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Bolt Action Desert War Bootcamp

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This topic contains 583 replies, has 43 voices, and was last updated by  buggeroff 6 years, 1 month ago.

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    for those wondering about accommodation, the last time I was speaking to Lloyd and Warren about this they felt they would probably have to let people sort their own venue. The Breezemount was great because it was a small local business that they could take over off season and get good (actually fantastic rates) to keep the cost down. But the reality is it’s probably not going to be feasible to do an all in one package anymore.

    Anyone who has been to a bootcamp before knows that the ticket price covered the toys you got by itself, which meant you were getting the room in the Breezemount for free. I imagine when they announce the tickets there will be a slight reduction in price but the downside will be sorting your own stay.

    Air BnB on stand by, failing that Premier Inn and the Lodge are both within stumbling distance


    Cult of Games Member

    Funny enough been looking at list on hotels .com for likely places, biggest  problem for many with organising ourselves would be going as singles, doubles room prices, we’d need to pair up to get best deals.


    Cult of Games Member

    Just had a look , Lodge according to fully booked for period……I wonder?


    Cult of Games Member

    Been having a thunk about this, and sorting out accom, works well for those living locally as they no longer have that extra cost.

    Problem for rest of us, is your going to need to book hotel before you can commit to the weekend, with the possiblilty of the actual tickets going by the time you have sorted the former.Luckily most have the option of easy cancellation but it can raise price by around £5 for that option, often the best deals are no free canc!

    The reversed of this is if no accommodation avail the no’s will drop

    Did notice on a couple of sites the cheapest options may have already gone for that date.



    Cult of Games Member

    @bobcockayne I think the best bet looks like AirBnB, we are hoping to book for 3 of us and I am finding loads of places in Coleraine for around the £80 a night mark


    Cult of Games Member

    I don’t drive which would rule out a lot of options looking at a lot of the locations.


    Cult of Games Member

    I will be renting a car so you can come with us if you like we could get a place for 4 just as easy as for 3


    Cult of Games Member

    That may be best option thanks, we’ll know more when they put up tickets.

    Was planning travelling up on Thurs and going back on Monday



    Cult of Games Member

    I haven’t painted any of my Perry minis yet. I could just sell them and go to the boot camp?

    Difficult to justify the expense when I already have fair collection of Bolt Action minis.

    The travel and accommodation was never going to be as easy or as cost effective as before, so would just have to take that on the chin regardless.

    But I do love a boot camp.

    decisions, decisions…



    it’s one of those things, not having accommodation may be slightly cheaper, but lets face it locally ( and by that I mean Ireland as a whole) is me, and at that I still get go for the hotel so I can drink. the price will go up but that is unfortunately the way of things


    Cult of Games Member

    I think the last weekend in September is the end of ‘high season’ when it comes to bnb and hotel pricing


    Cult of Games Member

    @gerry can’t you just use your cryo chamber that you use for weekenders and beating Justin for ‘lets plays’.


    Cult of Games Member

    The one advantage is as most hotels dont draw the funding till you check in you can spread the cost a bit!



    I wouldn’t mind sleeping in a tent if need be but I wouldn’t want to miss this. If push comes to shove I just won’t sleep at all.. ?

    I hope I’ll get a ticket ?


    Cult of Games Member

    Up for this hope to see all the great mates i and helena made at the last couple of bootcamps.


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