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Calling All Hobby Heroes – A Hobby Holiday Weekender Type Thing

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This topic contains 185 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by  evilstu 5 years, 12 months ago.

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    @biggabum (and Matty) have inspired me. Dare I say Hyped me?

    That’s right I’m going to spread some paint on my Hyperion. Meaning if ever I meet the Bums we can play the Warmahordes Pacific Rim expansion.


    Cult of Games Member

    First painting session of the New Year on Thursday and first game last night.

    I sat down to paint First Mate Hawk from PP’s Warmachine on Thursday, I had tried a Zenith approach with a black and white rattle.  I tried hard to duplicate the red-brown leather on the legs and am happy with how that came out, I’m not sure on the skin but the photograph isn’t very good – I’ll try again later today.  Comments welcomed.


    Played Star Wars Legion last night against a friend, it was a close running game although we didn’t have time to finish it.  My airspeeder chewed up stormtroopers left, right and centre, with Luke chipping in towards the end.  Han shot Vader and then finished off a speeder bike, unfortunately Vader then charged Han so that didn’t look good (time stopped the battle at this point).  My friend supplied all the terrain for the game and I though it looked really cool, I just need to do an Endor table to go with my paint scheme:




    @jodain that table looks great to play on. For an Endor table how much is too many trees?

    That first model is great. Picture is a little far out but the red/orange blend is magnificent. Recipe!

    My hobbying started but has been vetoed by ‘She Who Must Be Obeyed’ so I’m off to the shops.

    It’s not all bad I need a paint and I’ll pick up White Dwarf. New improved.

    Here are my WIP pics of my Retribution.



    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu I think another aspect of using minis is that it allows players to provide a visualisation of their character in a way that might not otherwise be possible.  Back in the 90’s everything we did was theatre of the mind and I had a lot of fun.  But for most of us, drawing our characters wasn’t really possible; miniatures are a bit like having someone drawbl your character for you, in 3D!  And you don’t really have to be particularly good at painting to convey a broad outline of what your character looks like.  Then of course people like me get the opportunity to exercise a bit of creativity by painting them – I put a hell of a lot if effort into people’s RPG characters because I think they should be as good as I can make them.  I also paint models for any fellow players I might be playing with.  So even during non-combat scenes, when there’s no map, no need for ranges or positions, those miniatures still exist and people can see them and imagine those characters in whatever situation that they are in.  I definitely think that miniatures add to a game and I don’t think that they take anything away nor do they necessarily destroy any theatre that may be going on in people’s minds, if anything they actually help it in the same way they help visualise battles in Wargames in a way using tokens or counters does not.


    Cult of Games Member




    DSC_0392I have been doing a bit more experimenting with the airbrush.  I bought a Revell snap together kit of a UNSC pelican from Halo.  My plan is to use it as a scenery piece however it’s technically out of scale, being closer to 15mm.  However because it’s not actually going to be a UNSC Pelican dropship, it’s just a generic aircraft, size doesn’t matter  so much.  So I decided to mask out the cockpit with a reflective effect similar to that seen on the F22.  To do this without masking the canopy frame I masked the outside and painted the inside.  To get the effect you simply paint the layers on in reverse, starting with an orange tint with two slightly more concentrated spots, followed by a layer of silver and then a layer of gold.  I’m quite pleased with the result.  As you can see from the picture, with the cockpit interior obscured it scales quite nicely with the Human Interface miniatures – which lean towards the larger side of things and on average arw slightly larger than Infinity miniatures in scale

    The rest of the vehicle I am going to paint in a similar colour scheme to the SSV Normandy off Mass Effect –  black underside and white topside with some details picked out in red.


    Cult of Games Member

    Well I’ve got absolutely nothing done today…. well a bit of tinkering as I passed by. but heres the little progress I have made on the Kraken. (Thinking of painting it in sub assemblies, the finishing construction before final messing)DSC_0286


    @woldenspoons Mate, if you’re ever over our way in Sunny Shrewsbury…. well maybe not sunny… let me know and we can try and arrange something


    Cult of Games Member

    @evilstu Well I probably could have done, mate, if I was a bit more condfident in my abilities, but as I say it was only a few pounds and you know how lazy I am when it comes to…. well… anything really 😀




    @biggabum same if you and The Bums decide for a break in the Queen of Welsh Holiday Resorts.

    Hey. A Weekender boot camp of our own! Genius.




    I managed to do some priming today before and after a 5 – 6km walk, ish. Im gonna tear into some terrain when I wake up after lunch time, after work. I will be finishing off warhammer 40,000 crates, barrels and ammo boxes. Also up on the workstation are assembling conquest magazine contents, priming lannisters, and painting the Goblin Kings Throne (only two colours left, yeah!).


    Lol … more resin goodness for me! A couple of Goblin scrap tanks from Kromlech finally arrived from my order at the tail end of November. These are definitely some well cast pieces that I will love upon with my airbrush. I’m glad to have dug into the armor painter videos on YouTube a while back as this is exactly the kind of thing I can use that info on. I believe that a good chunk of my backlog figures will be sacrificed as speed paint pieces in order to put the love and attention into the stuff I’ve been getting.The addition of getting the Minicrate shipment for the L5R minis on top of the WarmaHordes will be motivation as well. When am I going to start getting paid for doing this hobby already? Its becoming work… but work I enjoy.




    @jodain Not the greatest of photos but the work looks good from what can be pulled out of the detail. Set the mini back next time or, if you’re using your phone, tap on it to try and single out where the camera focuses when you snap the pic. As far as a game on the forest moon of Endor… there must be indomitable tree trunk technology in use!

    @woldenspoons Definitely looks like the white acting as a basecoat for the faction. It’ll be interesting to see your work when its done.

    @onlyonepinman Oooo, shiny! Literally. A very nice job on the cockpit. I might need to try that myself sometime.

    @biggabum I’ve looked at those gargantuans and I’m definitely impressed by the sheer size for tabletop games. I am also floored by the fact people play those as well as titans in 40K. I second your thought on the subassembly idea. it might give you some leeway in getting to details.

    @mage Getting yourself into gear for a new year. Good on you.


    Cult of Games Member

    @woldenspoons always rather like the retribution figures, but I let mine go last year (had too many factions for Warmahordes), looking forward to seeing how yours come out.

    @horati0nosebl0wer – I am thinking lots of very thick tree trunks at the ground level, not sure whether I will get as far as the walkways, might be cool to do so.  It will need an Imperial bunker as well.

    I got some better pictures last night, yes they are with my Phone.



    Cult of Games Member

    @jodain lovely work! And thanks for the shot of the Legion table too – looked like it would have been great fun.

    @horati0nosebl0wer keen to see what you can do with all that resin you have been accumulating 🙂

    @mage prep work for later is always a sound strategy. Keen to see the goblin throne when you get it to completion.

    @onlyonepinman inspired solution to paint the cockpit inside out to get around the scaling issue. Looks like it fits right in now scale-wise.

    Hobby for me this weekend has mainly been painting Bret horses and messing about with speedpaints on siege equipment. Keen to get the block of Brets done so I can move on to working on some more creative bits and pieces.




    @evilstu I’m a sucker for boats. They look good (as does everything obviously).

    @jodain cheers dude. I think nobody here plays it now, 3rd edition killed it somehow. I’ve not even played 3rd.

    As for painting them I have recently realised that at this point of my life my painting skills are light years ahead of anywhere they have been for however many decades I have been painting. Pretty much all owed to the GeeDubya employee who finally taught me how to do things properly and finally learning new skills to add to that. I guess I have a solid foundation of figure painting theory that I never had before. It’s a strange thing. I’m always trying new techniques and hell I’ve painted my last two armies in very different whites.  Oh the staff member being Saint Duncan Rhodes (through Warhammer tv). It also helps that the washes are here and they make us all better painters haha.

    Oh and @jodain if you are taking pictures from your phone and it is relevantly new it should have an ‘apperture’ setting. That will improve the photo quality no end and we can enjoy your work even better.



    Today’s hobby has mostly been about recycling, taking this lot:

    2019-01-06 09.45.53

    turning it into this:

    2019-01-06 10.13.02

    before scrubbing up into this:

    2019-01-06 12.34.45

    Overall? I’m happy  with those results. The Ven Dread could probably do with another go around to loosen up the paint in the nooks and crannies, but generally I’d be happy working with any of these minis in this condition….




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