to. I smell heresey!
January 9, 2019 at 5:42 pm #1326709Ok, so I’ve been signed off work this week, in great part because I’ve literally lost my voice >_<
Therefore I have – to the surprise of absolutely no one – been building yet MORE Space marines from the plastic backlog 😀
First up is a Black Templars Crusader Bretheren bashed up from a few different its with some spare icons from the Templar upgrade sprue thrown in, giving it some dual chainsword-action;
For my Deathwatch I had converted parts of the old Dark Vengenace Deathwing Terminator Squad to make an assault cannon trooper, so thought I’d have a play around to make the remaining parts into a full squad. Thankfully Deathwing have a lot more variety on how their squads can be loaded out compared to standard Terminators, so a spare set of lightning claws gives the squad some extra close quarters bite, and threw all the anti-tank into one platform by giving the cyclone missile-launcher a chainfist 😉
And finally figured I hadn’t tried to build a pure MkIII squad yet, and it was a lot of fun. I figure these guys will go to either my Crimson Fists or Raptors as a line Tactical Squad. That still leaves 2 (mostly) complete MkIII kits. I figure one I’ll use to build a Grey Hunter Pack with dual plasma guns, the other can be just another line squad….
January 9, 2019 at 5:44 pm #1326710@woldenspoons – I hadn’t even realised you made mention of me whilst I was writing that last post. I recommend submitting yourself for psychic re-evaluation and appropriate rendition by the Adeptus Telepathica 😀
January 9, 2019 at 11:21 pm #1327176The Pelican is now awaiting some detailing work but the bulk of it is as done as it’s going to be. Decided to take some pictures alongside some of the Battle Systems sci fi scenery.
January 10, 2019 at 9:25 am #1327470@onlyonepinman I applaud you sir. The flyer looks amazing and the scale seems fine. @horati0nosebl0wer will be along shortly to tell you it will be good when you’ve added another ten layers of highlights haha
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